For many long years Brother Timo Martin has fought in the army of the Lord and now his battle came to a peaceful end on February 21, 2023.
Brother Timo was born in Finland, on September 28, 1931. His parents Aksel and Enna, were both in the SDA Reform church. His mother was a missionary, previously in the SDA church and at the time of Timo’s birth, she was a missionary in the Reform church. His missionary spirit from his mother was passed on to Brother Timo at a young age. When he was but four years old, he went canvassing in the neighbourhood and sold his first paper. He was only six years old when his aunt explained the truth of the Reformation to him, he then decided to become a Christian. At the age of 15 he was baptized into the SDA Reform Church. He began preaching at the age of 16, and preached his last sermon just a few short weeks ago.
At the age of 19 he immigrated to Canada where he started his own business and raised a family and continued with missionary work. Many evenings he went to give Bible Studies after his work day and then Friday nights were spent in sermon preparation for Sabbath morning. His missionary spirit remained with him until his final breath.
After his retirement, he bought a home in the country and spent his retirement years gardening, making maple syrup, feeding the local birds and squirrels, cutting trees and chopping wood for the winter. He also spent many hours in the study of the word of God and in the books of the Spirit of Prophecy. His was a life of constant activity.
Brother Timo was healthy and remained in his home, taking care of himself until his last day. He was a spiritual father and friend to many people around the world. He encouraged and studied with many, inspiring them to give their hearts to the Lord and to join the army of God. I pray that we all can be faithful so that we can see our dear Brother Timo once again when we meet Jesus in heaven.