I have known since I was a barefooted young girl playing school in my home in Italy that I had an inclination for teaching.  As a child I often put a row of chairs in my room, positioned myself in front of my imaginary students and welcomed them to the lesson with little Miss Di Franca.

During my high school years, I started working with disabled children during my holidays. Interacting with these children gave me so much fulfillment and also the affirmation that this was my calling in life. I therefore decided to study social work after my graduation in 2006.

When I finished High School I applied for the appropriate program at the University of Applied Sciences in Nuremberg, Germany. It was not easy to get into this program because the number of students who can be admitted was limited, so I waited anxiously for the answer and prayed for God’s guidance. Finally I received the letter with the desired communication—I had been accepted into the Bachelor’s program. I was looking forward to starting university in October of the same year. However, God had a different plan for my life. Looking through the schedule of classes, I noticed that many of the required lectures and courses were on weekends. That was out of the question for me because Sabbath is the Lord’s day of rest and it is a day which I want to dedicate to God only. I struggled with my tears and felt disappointment. Had it not been God who helped me get accepted into this program? Was it not His will for me to work with children and young people? Back then I did not understand why God hindered my plans, but I still wanted to trust His word. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the LORD.” Isaiah 55:8

During one of those days, my father gently put his hand on my shoulder and reminded me: “What about becoming a language teacher? Do you not remember your childhood dream?” So I ended up cancelling my enrollment and registering for a Bachelor’s and Master’s program for teaching on the same day.

Several years have gone by since that moment; in the meantime I have been working as a full-time teacher in several middle and high schools in Southern Germany. I used to think teaching was a job, then I thought it was a profession, but now I think it is my calling, my passion and my mission. As a Christian teacher, I want to do more than just inspire my students to love academics. I also want to make a real and lasting impact in their hearts and lives. I strive to help them grow in character and wisdom and I experience the greatest joy when I see Christ work directly in their hearts. I am convinced that He is big enough to do something through me and work in my classroom despite the fact that some schools do not want Him there. It is my constant prayer that God works in my students’ lives. He also reminds me that every day is a day of learning for students and teachers alike.

Finally, I would like to thank my father who has always believed in me and inspired me to become a teacher by his own example. At the same time I praise my heavenly Father for calling me into this mission.

Manuela Di Franca

“If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well.” Romans 12:7. (New Living Translation)