Fast Forward

We all live in the last days of a welladvanced electronic world. Our daily life leads us into the modern global control of the electronic field. In the beginning, this electronic life gives us some kind of happiness, but we are going to go on an incredible journey of risk.

The modern world of high technology could not have come about except for the development of the computer. Different types and sizes of computers find uses throughout society in the storage and handling of data, from secret governmental files to banking transactions to private household accounts.

Data bank services and computer networks make available a great variety of information sources. The same advanced techniques also make possible invasions of privacy and of restricted information sources, but computer crime has become on of the many risks that society must face if it would enjoy the benefits of modern technology.

Twenty years ago, people had to remember only their social security number and maybe a phone number or two. But now using passwords to gain access to computer files and e-mail services at work has become a way of life for many. In fact, it is not uncommon for people to accumulate dozens of passwords, access codes, and personal identification numbers.

One network administrator reportedly maintains 129 active passwords. Some companies are therefore replacing passwordbased systems with fingerprint scanners and other hi-tech security devices. Satan is now pregnant on his presumption of misguiding us into this fast world of modern technology.

In this fast world, the computer lovers are very excited about Bill Gates’ new discoveries of modern weapons of electronic software.

In the past, we used words like potato chips, and fish and chips but the present generation are daily using words like microchips and biochips. So we go a little deeper into this chip world. We now that we all are working for money. Without money we cannot live in this world. Sometimes, people are very crazy and very thirsty for cash. So, this cash will soon disappear and be replaced by electronic money. This money could be first used through smart cards.

These smart cards contain microchips, but soon they can be replaced by microchips implanted under our skin, most likely in our right hand. Isn’t it wonderful? The technology has even been already tested for decades on animals, and is now ready to be applied on human beings.

Why would the international multimillionaires want to do this? Simply to get total control over us. Everyone can see now all the high-tech updates meant to facilitate electronic commerce, with the smart cards, computers and cellular phones. The same multi-millionaires know very well that we would not give up the daily use of cash and accept these biochips to be planted under our skin unless there is a wide financial crisis that will convince the population that the only want not to lose everything is to accept the biochip.

Starting this year, you will see the huge campaign to convince people in America and Canada to accept these smart cards.

Unlike today’s financial cards, the smart card does not need a magnetic strip on the back. Instead, it is equipped with a wiry silicon chip, often displayed at left of centre, but sometimes hidden in the plastic. Traditional magnetic strip cards can only hold one line of type, compared to 500 times more data for the smart cards. And unlike debit cards, smart cards allow retailers to accept payment without requiring authorization from a bank.

In Europe, although the Euro, the new European currency was launched on Jan 1, 1999, Euro coins and bank notes are not scheduled to go into circulation until 2002- three years later. This is done on purpose to give enough time for the Europeans to get hooked on electronic money through smart cards. In their publicity campaign, smart card companies will explain that their cards are more convenient than cash, that you no longer need to bother with change, etc. Beware, this is a trap! Once smart cards become widespread, cash will be eliminated and smart cards will become the only means of exchange… for a short period of time until they are replaced with the ultimate solution – the microchip implanted in the right hand or forehead (right hand means labour and forehead means belief system).

As “smart” as they may look, smart cards can always be stolen, lost or be damaged. So there is no way they can lose it when the microchip will no longer be embedded in a plastic card, but directly placed inside the human body, as it is done now with microchip pet identification systems. Infopet is one of several companies that provides a syringe-gun implantable biochip that is injected under the skin of an animal. The chip can only be read by a scanner, and the code identifying the owner and pet will bring up a file on a computer. The system boasts that it can track over one billion pets by satellites and cellular towers. The biochip for humans will also be implanted through a syringe and be read by a scanner.

Motorola, who produces the microchips for the Mondex smart card, has developed several human implantable biochips. The biochip measures between 5-7 mm in length and .75 mm in width, about the size of a grain of rice. It can contain 34 billion unique sets of individual identification codes, which is more than enough to provide the capability to assign a unique code to every human on the planet today. It was determined that in using three entries of six digits, each inhabitant of the world could be given a distinct international social security number.

This microchip would be utilized in every way in which we are now using plastic credit cards today, and in fact, it would replace them all—health cards, passports, driver’s licenses, national identity cards, etc.

nobody could withdraw money from the bank without it, receive benefits from the government without it, buy or sell anything without it. This chip would also include full data on our family history, address, telephone number, occupation, criminal record, income tax information, health condition and religion. Over 1.5 million dollars was spent studying where to place the chip in the human body, to recharge its battery. Only two suitable and efficient places were found—the forehead, just under the hairline and the back of the right hand (Researchers discovered that heat fluctuations are greater in the right hand than in the left hand for reasons they do not fully understand). When one learns this fact, one cannot help making the connection with this passage of the book of Revelation which is really striking. “And he causes all the small and the great, and the rich and the poor and the free man and the slaves, to be given a mark in their right hand or in their forehead, and he provides that no one should be able to buy or sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Rev. 13:16.

By accepting this microchip, we will lose every freedom and privacy, and be controlled by a heartless central computer at the service of a totalitarian world government. At the same time, this kind of biochip implantation will be a sign of the times of the national Sunday law. Some people are thinking this can be the final test. Sunday worship is the mark of the beast, Papacy’s authority. We will pass “sealings” and the seven plagues in our risky journey.

This is the right time to believe in the living Gca. We should not put our precious trust in international bankers. It is true that we all are facing very heavy financial problems in every country in the last days.

Very soon, all will have made their choice for the “seal of God” or the “mark of the beast”. It is not just a matter of choosing between two days, it is a matter of worship, of loyalty – either to God or to the beast’s power. Now Jesus is pleading His blood for us in the Most Holy place in heaven. Now “the hour of His judgment is come.” Rev. 14:7. Before our probation is closed forever, before every case is decided for life or death, even now He is inviting us to surrender all to Him and have life and peace.

Soon it will be too late. I sincerely believe that you are an honest seeker for truth, otherwise you would never have read this far in seeking to know God’s will.

Many people nowadays are getting a hunger and thirst for the truth. They want the pure truth. Errors from the pulpit do not just fly over their heads any more. May God richly bless you and your family as you continue to study his marvelous words. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

Xavior Chelliah