Could it be possible that the precious souls I am looking for in far distant lands are to be found near me? I wonder where the best place to work for Jesus is? We have studied during this month a wonderful message. The field, in this dream, is the world; and the berries are the people we should find and bring to Christ. Sister White had a dream in which the Lord showed her the importance of paying attention to those around us. Just like in that dream some people run far away thinking they will find precious souls when they run faster than others, while there are precious ones to be found in their houses, neighbourhoods, among school mates or work mates. There are some people who think that amusement or entertainment is part of this work and they view it as of less importance to search for the lost. In other words, some people in this dream are acting in a careless way with the things which are so valuable in God’s sight. The good news is that there is a group of people, a special group, who put all their efforts into searching for the lost. They act with love, patience and long suffering. They bear with lost souls until these souls personally get to know Jesus and receive Him as their personal Saviour.
What is the lesson I can personally take and apply to my life and to my local church from the reading? The best way to answer this question is to read the Bible and see if there is a similar teaching that Christ gave in His time to His listeners that can apply to our time. Jesus spoke a parable about a lost coin in Luke chapter 15. In this parable, the silver coin, like the Roman denarius, was equivalent to a day’s wage. The home of the poorer class of society was usually small, with dirt floors and few windows. Finding a lost coin in a dark and dusty place would not be easy work at all; and something interesting we notice also is that the coin was lost in the house. From this parable there is a lesson for us both as individuals and as a church. This lesson is that we have a work to do, and this work is not easy; but in the end it will be greatly rewarded if we do it faithfully. Start this work in your own house. Look around you and see if there is one soul who does not know Jesus and the salvation provided, and bring him or her to Jesus’ feet. This is the only place where someone can find true peace.
The signs of the time are fast fulfilling and the crisis is just before us. What are we doing? In Matthew 24, Jesus gave us a description of the events that will take place just prior to His second coming when each inhabitant of the earth will be greatly tested. None of us will be excluded from that crisis which is called “the crisis of the ages”. Satan and his confederacy are now working with all their power, knowing that their time is almost finished. Very soon God’s grace and mercy will be over and the probationary time will be closed—it will be a time in which no one will be able to repent of their sins. The destiny of every single person in the world will be settled forever, for life eternal or for eternal death. Revelation 22:11 makes this statement very clear. We are standing upon the threshold of great and solemn events with prophecies fulfilling. The only way we can make sure we will not be deceived by the enemy is to be anchored in Christ and give attention to His word, the Bible, and writings of the Spirit of Prophecy. God loves us very much and longs for the day in which you and I, through the merits of Jesus, can live eternally. Why does God allow calamities to come upon this world? It is because this world is not our home. This world became the battlefield of Satan and his confederacy against the children of God.
For the sake of those who love and long for the coming of their Saviour, God is love and love is the answer to the rebellion. The destiny of each person will be settled for ever. God respects the choice people make while they are alive, whether they choose life or death. When God created man and woman in His likeness He created them with a free will. They can choose to love and obey their Creator. If we love Jesus and obey Him, doing His will, then we are preparing ourselves for eternity. As we see the spiritual condition of many professed Christians in the world today and how Satan has blinded their eyes, there remains one thing for us to do. We need to pray, asking the Lord to wake us up from our spiritual sleep which leads to death. We must pray that we see ourselves as He sees us, and repent of our sins and then do the work diligently that He has entrusted to us.
Through diligent Bible study, one can be found faithful while waiting for the return of Jesus. The message of the historical, prophetical and Apocalyptic Elijah should be our message today in order to prepare the way for the Messiah’s second coming. The apostasy prevailing today is similar to what it was in Ancient Israel in the prophet’s day. A clear message should be given. People should know for themselves what sanctification means in this special time in which we live—the time of the judgement. Our church members should know for themselves what Jesus requires from them according to the knowledge and privileges they have been given. They should know for themselves what it means to serve God with all heart, mind, and soul.
In closing, I just want to encourage you to serve the Lord with the talents He has given you and let us stretch out our hands one to another that we might resist the Devil and his temptations; that we may present a united front in the proclamation of the Gospel with its final message—the three angel’s messages in Revelation 14.
My dear youth, brothers and sisters around the world, let us hear the voice of God as His watchmen and give a certain sound to the people in our homes, churches and places of work so that they may know God and fear (or respect) Him because the day of Jesus’ coming is approaching.
May this message be for God’s glory and our salvation, Amen!
Canadian Field Missionary Department