The Importance of Mental Work

I decided to compile statements from the Spirit of Prophecy together, to show the relevance of mental work for the people of God today. Some brethren mistakenly claimed that physical work is sufficient. This view is not supported by the Spirit of Prophecy. We are asked to use all our faculties, whether they be physical or mental, as the following statements indicate.

The work of saving souls is sacred and ail-important. The humble, efficient worker, who obediently responds to the call of God in this direction, may be sure of receiving divine assistance. To feel so great and holy a responsibility is of itself elevating to the human character. The influence upon one’s own life, as well as upon the lives of others, is incalculable. The highest mental qualities are called into action, and their continued exercise strengthens and purifies mind and heart.

God never intended that strong, independent men of superior intellect should cling to others for support as the ivy clings to the oak. All the difficulties, the backsets, the hardships, and the disappointments which God’s servants will meet in active labor will only strengthen them in the formation of correct characters. Bv putting their own energies of mind to use, the obstacles they meet wilt prove to them positive blessings. They wili gain mental and spiritual muscle to be used upon important occasions with the very best results. They will learn self-reliance and wiii gain confidence in their own experience that God is reailv leading and guiding them. And as they meet peril and have real anguish of spirit they are obliged to meditate and are made to feel the necessity of prayer in their effort to move understandingly and work to advantage in the cause of God; they find that conflict and perplexity call for the exercise of faith and trust in God, and for that firmness which develops power. Necessities are constantly arising for new ways and means to meet emergencies. Faculties are cafSed into use that would He dormant were it not for these pressing necessities in the work of God. This gives a varied experience so that there will be no use for men of one idea and those who are only half developed.

If the physical powers are not taxed equally with the mental, too much strain is brought upon the latter. Unless every part of the human machinery performs its allotted tasks, the mental powers cannot be used to their highest capability for any length of time.

Education comprehends far more than many suppose. Mind and body must both receive attention: and unless our youth are versed in the science of how to care for the body as weii as the mind, they will not be successful students. It is essential that students exercise their physical powers in such a way that their physical strength shall not be disproportionate to their mental development, and therefore a judicious system of physical culture should be combined with school discipline, that there may be a harmonious development of ail the powers of mind and body.

True education, when the mind is under the controls ing influence of the Holy Spirit, is of great imiXMtarace. and each individual should
learn to rightly appreciate the capabilities that God has given; and by the practice of the knowledge he gains, he may, by the influence of his own character, impress upon others the value of obtaining a training for the service of Christ, and lead them to follow his example… God would have us arouse from our indifference, and no longer aliow the intellectual powers to run to waste, and degenerate into imbecility. Men are to appreciate the talents entrusted to them, and take advantage of the opportunities placed within their reach. Let the mental powers be girded for work, and by vigorous exertion let the mind be enlarged and developed.

AH the faculties of mind and body need to be developed; and this is the work which parents, aided by the teacher, are to do for the children and youth placed under their care.

“God would not have us, in any sense, behind in the educational work, and our colleges should be far in advance in the highest kind of education.” “The youth should be taaqfit the importance of cultivating their physical, mental, and moral powers, that they may not only reach the highest attainment in science, but, through a knowledge of God, may be educated to glorify him: that they may develop symmetrical characters, and thus be fully prepared for usefulness in this world, and obtain a moral fitness for immortal life.”

“Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily.” Why this assurance regarding the health? Health is given because you learn to use your muscles as well as your brain powers. J? is very important that we tax our physical and mental powers equally. According to their opportunities they are to work out faithfully the problems that God presents to them. When we do the work that God requires of us, the blessings He has promised will attend us.

Compiled by Radek Dobias