Tears upon their Faces
Not long ago when my fellow church member, newly baptized, fell away from the church, it was an awful experience for us. This young man had known Christ, and professed Jesus to be his personal Redeemer. He had sincerely decided to follow Jesus.
Occasionally he gave testimonies of how the Lord had rescued him from worldly pleasures. He had given up attending nighttime dance parties, and promised to go forward, never turning back. I, as the youth leader, along with others, encouraged him to take hold of the truth found only in the Scriptures as the infallible instructor in his Christian life. I remember the time that he testified, saying, “This is truly the church of God. In it I have pleasure to praise Him. The remnant church of God, is the International Missionary Society of S.D.A. Reform. While remaining in this church, I will not turn off the narrow path. His testimony was similar to John the Baptist when he said, “And I have seen, and have borne witness that this is the son of God John.” 1:34.
The sad part is that my friend never lived according to his commitment. He could not endure like John the Baptist. Had he remembered the words of Jesus, “But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved,” (Matt 24:13) he would not have given up hope.
This experience is bitter. I pray that those who have not gone back on their promises not to attempt it and those who have already slid from the pathway to remember that it is not too late for them. This is the gateway to heaven. Jesus is waiting for you to make an immediate and important decision. This could be your last decision and if you make the right one it will save you for eternity. I believe that my friend is not happy wherever he is right now. The Holy Spirit and the angels of God still are pleading in his heart to return to the gateway.
When he did come to the church, most of the opposition he faced was from his former closest friends. They succeeded in persuading him to abandon the church because they said it is unattractive and unpopular. After awhile, for two or three Sabbaths he never turned up, so we took the responsibility of visiting him. He felt good and encouraged by our visit. We prayed with him and left him hoping to see him the next Sabbath. Three days afterwards it was said that he was seen in an area considered forbidden grounds for church members. A place where any Christian, if found, his Christianity would be questioned.
But, we read from the Spirit of Prophecy that Satan makes special efforts to lead the youth to find happiness in worldly amusements and then to justify themselves by endeavoring to show them that these amusement are harmless, innocent and even important for health.
Later I saw the boy playing football in a field, cheered on by a big crowd of spectators. Upon seeing him, my heart sank with disappointment!, Why was I disappointed? Because he had known the truth that the people of Sodom partook of the same pleasures and luxuries. Idleness made them a prey to Satan’s temptations, and they became more satanic than divine. “Idleness is the greatest curse that can fall upon man, for vice and crime follow in its train. It enfeebles the mind, perverts the understanding, and debases the soul. Satan lies in ambush, ready to destroy those who are unguarded, whose leisure gives him opportunity to insinuate himself under some attractive disguise.” PP 156. And so this is one way that Satan occupies the time of idle people – with sports – until one day “suddenly and unexpectedly as would be a thunder peal from an unclosed sky,” as in the destruction of Sodom” the tempest broke. The Lord rained brimstone and fire out of heaven upon the cities and fruitful plain; its palaces and temples, costly dwellings, gardens and vineyards, and the gay, pleasure-seeking throngs that only the night before had insulted the messengers of heaven–all were consumed.” PP 162
Recalling the vows he had made before God, I could not believe my eyes. We had learned in the Spirit of Prophecy that the enemy of souls will employ sports, music, festivals—– in these last days to divert the minds of men from seeking him until probation is closed. In these people there was still the love of the world and the things in the world.
How many church elders, as the shepherd of His flock, get disappointed when one of the sheep strays? Not for reasons of ignorance but because the love of the world is greater than love towards God. God tells the shepherds not to give up hope for their good work will follow after them.
Satan has ever presented the path of holiness as difficult while the paths of worldly pleasures are strewn with flowers. Sometimes my friends laugh at reformers, wondering why they do not eat and dress according to the current fashion. Why we do not attend parties of pleasures, dance to get happiness, travel on Sabbath or study in university? They wonder, and even sympathize with us, that most likely we are misguided.
But we know that there will come a day that all of us who have put aside the passing pleasures of this world will rejoice from eternity to eternity. For them, their hope does not go beyond the cross of Calvary.
They see no life after death and they know nothing about a resurrection. The Kingdom of God that will reign forever and ever on earth and His righteousness is an old and strange story for them. We pray that their eyes of understanding may be opened. This is our responsibility. Let us pray like Elisha who prayed for his ignorant servant and said “Lord I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw” 2 Kings 6:17
We have a responsibility before us lest we forget that the plain teachings taught us will be met by us in the judgment. Some have counted worldly pleasures as gain instead of counting “all things but loss for the Excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord.” Philippians 3:8. Satan tells the youth that they may fully enjoy the pleasures of the world without losing eternity.
But, my fellow youth, this is not true. The pleasures of earth will have an end. That which you sow you must also reap.
“All that God could do has been done for the salvation of man, and yet the hearts of the children of men have become hardened. Because of the multiplicity of the blessings with which God has surrounded them, they receive them as common things and forget their gracious Benefactor.” 1T 510. When the theme or our conversation is not the truth, but such topics as the latest fashions, dear brethren and friends, eternal things begin to sound unrealistic and weightless.
God’s angels turn away in sorrow. If our eyes could be opened, we could see tears upon the faces of God’s angels. “I see tears upon the faces of these angels…. Angels of God are in tears as they write in the roll the words and acts of professed Christians…
Sadness is upon their countenances. Behold, they are weeping.” T1 506
“Holiness of heart and life are necessary. All who have taken the name of Christ and have enlisted in His service should be good soldiers of the cross. They should show that they are dead to the world, and that their life is hid with Christ in God.” 1T 507
Our parents also feel disappointed when we stray. Let us not disappoint our parents whose tears flow on our account and their agonizing prayers are wrung from their hearts. Let us not plant thorns in their breast for they may die because of our misconduct.
“What a promise is here made upon condition of obedience! Do you have to cut loose from friends and relatives in deciding to obey the elevated truths of God’s word? Take courage, God has made provision for you, His arms are open to receive you…. He promises to be a Father unto you. Oh, what a relationship this is! It is higher and holier than any earthly tie. If you make the sacrifice, if you have to forsake father, mother, sisters, brothers, wife, and children for Christ’s sake, you will not be friendless.
God adopts you into His family; you become members of the royal household, sons and daughters of the King who rules in the heaven of heavens.” 1T 510.
“Yea doubtless, and I count all things [but] loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them [but] dung, that I may win Christ,” Philippians 3:8.
“I have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known him [that is] from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one. Love not the world, neither the things [that are] in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that [is] in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.” 1 John 2:14-17
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33.
Can you desire a more exalted position than Jesus has promised? Is not this enough? I urge all the youth in the church to take this wonderful message to heart.
“The youth, if right, could sway a mighty influence. Preachers, or laymen advanced in years, cannot have one half the influence upon the young that the youth, devoted to God, can have upon their associates. They ought to feel that a responsibility rests upon them to do all they can to save their fellow mortals, even at a sacrifice of their pleasure and natural desires. Time, and even means, if required, should be consecrated to God. All who profess godliness should feel the danger of those who are out of Christ. Soon their probation will close.” 1T 510.
It should be our responsibility to plead with tender earnestness with our companions to forsake their ways of sin and choose the path of holiness.May our earnest, broken, humble, petitions ascend to Him for wisdom that we may have success in saving not only our own souls, but the souls of others. Then there will be rejoicing in heaven and not tears on the faces of God’s angels.
By Charles Mogunde
See also 1T page 496