The Cat that Worried
Once there was a cat that worried. ” Impossible,” you say, ” Animals can’t even think, let alone worry!” Well, wait until you hear the story.
Her name was Jewel, and she was a lovely cat. (She had a sister named Loving. Unfortunately Loving was not road wise. She played too near the road one day and her sad mistress had to search for her, and carry her in, and bury her.) Anyway, back to the Jewel Cat that worried.
Jewel Cat became a momma, and had one fat kitten. He was called Garfield. About the same time, another cat, Ginger, became a momma also, and produced several furry babies.
Ginger Cat had all she could do to care for her brood, whereas Jewel had only one to feed. One day her mistress had a bright idea. Why could not Jewel Cat care for another baby? So she offered one of the wee ones to her. Jewel Cat proved her large heartedness in one second. She nabbed the little kitten by the skin of its neck, as all good momma cats do, and hurried away to her nest to bring Garfield a friend. (If I remember correctly she also adopted two more). At the time she was living in the open attic above the mistress’s cabin. Up the ladder she went with each baby in her mouth.
After living in the attic for some time, her mistress noticed one day that the little family had been moved, they had all disappeared. Upon careful searching the cat family was found under a nearby shed, where they lived for some time. But one day, the visit was in vain, Jewel Cat and her family had disappeared again.
Again, careful searching found the small family. But what a state they were in. Up to the dilapidated attic of an old abandoned log house mistress went. Her ears followed the mournful sound of mewing, hungry, cold, lonely baby kittens. Jewel Cat was not to be seen. The only quiet one was fat Garfield.
Down from the old attic mistress brought the babies. Soon Jewel Cat was found, but in a state of exhaustion. She had worried and worked herself into a nervous breakdown. No place had seemed safe or secure for her precious babies, and she had moved and moved them until she broke down and abandoned her family.
What is the lesson we can learn from all of this? Our Lord Jesus said, ” Don’t be anxious about anything; but in everything make known your requests unto God.” One worry leads to another, and if you allow yourself to be harassed by doubts and fears, they will multiply, and chase you until you drop from exhaustion. When troubled by fears and forebodings, stay still, and plead for help. By running you only entice the enemy to chase you, and chase you he will.
Jewel Cat recovered from her exhaustion with tender, loving care, and a release from her furry problems. Ginger resumed care of her entire litter, and Garfield grew up to be one of the healthiest and nicest cats you would ever want to know.
” God is good,” says my soul, ” therefore I will trust in Him.”
There is a time of trouble coming, and we should prepare for it by having repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. Fears and forebodings will do us no good, but only harm. ” There was no assurance of safety in any place.” 9T 93.
” The crisis is gradually stealing upon us…” WC 8.3
Sabbath means intermission, rest from labour. It is a type of the rest of soul that we can have in God our Father and Husband. He is our confidence.
Kathleen Ross
Alberta, Canada