Missionary Report – South and North Kisii, Kenya Youth Convention
Our youth convention started on November 22nd, 1999 and ended on the 28* of November. Most of the brethren and sisters, especially the young generation, were eagerly yearning for this convention. Brothers Simeon Nyarongi Ongaga, and David Nyabuto were the guest speakers.
We started our convention on Tuesday, where we heard a word of prayer from Bro. Simeon – the host speaker. We started our convention with the question, “Why do people marry?” We received several answers from our brothers and sisters but the most important reasons we received and discussed are as follows:
1. It is God who ordained that a man should leave his parents and unite with his wife and the two are one body.
2. Ecclesiastes4:9-12. Two are better than one. If one falls, the other one can lift him up. If one falls into temptation the other person can help him rise up. Therefore it is God who ordained that the work of two is of more reward than that of one person. Thus, two are better than one.
3. Marriage is important for procreation. We ourselves, for instance, are from the generation of our first parents. (Adam and Eve). Thus, marriage promotes procreation.
4. I Cor. 7:7, “For I would that all men were even as I myself. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner and another after that.” From the context we found that gifts are exchanged in marriage. Thus a good (prudent) wife is a gift from the Lord.
5. To avoid burning. From 1 Cor. 7:8, 9 “I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, it is good for them if they abide even as I. But if they cannot contain, let them marry for it is better to marry than to burn. Therefore it is good to marry than to burn of lusts and passions.
6. To get a successor (succession). For example, Abraham wanted somebody to inherit his property.
Those are some of the points that we studied. We also studied the four kinds of love which include, Filial, Eros, Erotic, Storch and ‘Agape’ – true love from God. Lastly we discussed about courtship and marriage.
On Sabbath November 28th, we gathered together. The divine service was conducted by Bro. Simeon Nyarongi, the Union Conference youth leader. Br. Cosmas Arandi, the field leader, was also very thankful and said that the convocation was a blessing to the young. The number of people who attended on Sabbath was around four hundred people.
Dear brethren, the harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few, pray therefore for the Lord of the harvest to send his labourers to especially Africa where the present truth first arrived in 1887. May God bless you abundantly. AMEN