Earthquake – Part 2

An earthquake is only a trigger. It can lead to exploding tanks of oil, chemicals, toxic clouds, fire, emissions from nuclear waste storage, buckling roads, collapsing tunnels, derailing trains, shattering windows, falling objects inside and outside, and devastating tidal waves hitting the coasts later. As if that is not enough, former prime minister Sherardnadze, of Russia, announced in a newsletter that a secret Russian army laboratory is involved in making underground nuclear explosions to set off earthquakes for military purposes, located at Eshra near Sukhumi. (Harry Schultze Ltr 548 July-Aug 1993)

British geologists say, while three major quakes (Turkey, Greece Taiwan) in just over one month may seem like a lot, the world is hit by 18 earthquakes measuring 7.0 or greater every year on average, according to the geological center. Seismological experts have a theory for forecasting quakes in “seismic-gaps”–gaps at the boundaries between jostling crustal plates where violent tremors are overdue. The Athens quake was another record of the terrifying bounce and roll of the ground in a mighty temblor -vital, they say, for understanding the genesis and timing of great quakes. Although cities on unfirm ground risk destruction, a metropolis such as Athens is contrarily built on “quake-proof rock (or is it?).

Greece and Turkey ride on the boundary of the African and Eurasian plates. These and some ten other great crustal slabs pave the planet with an ever-moving mosaic. The plates constantly interact at their boundaries—bumping, grinding, and pulling apart, plunging one beneath the other. These jostlings, according to the scientists, breed most of the world’s earthquakes. Greece, Turkey and Taiwan’s seismic history finds explanation in the widely accepted theory known as plate tectonics. Interestingly, one geophysicist states that, “It is only in recent years that earthquake prediction parted company with seers and astrologers.” This may be true in part, however as astrology is still widely practiced today much as in the early Biblical times.

The scriptures are clear, on the other hand, in their warnings against dependence on astrologers and other practitioners of divination. Isaiah 47:13 speaks specifically against astrologers (“those who divide the heavens”). Other warnings are in Is. 14:12; 65:11; 2 Kings 17:16.

However, again, sincere Christians and children of God cannot ignore the extraordinarily interesting prophetic signs in nature and the media.

Scientists are still energetically, but vainly, trying to decipher the earth’s language. Bruce Bolt, chairman of the California Seismic Safety Commission, reckons that in the past 500 years three million people have died in major quakes. Bolt says further, “But we can never rely solely on forecasts to save lives but prepare accordingly and have a better chance to hold down the earthquake ‘demon'”.

The fundamental questions remain elusive: Where? How big? And most important, When? What causes earthquakes? Quake-watching experts are still in the dark. From China and Russia, to Japan and the United States, scientists are examining satellite pictures, cloud formations and even the psychology of rabbits and chickens in the hunt for a reliable link to earthquakes.

God wants men who appreciate the privilege of being laborers together with Him, men who will honor Him by rendering implicit obedience to His requirements regardless of previously inculcated theories. (CT 440)

There are 19 ominous references to earthquakes in the Bible. (Strong’s Cone. Pg. 392) Hence the inhabitants of the early Biblical lands, particularly the Holy Lands, the Jordan Valley, the Red Sea and the Dead Sea, and generally the Arabian peninsula region have been familiar with the earth violently shaking (Ps. 68:8; Isa. 13:13; Hag. 2:6) with even the mountains which were regarded as symbols of permanence being affected (Ps. 46:3). The earthquakes during the twenty-seventh year of the reign of King Uzziah, King of Judah, in Canaan, must have been severe. (Amos 1:1; Zech. 14:5) While the most prominent earthquakes were at the time of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ and had marked effects, (Matt. 27:54; 28:2) earthquakes also figure prominently in indications of the prophetic nature of things to be. (Matt. 24:7. Mark 13:8; Luke 21: 11; Acts 8:5; Rev. 6:12; 11:13; 16:18)

As the redeemed children of God look forward to Christ’s appearing as the hope of the church today, we are to now, seriously look at apocalyptic prophecy which is quickly being fulfilled and inspiring many to hunger after Christ. Prophecy not only foretells the manner and object of Christ’s coming, but presents tokens by which men are to know when it is near, Jesus said, “There shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon and in the stars.” (Luke 21:25)

The revelator thus describes the first of the signs to precede the second advent: “There was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood.” (Rev. 6:12) This represents the opening of the sixth seal, of seven seals taken by Christ in His Kingly character, depicting the history of the church from 1755 to the second coming of Jesus Christ, an age of anarchy and destruction. (Matt 24:7)

In fulfillment of this prophecy there occurred on Nov. 1, 1755 at 9:30 a.m., the most terrible earthquake that has ever been recorded in historic times. Through commonly known as the earthquake of Lisbon (Portugal) it extended to the greater part of Europe, Africa and America, pervading an extent of not less than four million square miles. At Lisbon in the course of about six minutes, 60,000 people perished in the principal shock, including those who perished by drowning and in the fire that burned for six days following the shock, for an estimated total of 90,000 deaths on that fatal day. Some of the largest mountains in Portugal were impetuously shaken from their very foundations, and some opened at their summits and split and rent, huge masses of them being thrown down into the valley. The earthquake happened on a holy day, Nov. 1, being All Saints Day, when the churches and convents were full of people, very few of whom escaped…

The terror of the people was beyond description. They ran hither and thither, delirious with horror and astonishment, crying, “Misericordia! The world’s at an end!” Unfortunately, many ran to the churches for protection; but in vain did the poor creatures embrace the altars, images and priests, and people were buried in one common ruin. (GC 304 “For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?” (1 Pet. 4:17)

