Jesus said in Matthew 15:9, “But in vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”
“In all the affairs of this present life, my fidelity shall be unshaken, for here to lose or to gain is of no consequence to salvation. But when eternal interests are concerned, God wills not that man should submit unto man. For such submission in spiritual matters is a real worship, and ought to be rendered solely to the Creator.” –Martin Luther. D’Aubigné’s History of the Reformation of the 16th Century, book 7, chapter 11
Jesus crucified for me—in another words, Jesus in my place. Why does anyone need to take our place? As much as God loves us, He hates our sin with a holy, burning passion beyond… read more what we can comprehend. The only way God could embrace us was to make someone else pay for our sin, and it couldn’t be just anyone. It had to be someone perfect. It was Jesus. He willingly, lovingly, sacrificially paid for those sins that we chose for ourselves. He suffered and died upon the cross, and God, somehow in His infiniteness, laid all of our sinfulness there upon His Son. There was no other way for God the Father to save humankind from the destruction of sin, except to give up His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die for those who believe in Him. As the Bible says, “for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12
The day of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion was the most monumental event in all of human history. It was the day God poured out all of His hatred for sin upon His Son. In God’s Word we find the sad reality of those who rejected Jesus as they watched Him being crucified, which urges us to make the life-transforming choice to accept Jesus Christ and be forgiven, my friend. The cross of Jesus was placed between two thieves. The two thieves represent all humanity; and all humanity is faced with the choice about this person, Jesus Christ. One thief says, “Aren’t you the Christ? Save yourself and us!” (Luke 23:39). One thief thinks only of himself, only of the here and the now. The other thief thinks of eternity. As one thief is mocking Him, the other thief looks at Him and says, “Lord, remember me when Thou comest into Thy kingdom.” Luke 23:42. Today’s desperate need, both in the church and in the world at large, is not for a greater number of intelligent people or gifted people, but for spiritual people. Spiritual carelessness leads to subtle compromises of character, and eventually to shame and guilt. But take heart. In his spiritual carelessness, ashamed by his inner compromise, the thief found forgiveness and mercy, and assurance of eternal life in Christ. Likewise, throw yourself at the foot of the cross and see yourself anew and hear the gentleness of Jesus giving you forgiveness, new power, and new hope.
Millions assume that Easter, one of the world’s major religious holidays, is found in the Bible. But is it? Have you ever looked into Easter’s origins and customs and compared them with the Bible? What are the real origins of Easter? Easter is one of the most popular religious celebrations in the world. But is it biblical? The name “Easter” never appears in the Greek New Testament. If Easter doesn’t come from the Bible, and wasn’t practiced by the apostles and early Church, where did it come from?
Well, if we go to the annals of history we will notice something very important about the roots of this pagan feast which is called Easter. Although the Bible makes no provision for such observance, at the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D., it was decided that Easter should be celebrated as a memorial of Jesus’ resurrection. It is interesting enough to notice how Satan tries to counterfeit the work of God, inducing millions and millions of Christians to perdition. He did it from the very beginning since evil took a place in his heart, deceiving the third part of the angels in heaven and then Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Down through the centuries he has continued his work of deception, and he will continue to do this work until Jesus comes.
I remember in my childhood how my Mother used to prepare for Easter. She believes in this pagan feast as bringing honour to God, and that there is nothing wrong with that; she says it is in Jesus’ remembrance. As a child, I was taught to fast the week before Easter—what I mean by fasting is abstaining from eating meat, eggs, milk and other animal products. Of course I did it sometimes, not because I believed in those things, but rather out of respect and obedience to my parents. I have never believed in those feasts, or that Ecclesiastical rules can bring you forgiveness or reconciliation to God. I believe there are many sincere souls in those denominations, godly people whom Jesus loves and it is our responsibility to make known to them the present truth as it is found in the Scriptures. Jesus said in John 10:16, “And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they shall hear My voice; and there shall be one fold, and one Shepherd.” In Revelation 14:6–11 we find our mission—God’s last message of grace and mercy towards humanity followed by the message in Revelation 18:4, “Come out of her My people.”
