Is Jesus Really Comming Soon?
This question is on everyone’s mind. People all over the earth are waiting for this glorious day, when the sky opens and the bright glory of the Son of God appears, with His legions of angels. When will this happen? When will this great appearance happen? Is Jesus really coming “soon”?
As you see there are two quotation marks around the word “soon”. You wonder why? Let us look in the Bible at Revelation 1:3.
“Blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.”
For we don’t see the word soon but we see “for the time is at hand”. What time is at hand? Jesus’ second coming is at hand, but for the people in the 1600’s, 1800’s etc. was His coming soon or far? For example, Br. Ed Unger, Sr. Pansy Adams, Br. Kurt Dering, Br. Wilibald Grun etc. They all have died faithfully, but while they were in the church they also heard that Jesus was coming soon. God wants us to prepare for His coming because we never know when we’re going to die. So, when God tell us He is coming soon, it is given to us as a warning for us to get ready. God isn’t trying to trick us with words, but for us to live without sin and have everlasting life.
May these words I have written be an encouragement and enlightenment to all who are waiting for the Lord’s wonderful appearing. May many blessings come upon you till the coming of Jesus Christ. AMEN