The Athens earthquake experience and witness has penetratingly and painfully disclosed its dreadful consequences, as most assuredly, “greater calamitous quakes are yet to be felt.” (PP 110) “And there were voices and thunders and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great: And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.” (Rev. 16: 18,20,21)

“Prayerfully, at this time, the people of God need to turn their hearts fully to Him; for the end of all things is at hand. They need to humble their minds, and to be attentive to the will of the Lord, working with earnest desire to do that which God has shown must be done to warn the cities of their impending doom”. (Review and Herald, Jan 25, 1912)

Disasters by sea and by land follow one another in quick succession. How frequently we hear of earthquakes and tornadoes, of destruction by fire and flood, with great loss of life and property?! Apparently these calamities are capricious outbreaks of disorganized, unregulated forces of nature, wholly beyond the control of man; but in them all, God’s purpose may be read. They are among the agencies by which He seeks to arouse men and women to a sense of their danger.” (PK277)

If there has been a certain apocalyptic feeling to the state of recent earthquake activity worldwide, it may feel that way sometimes to the earth sciences community as well, but unfortunately earth scientists don’t see recent worldwide activity as a biblical harbinger or forerunner of coming warning events. They, nevertheless, have to deal with the scientific and media response to six significant earthquakes- in Taiwan, two in Mexico, two in Turkey, California and Greece—in so close succession. They coyly say with bare excuses that “the world is not coming to an end, as the Earth has been around for a few billion years.” What a falsehood! Based on signs, however, and with biblical prophecy as our foundation, conditions and earthquakes will only continue to worsen. (Matt. 24) All major cities of the world are vulnerable to earthquakes now of 7.0 or more. That includes Ankara, Athens, Los Angeles, Seattle, and Anchorage, Alaska in the United States as well as cities in all of Japan and the west cost of South America. Japan, for example, is built on sand. Like the Californians, they are waiting for the “Big One”. (Rev. 16:18)

By Biblical standards, the world most certainly deserves judgment-perversion runs amok, child abuse is common, violence, greed and avarice are the passwords to success, and morals have rotted. Like sheep going to slaughter the world cannot smell the death that awaits them; not only physical death perhaps, but the death of a way of life that built the world to its greatest level of achievement technologically. But this high level of technology has destroyed the canons of morality. Throughout history, all great civilizations have decayed in their own sins. At the peak of their strength they believed that they were unconquerable, but as Proverbs 29:18 reads, “Where there is no vision, the people perish”. Hence, God’s restraining power will be…removed…so that…circumstances will arise which will punish sin with sin. (PP 728).

These judgments are sent that those who lightly regard God’s law and trample upon His authority may be led to tremble before His power and to confess His just sovereignty…As men have beheld burning mountains pouring forth fire and flames and torrents of melted ore, drying up rivers, overwhelming populous cities, and everywhere spreading ruin and desolation, the stoutest heart has been filled with terror and infidels and blasphemers have been constrained to acknowledge the infinite power of God. (PP 109)

God’s fourth commandment has been deplorably breached, as the Psalmist writes in Psalm 60:2, “You have made the earth tremble; You have broken it’ Heal its breaches, for it is shaking.” Isaiah, furthermore, implores the faithful believers, “Those from among you shall build the old waste places; You shall raise up the foundations of many generations.” (Isa. 58:12)

A noble task and work for God’s children for this time of night and afar off into the highways and hedges is to herald the Three Angels Message, the last warning message of the Lord for this earth and mankind. John saw, on the island of Patmos, the elements of nature- earthquake, tempest, and political strife- represented as being held by four angels. These winds are under control until God gives the word to let them go. There is the safety of God’s church. The angels of God do His bidding, holding back the winds of the earth, that the winds should not blow on the earth.

We are living in perilous times. All should lean upon God in their helplessness and daily necessity However, there is a growing lack of reverence for our Maker, a growing disregard for His greatness and majesty. But, God is speaking to us in these last days. We hear His voice in the storm, in the rolling thunder. We hear of the calamities He permits in the earthquakes, the breaking forth of waters, and the destructive elements sweeping all before them.

When the still small voice which succeeds the whirlwind and the tempest that moves the rocks out of position, is heard, let all cover their face, for God is very near. Let them hide themselves in Jesus Christ, for His is their hiding place. (2SM 315 – 316)

From Hebrews 12:25-27; Joel 3:16; Jer. 25:30-33; Rev. 16:17, we learn that it is the voice of God, as He speaks in terrible majesty from His throne in heaven, that causes this fearful commotion in earth and sky. Once the Lord spoke with an audible voice, when He gave His eternal law from Sinai. At that time the earth shook. He is to speak again, and not only the earth will shake, but the heavens also.

“Then will the earth “reel to and fro like a drunkard,” It will be “dissolved” and utterly “broken down.” Mountains will move from their firm bases. Islands will suddenly change their location in the midst of the sea. From the level plain will arise the precipitous mountain. Rocks will thrust up their ragged forms from earth’s broken surface. While the voice of God is reverberating through the earth, the direst confusion will reign over the face of nature. The earth shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall and not arise again.” (Is. 24: 19, 20); (Dan. & Rev. 449) Satan had worked the ruin of our first parents, and brought sin and death into the world, and had led to ruin multitudes of all ages, countries and classes. He had, by his power, controlled cities and nations until their sin provoked the wrath of God to destroy them by fire, water, earthquakes, sword, famine and pestilence. (ISM 269)

God will not always be mocked; He will not long be trifled with. “Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and He shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.” (Is. 13:9)

Continued next issue…

By: Br. John Theodorou Athens, Greece