Baptism in Suriname

“I want to be baptized” – was the eager petition of Sister Salima on Friday morning January 16th, 2004, a day previous to the baptism. “I want to be baptized tomorrow” – she repeated with an unshakable will. There was, up until then only one candidate

but when Sister Bebe Roshnee Salima Ullah Amanullah heard about the event that was going to take place on Sabbath morning, decided to join Brother Friets Coupain in this important step.

We were very happy to see that in the last moment another soul had decided to make this covenant with the Lord.
At 6:30 AM on Sabbath morning I realized that the 2 vans that had been hired to transport the people to the place of the baptism weren’t going to be enough, and there were unexpectedly 24 people traveling to the place. So in the last moment we had to arrange a third van. Thank God we could fix that and by 7:30 we were leaving from the Mission house to another point where the three vans were going to meet and from then on depart together.

Unfortunately the distances are big here, and because one of the vans had to pick up some people in the north of the city we ended up leaving around 9:00 AM.

The Sabbath school lesson had been planned for 10:00 AM but those 42 km could not be traveled within 2 hours, so we ended up returning 10 minutes before 12 PM.

At the place everything took place very fast. We didn’t have much time for singing.

So as soon as the people had been baptized we returned to Paramaribo.

The whole program was moved and as soon as we arrived we decided to proceed with the lunch which had been prepared for everyone and then do the lesson and consequently the Lord’s Supper.

We had a wonderful time. We had the attendance of 25 people and we felt the Lord’s presence among us.

I pray the Lord may continue bringing more souls to his vineyard.

Gabriel Eduardo Porras, Paramaribo – Suriname