Outcast Lepper

“Now a leper came to Him, imploring Him, kneeling down to Him and saying to Him, If You are willing, You can make me clean.” Mark 1:40

Here is the story of an unclean leper, an outcast, seeking mercy from the hand of Jesus. He obtained it! By mercy we mean compassion, sympathy; he not only received this, but was made whole again and restored with dignity to his family, society, and God.

What Is It

Leprosy is defined in: Latin (lepros) – dirty, polluted, profane; Greek (lepros) – a scale; (lepein) – to peel; Hebrew (tzaraath). It is one of the oldest known pathogens to affect mankind. Leprosy may go back as far as 600 B.C. The ancient Greeks and Romans, returning victoriously from Asia, unwittingly brought back the affliction with their plunder.

Leprosy (the polite name is Hansen’s Disease) is produced by a bacterium which affects the nerves primarily, which lead to the skin, eyes, liver, spleen, testes; causing white rashes, ulcers, numbness, peeling away of tissue “disintegration and loss of nails, fingers, toes, wrists, hands, ankles, teeth, hair, ending in blindness, and horrific disfigurement, lastly leading to death.

It is highly contagious, affecting primarily children, and those with no or very low immune systems. It is endemic, covering mostly Africa, Asia, South America, and the South of the U.S.A. Those affected are confined to institutions or colonies.

Leprosy is still a mystery today, and because of increased drug resistant bacterium, is returning at an alarming rate, along with tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and other ancient diseases referred to Biblically as “pestilences” and “plagues” (Matt 24:7; Rev 18:4). “It’s said to be contracted by eating swine flesh” (2SM417), also, through soil, droplets, armadillos, bed bugs, and mosquitoes.


“Away from his friends and his kindred, the leper must bear the curse of his malady. He was obliged to publish his own calamity, to rend his garments, and sound the alarm, warning all to flee from his contaminating presence. The cry, “Unclean! Unclean!” coming in mournful tones from the lonely exile, was a signal heard with fear and abhorrence.” (DA221).

Potent Words

In ancient Israel, leprosy was very common, particularly in the area of Lake Galilee, where Jesus was ministering and healing. It was an incurable, highly contagious, deadly disease and had a horrific effect on the people, creating fear at the mere mention of the word’ leprosy. Much like the sound of the C words” cancer and coronary, today. Fear and stigma continues to be a major challenge for those with Hansen”s disease, despite advances in medical science. Progress sheds little light on the mystique and quiet awe of mankind. The Jews of that time considered leprosy as the “finger of God,” also called “the stroke,” and “God’s judgment” sent on account of sin. (DA262).

It’s The Law!

If anyone was suspected of harboring or manifesting the sign of leprosy, they were, by ritualistic law obligated to go to the temple where the priests examined and pronounced a decision. If leprous, the victim was ostracized, separated from the family, worship, congregation, friends, man and society. Even the air they breathed was considered polluted. If anyone touched a leper, he too, was considered unclean. A leper, therefore, was to join those with a similar fate, living among the boulders, forests, wastelands, barred from the city, or even seeing his family or loved ones, holding hands again, touching, laughing, playing with his children, nieces, nephews, cousins. They were, furthermore, to keep a distance of 12 feet away from any crowds or suffer being stoned to death!

Good News

The outcast leper, however, received news of Jesus Christ, and of His healing of the sick, lame, blind, crippled, and diseased. He was determined to see Jesus. His heart began to respond in faith to the Spirit of Jesus, much like the response of Zacchaeus (Lk19:2) on hearing of the approach of Jesus. What motivated them to respond to this calling” It is that which many arise, and gird themselves to approach Jesus in a time of need” undying hope.

The leper was encouraged now to approach Jesus, and to seek mercy” to seek it aggressively.

However, “he is a loathsome spectacle. The disease has made frightful inroads, and his decaying body is horrible to look upon. At sight of him the people fall back in terror. They crowd upon one another in their eagerness to escape from contact with him. Some try to prevent him from approaching Jesus, but in vain. He neither sees nor hears them. Their expressions of loathing are lost upon Him. He sees only the Son of God. He hears only the voice that speaks life to the dying. Pressing to Jesus, he casts himself at His feet with the cry, “Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean.”(DA222)

The Eyes Have It

What prompted the outcast leper to take such courageous steps to approach Jesus” He neither looked right nor left, pressed on forward, closer and closer to the Saviour, the Healer of all diseases (Psalm 103:1-3). Rejected and condemned summarily by the priests, physicians, Pharisees, Samaritans; incurable, undesirable, repulsive. His desire was to seek Jesus, to seek His mercy, and grace, to be healed and restored again to society and his family. His eyes were fixed on Jesus at all times, braving the angry crowd, ignoring the threats of stoning and death; the rituals and laws for lepers, even the attempts of the disciples to stop him from seeing Jesus. All this was in vain. His goal was fixed.


