What is the Purpose of Life?

What is the purpose for your life today? Continually, restate to yourself what the purpose of your life is. What is your purpose for living? What is your purpose in this shaky world? Why are you existing? What or whom are you existing for? What is your purpose for being a father or mother? A husband or wife? A student? Is there any end? What is the purpose for being where you are today and doing what you are doing?

Is our life just, or merely to be born, live, study, work, and then die? Man was created, certainly for a greater destiny or end than that! What is the destiny of man? But, firstly, destiny means a set, predetermined life… a life based on fate. Do we live by fate or chance, a life wildly based on chance? A life that is a gamble based on luck? No! for, the God-fearing life of a Christian is founded on divine principles and beliefs.

Is the end or purpose, then happiness? Well, in part, happiness can play an important role in man’s life. But, happiness is not a word to be found anywhere in the Bible. Happiness, by definition means favoured by luck, comfort, trusting to luck. Furthermore, happiness depends on what happens. Ah! But joy does not. Joy is an emotion, an expectation of good; and that which causes happiness. For example, we look with joy to His second coming. Jesus says, “These things have I spoken to you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.” John 15:11. so, is the end or purpose of man happiness or joy? Again, in part, but not explicitly. What can it be then?

Perhaps, the purpose of man’s existence or end is bounding health. Health, sound in body, mind and soul, free of disease or agonizing pain and suffering? No. But, we read…”your body is the temple of God.” 1 Cor. 6:19. certainly, this must be our purpose, or wish in life. But, no it is not. Again, the question lingers.

The purpose and end of man finally here on earth today is entire “HOLINESS”! (Ex. 28:36-38). What really matters, then, based on this is whether a man will accept the God, Lord and Master who will make him holy! At all costs and constant striving, man must be rightly related or connected to God. But being related or connected rightly is not adequate, yet we often hear this from the pulpit! We need more importantly to be ONE in Jesus. God, therefore, has ONE purpose and end, a divine end, for mankind… namely, HOLINESS!

In this God also has a plan for man and mankind. God’s one aim is the production of saints (Rev. 14:12). He wants to take us out, furthermore, from this decaying world and take us up in the air to Heaven and an eternal life of blessed peace and joy. But, unfortunately, many believe that God is merely an eternal “blessing-machine”. That He just turns out blessings! Oh, Lord, bless me, bless her, bless him, bless our home, bless our children, bless our church, bless our pastors, bless our friends, bless our enemies, everyone… everywhere!

But, He did not come to save men out of pity because He just pitied them. But, He came to save men because He had created them to be HOLY. The atonement, the redeeming effect of Christ’s incarnation, sufferings, death, reconciliation between God and men, means that God can put me back into perfect union with Himself… ONE… and without a shadow between, through the death of Jesus Christ. He does this no matter who we are, what we are, and where we are.

Never tolerate sympathy with yourself or others or any practice or any action that is not in keeping with a Holy God. Furthermore, holiness means unsullied walking with the feet, without gloominess or a disagreeable, harsh, angry disposition, or low spirits or depression. This means living in a state of… selflessness! Moreover, holiness means unsullied talking with the tongue. Holiness means unsullied thinking with the mind. Every detail of our lives is under the scrutiny and searching eye of God.

So, holiness is not only what God gives me, but what I manifest that God has given me, my every word and act—good and bad. What does the Bible now say how holiness is defined? It is very clearly and simply defined in Deuteronomy 4:5,6. “Surely I have taught you statutes and judgments, just as the Lord my God commanded me, that you should act according to them in the land which you go to possess. Therefore be careful to observe them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all these statutes and say, ‘Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.” Where else can we find laws more pure and just than those given to Moses for the children of Israel? Where else can we gain such strength? What other book can teach men how to love, fear, and obey God? It purifies life.

But, there is a counterfeit holiness that leads men to follow their own feelings and impressions rather than yield obedience to the law of God. We can define holiness further by reference to Acts of Apostles, p. 51. “Holiness is not a rapture, a spiritual or emotional ecstasy and feeling, but a complete surrender of the will to God.” Going on further, it is “living every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” It is, simply, doing the will of our heavenly Father. It is trusting in Him. When? In trials, in darkness as well as light. It is walking by faith and not by sight. It is relying on God with unquestioning confidence and resting in His love.

“Man has no power to grow in holiness apart from Jesus Christ.” SC 69. “Follow after, and grow in holiness constantly.” Phil. 3:12. There are some erroneous ideas regarding holiness. “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” 1 John 1:8. Some confess holiness but refuse to obey His commandments. “And you know that He was manifested to take away our sins, and in Him there is no sin. Whoever abides in Him does not sin. Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him.” 1 John 3:5,6. Now, he who keeps HIS COMMANDMENTS ABIDES IN HIM, and He in him. And by this we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us.” 1 John 3:24.

There is many who strive to obey God’s commandments, but have little peace or joy. Why? Because they have, “false professions and faint views. This failure is due to a lack in exercising faith.” EW 70. “They walk in a parched land, a dry wilderness. There are others who desire an ‘easy religion’, a ‘goody-goody’ religion or church.” A religion of this kind gives no striving effort, no self-denial, no sacrifice, no separation from foolishness of the world. Sacrifices in the Bible means that we give to God the very best we have. Many want one foot in the world and one foot in Heaven. To attain a holy life requires work, time, perseverance, patience, and sacrifice. The easy or popular road is a popular doctrine today. The theme is “faith in Jesus only”… and “only the love of Jesus”… nothing more.

But, what saith the Word of God? “Have you not shown partiality among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts?” Jam. 2:4. So, we see here that “by works man is justified, not by faith only.” GC 472. What then is the test of holiness? We can read from the Holy Scriptures, “He who says, ‘I know him,’ and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But, whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him.” 1 John 1:4,5. Here then is the test of every man’s profession. Do you know Him? How well?

This, the moral law, is the only standard of holiness in Heaven and Earth. He who claims to be without sin is far from holy. Why? Because he has no ideas of the purity and holiness of God or what they must become to be in harmony with His character and agree with God. “Pursue peace with all people and holiness without which one cannot see God.” Heb. 12:14.

What is life like without holiness? The human heart is selfish, sinful, vicious, and with a hasty temper… self is dominant.
So, how can we live a life of holiness? It is by receiving the life poured out on us, given us, on Calvary, on the cross, that we can live the life of holiness. This life we receive by receiving His Word, by doing those things He commanded.
Thus, we become ONE with Him. When this happens we become selfless, affectionate, servants. Furthermore, “He that eateth My flesh and drinketh My blood,” He says, “and dwelleth in Me and I in him.” That way, too, the soul receives spiritual strength with every communion.

Here we have a living ONENESS with Christ, and thus the Father, from this service. The practice of holiness is pleasant when we perfectly surrender to God. It is joyful, delightful to the truly converted. But, “the path of holiness is narrow. It is hard work, a hard road to travel.” 5T 41-42. A life-long struggle.

Then how do we, finally, come closer to perfect holiness? Christ has done all for us because we were helpless; we were bound in chains of darkness, sin, and despair and could do nothing for ourselves. It is through exercise of faith, hope, and love that we come nearer and nearer to perfect holiness. Jesus Christ stands for holiness. Behold Him! Fervently pray like you never prayed before; diligently read like you never read before. This is the secret of holiness. It is within the reach of ALL, who reach for it by faith. But a great deal depends on what is the real deep desire of our hearts.

Look to Jesus. Think of Jesus. Go to Jesus. Lean on Jesus. YOU CAN DO IT!

John Theodorou, USA