Speak Lord!
1 Samuel 3:7-10
In those days the word of the Lord was rare; there were not many visions. Because of sin ,among God’s people, the word of the Lord was “precious” (yaqar, rare); no “open visions”, that is, one broken open like an alabaster bottle of perfume and the fragrance dispersed.
There was an eerie darkness in the land. Moral decline and lawlessness was everywhere. Israel has passed through 300 years of the rule of Judges; a period of decline, defeat, and shortcomings in a nation attempting to live on its past glories. The root cause of Israel’s decline was that the covenant relationship with the Lord, with its requirement of absolute and loyal obedience to His commands was broken. This led to disintegration in the political, religious, social, and family spheres and to a sharp increase in immorality.
Against this somber background, the enduring character of God stands out more clearly. “He is able to save by few as well as by many (Judg 7: 2-7). The reign of Judges closes with Samuel, the first prophet. When His spirit comes upon a man, such an anointing makes that man invincible! (Judg 3:10; 6:34;11 :29),
There was a great need in the land. A need for the word of God. God chose Samuel by divine grace to be the human instrument through whom the word of God might come; the chosen instrument.
This would then be the close of the reign of the Judges and the beginning of the prophetic ministry and monarchy. Samuel was the spiritual bridge. Samuel was to be the human expression of the voice of God to both Saul and David; King Saul, the man of flesh, and David, the man of faith.
But first, we can see how God’s hand was working in the birth of Samuel. We learn that Hannah (Heb. grace, favour) was one of two wives of a man named Elkanah, a man of wealth and influence who loved and feared the Lord. Although Hannah, a woman of fervent piety and Elkanah’s favorite wife, she had no children, being barren. She was, consequently, unmercifully taunted and mocked by the other wife, Peninnah, who was jealous, proud, and narrow-minded, having many children of her own.(PP 569).
Hannah’s barrenness is symbolic of the spiritual state of Israel at this time. Israel fell into a state of “infertility” and “barrenness”. The priesthood, which God established along the tabernacle and Levitical law had begun to disintegrate and disappear.
There was an eternal conflict between the proud, self-confident heart and the humble spirit that depends on God completely. This was the problem with Israel. The priesthood was failing not because anything was wrong with the priesthood (which represents the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ), but because the people refused to bow before the Lord. They refused to come for cleansing. They refused to turn from idolatry.
There was no mediator, intercessor, between the people and God. Israel reached one of the lowest ebbs in its history; a deplorable state!
At this point we return to Hannah, that woman of deep earnestness and lofty faith, and her unusual offspring. Similar offspring’s of barren women occurred with Sarah, Samson’s mother, Rebekah, Rachel, and Elizabeth. Hannah prayed, communing with God in silence, a scene of worship which in those evil times was rare.
Hannah’s passionate prayer and vow, with her consecration were answered. She received the gift which she had so earnestly entreated. The name, Samuel, “asked of God”, was given to the child as a token of the Lord’s faithfulness in answering Hannah’s earnest prayer. When Samuel was just a small boy, he was brought to the temple and dedicated to God, as Hannah vowed, under the loving care of Eli, the Levite priest. Samuel was not merely looked upon as a child but as an offering unto God! It was here in
Ramah that he would serve as priest, prophet and judge. Samuel was weaned when 3 years old, before he was presented to the Lord, and commissioned when twelve years old, an exception, as normally such a commission from the Most High occurs at 25 years of age.
Samuel became the voice of God for Eli, the priest. Later he became the voice of God to the nation, especially to the two kings, Saul and David. He “makes” kings, and “breaks” kings!
The Lord had called Samuel as a child in the temple while with Eli. The Lord spoke to him; He called him, “Samuel! Samuel! There was no open vision, no prophesies or divine revelation, and for this reason Samuel did not understand when the Lord called. The Lord called Samuel again, Samuel! Samuel, three times! Still Samuel did not understand because he did not know the Lord. Eli perceived that the Lord called Samuel and told him to return, lie down and when He called again to answer, “Speak Lord, for thy servant heareth”. When the Lord called again, Samuel answered, “Speak Lord, for thy servant heareth”. (1 Sam 3:8,9.)
The Lord never speaks to us in a startling, alarming way, but in strange ways, that are easy for us to misunderstand, and we say, “I wonder if that is God’s voice?” Isaiah said that the Lord spoke to him with a “strong hand,” that is because of the pressure of circumstances or conditions.