He waited for the right time, the right place, and spoke the right words. A lesson for us. Jesus seeks the lost, the outcasts, the rejected. He never rejected a patient, or referred a patient out. His cures are certain and final”100% success. When healed, the flakes of skin that peeled away didn’t slowly regenerate themselves into healthy tissue; but, were restored immediately to a healthy glow, much like a baby’s skin, or that of Moses as he descended from Mt. Sinai. His oozing smelly ulcers disappeared, the strength in his muscles was restored again. In Greek, clean also means innocence. He was restored again to his family, dignity, and God. He no longer suffered a “living death.”(DA566).

Keep A Secret

What else” Jesus told him, “See that you say nothing to anyone; but go your way, show yourself to the priest, and offer for your cleansing those things which Moses commanded, as a testimony to them. However, he went out and began to proclaim it freely, and to spread the matter, so that Jesus could no longer openly enter the city, but was outside in deserted places; and they came to Him from every direction.”(Mk 1:44) Those that witnessed the healing of the leper also saw his return from the examining priests with the pronouncement” healed!

Spy Mission

The prejudiced priests, unaware of the miraculous healing of the leper, would do anything through their spies to destroy Jesus. The Lord, however, wanted in fact to reach the priests for Jesus” teaching was to “love your enemies,” and “not evil for evil.” (Matt 5:44; 1 Peter3:9). Furthermore, “They have rewarded Me evil for good, and hatred for My love.”(Ps 109:5).

Indeed, many lepers would now come at the news of the healing, and fear would arise of contaminating the people. Such news, too, would anger the priests who were looking for any opportunity to attack Jesus in His ministry. Crowds would overwhelm Jesus and His disciples at hearing of this spectacular miracle, and hinder His ministry further.


The healed leper, however, began to “proclaim it freely.” It was impossible for him to be silent about the Great Healer. Jesus has warned us, however, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven: a time to keep silence, and a time to speak.”(Eccl 3:1,7) Francis of Assisi said it very wisely, “preach the gospel at all times; if necessary use words.” Let’s remember, “not what Jesus did for me, but what Jesus can do for you,” in our testimonies.

Soul Cleansing

“The work of Christ in cleansing the leper from his terrible disease is an illustration of His work in cleansing the soul from sin. The man who came to Jesus was “full of leprosy.” He who touched a leper became himself unclean. But, Jesus received no defilement. His touch imparted life-giving power. Thus leprosy was cleaned. Thus it is with the leprosy of sin, –deep-rooted, deadly and impossible to be cleansed by human power. (Isa. 1:5, 6) But, Jesus, coming to dwell in humanity, receives no pollution. His presence has healing virtue for the sinner. Whoever will fall at His feet, saying in faith, “Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean,” shall hear the answer, “I will; be thou made clean.” (Math. 8:2,3)(DA225).” When we pray for earthly blessings, the answer to our prayer many be delayed, or God may give us something other than we ask, but not so when we ask for deliverance from sin.”(DA 225)

Plague Of Sin

What interest, finally, could we possibly have in an outcast leper that lived 2000 years ago” There’s no history of him, no name, plagued with an “obnoxious disease” (ML170). Covered with rags, and oozing smelly ulcers, we know, however, one thing. He had a need, and hope! Well, we have a disease worse than leprosy, cancer, or coronary disease. The plague of sin rests in your heart and makes your soul burn with fever.

Come Back!

Again, leprosy represents the plague of sin, by which the sons of Adam are diseased. (Gal 1:4; 1 John 1:9). Our problem, then, is that because we followed the ways of sin we”ve all become guilty; born with a fallen nature. In our own strength, we have no strength. We are in a hopeless position” a leprous position. Our own sins separate us from God. Luke writes that ten lepers were cleaned, but of the ten, “Jesus answering, said, Were there not ten cleansed” But where are the nine” Only one turned back and with a loud voice glorified God.” (Luke 17: 15, 17). We need to turn back!


Mathew tells us the leper “came worshiping”. Luke writes, “seeing Jesus he fell on his face.” Mark says, the leper, “came kneeling.” Well, that”s the way you must come to Jesus Christ. You must come down; down from pride, down from self-righteousness, down from self-sufficiency, down from deception, down from covetousness, down from dissension, down from selfishness, down from envy, down from strife, down from unbelief, come down all the way to the feet of Jesus!

I want to persuade you to come to the Lord. Come like this leper. Come with a feeling of need. Come in humility. Come in faith. Come in submission. But, do come to Jesus. Come to Him now.

Submit to His power the will to consume your sin. Only if we are willing to be purged from our sin, can we enter fellowship with Jesus (DA107,108). He is waiting just now!

We saw how the leper obtained mercy. Young and old alike, follow the example of the healed Outcast Leper. Jesus has saved others like you. He can save you, too. It”s my prayer that you will obtain mercy today.

John Theodorou, USA