“Every human invention that has been substituted for the commandments of God will be found worthless in that day when ‘God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.’ Ecclesiastes 12:14” –The Desire of Ages, p. 398
I give thanks to the Lord for His wonderful truth revealed to me, for His mercy and goodness He gives me every day, for the possibility of being saved through grace, and only through the grace of Jesus, my Saviour. But here are some questions you and I should consider:
“What are you doing, brethren, in the great work of preparation? Those who are uniting with the world are receiving the worldly mold and preparing for the mark of the beast. Those who are distrustful of self, who are humbling themselves before God and purifying their souls by obeying the truth—these are receiving the heavenly mold and preparing for the seal of God in their foreheads. When the decree goes forth and the stamp is impressed, their character will remain pure and spotless for eternity.
“Now is the time to prepare. The seal of God will never be placed upon the forehead of an impure man or woman. It will never be placed upon the forehead of the ambitious, world-loving man or woman. It will never be placed upon the forehead of men or women of false tongues or deceitful hearts. All who receive the seal must be without spot before God—candidates for heaven.” –Maranatha, p. 240
“When the mind dwells upon self, it is turned away from Christ, the source of strength and life. Hence it is Satan’s constant effort to keep the attention diverted from the Saviour and thus prevent the union and communion of the soul with Christ. The pleasures of the world, life’s cares and perplexities and sorrows, the faults of others, or your own faults and imperfections—to any or all of these he will seek to divert the mind. Do not be misled by his devices. Many who are really conscientious, and who desire to live for God, he too often leads to dwell upon their own faults and weaknesses, and thus by separating them from Christ he hopes to gain the victory.” –Steps to Christ, p. 71
“No repentance is genuine that does not work reformation. The righteousness of Christ is not a cloak to cover unconfessed and unforsaken sin; it is a principle of life that transforms the character and controls the conduct. Holiness is wholeness for God; it is the entire surrender of heart and life to the indwelling of the principles of heaven.” –The Desire of Ages, p. 555
Do you understand the meaning of the cross? Do you believe that Jesus’ death on the cross can make a difference in your life today?
Two thousand years ago, Jesus demonstrated an unselfish love. By His death, He made a second chance possible for you and me. We can decide today to accept Christ’s sacrifice. But there is still a question that should be answered—“Why did He choose to die?” The answer is simply because He loves us so much that He does not want to lose anyone of us; and Jesus wants to make sure that there is sufficient provision for us to overcome, just as He overcame. At the cross we bring our failures, at the cross we bring our problems, and there at the cross we look upon Jesus who was pierced—how in His agony He cried, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:34. Yes, my friend, the cross makes a difference in our lives today, because the Father invites us to look at His beloved Son, pierced for our sins, paying the penalty that you and I deserve. Do you want to surrender completely to Jesus? Do you believe He can restore in your life what was lost by sin? Do you want to meet Jesus?
In the book of Romans 8:33 Paul said, “Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God’s elect?” And the answer is “no one, Lord, no one, because it is God who justifies us.” Satan did everything possible to deceive Jesus but he could not, because Jesus came out as a conqueror; He triumphed because He had a strong connection and relationship with His Father. This allows us to know that we can do the same, if our power and strength come from on high. Christ is not only crucified for you and me, but He is also risen from the dead. This is all about our salvation, because Jesus promises to come again and take us home. I wait eagerly for that day, don’t you, my friend? He is coming, my brother, my sister, very soon.
Remember, the two thieves represent all humanity, and all humanity is faced with the choice about this person, Jesus Christ. One thief says, “Aren’t you the Christ? Save yourself and us!” One thief thinks only of himself, only of the here and the now. The other thief thinks of eternity. As one thief is mocking Him, the other thief looks at Him and says, “‘Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.” According to the choice you make today, your destiny is settled. May God richly bless us and help us to be ready for His soon coming.
Nicholas Anca