There are many touching references to the beloved voice of God and the voice of Christ in the scriptures. The scriptures are the voice of God speaking to man. They should be read as the voice of God, and received as the voice of God speaking to His children. Regard the scriptures as the voice of God speaking directly to you; speaking to your soul. Then you will find inspiration and divine wisdom.(Fe 183, 133; GT 450; Gal 59; Ml 283; 7T 205)
The conscience – your conscience is the voice of God which is heard in the pressing conflicts of our lives; the conflicts of powerful emotions, feelings, desires – love or hatred – suffering and passions.
When the voice of God is resisted or ignored, the Spirit of God is grieved (5 T 120). Hardening of the heart against the Spirit of God makes it impossible to recognize His voice (DA213), The Pharaoh’s heart was hardened from one degree to another until he perished in the Red Sea. This is for our benefit. Just what took place in the Pharaoh’s heart will take place in every soul that neglects the light and does not walk in its rays. God destroys no one. The sinner destroys himself by his own impenitence. (5 T 120)
What’s the voice of God like? Like a shattering trumpet heard at Mt. Sinai, (PP340); a driving storm and rolling thunder (2 SM 315); a shaking of the powers of heaven(EW 41); a shaking of the heavens and earth(EW 34); the sun, the moon, and the stars, and the earth(EW41); it’s an echo of the 10 commandments (EW 598); and heard at the special resurrection of the righteous dead(EW 285).
The voice of God will be heard coming through open space – in Orion, (where scientists have not been able to probe or enter) (EW 41). The voice of God, like many waters, causes mighty earthquakes (ER272, 285), and delivers God’s people, the saints.
His voice will not be understood by the wicked but supposed by them to be thunder and earthquake, but God’s voice will proclaim the day and hour of Jesus’ coming (ER15,34,41). His voice will make the saints mighty, and terrible as an army, but only after the 1000 years.{ER54).
Then the voice of God will call forth the sleeping saints, clothed with glorious immortality (ER 35). As the saints are about to enter the holy temple, above, He, Jesus Christ, will raise His lovely voice and say, “Only the 144,000 enter this place, and the saints will shout – “Alleluia”(EW19). Again, Jesus will say, “Come my people you have come out of great tribulation and done my will and suffered for me. Come into the supper and I will serve you” (EW19).
How can we discern or distinguish the voice of God in our lives? Well, it requires earnest attention; to recognize, separate, and to know His voice. (3T258). Those whom God calls upon, but wait for more evidence and more favorable opportunities will walk in oppressive darkness; the light will be withdrawn. If the evidence presented one day is rejected, it may never be repeated. There is a class that will not receive the message of reproof, yet Jesus Christ said, “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten.” (Heb 12:6:Rev 3;19). But, they will not receive the message of heaven. They resist His Spirit by not hearing and obeying.
The Voice of God is heard in warnings, in counsels, in reproof. It’s the Lord’s voice and a message of life to His people. If we wait for louder calls we’ll be left in utter darkness, or for better opportunities, also left in darkness!
The Lord requires us to obey the voice of duty when there are other voices all around us urging us to compromise or to pursue another counsel (5T69). God’s spirit will pass by those who had their day of test and opportunity, but have not distinguished the voice of God or appreciated the movement of His Spirit. Then, thousands, one day soon at the eleventh hour, however, will see and accept the truth. “Behold the days come saith the Lord, that the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him that soweth seed; and the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt.” (Amos 9:13). True conversions will happen with a rapidity that will surprise the church.”(LTR45,1890)
Those that are most closely connected with God are the ones who know His voice when He speaks to them. Those who are spiritual will understand spiritual things. (5 T 682)
The voice of God that spoke to Christ at His baptism; spoke to Christ before His betrayal, speaks to every believing soul. (OA 113,746,112-113)
Nothing touches our lives but it is God Himself speaking. Do we discern or recognize His voice, or hand, or only the thing or event that is happening at the time before us?
Brethren, get into the habit of saying “SPEAK LORD”, as Samuel did, and life will become a joy for you! Every time circumstances are pressing you, say, “SPEAK LORD”; then wait and make time to listen.
Chastening by the Lord is more than just a way of discipline. It is meant for me… to get me to the place of saying, “SPEAK LORD, FOR YOUR SERVANT IS LISTENING”.
Do you remember the time when God spoke to you? Did you forget what He said? Was it Luke 11 :13? …”If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? Or, was it 1Thess 5:23?.. “And the Very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of the Lord.”
As we intently and piously listen, our ear becomes sharper, acute, and like Jesus, we shall hear God ALL THE TIME! AMEN