Words from the Cross – 1
“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” Luke 23:34.
Pontio Pilato had washed his hands off thinking that in this way he was free of guilt, and Jesus was handed “to the will” of the multitude (23:25) and led to Calvary to be crucified between two criminals. He had heard how Barrabas had been chosen to be set free and He was condemned to death on the cross by an excited mob that shouted: “Crucify Him, crucify Him.” (Luke 23:21)
The King of kings was nailed to a cross for the sins of the whole world and while all sorts of people surrounded the cross to mock Him and the soldiers at its feet were casting lots over His garments, He uttered these words full of compassion: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do. ”
Jesus spoke seven times as He hung on the cross, three times He showed His concern and interest in others, once he dared ask something for Himself, He made two appeals to His Father and finally He announced the end of His mission on the earth: to give His life for the sinner,” to pay the enormous debt man has with His Creator.
“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do,” these were the first words immediately after He willing lay on the cross. Did those men know what they were doing? Did they have an idea whom they were crucifying? Did they have the slightest idea that what they were doing to Jesus, if the infinite mercy of God had not interceded, should have happened to them? Did they understand that the cross was the ladder that joined the earth with heaven and that through it one could ascend to the Father? Did they have the slightest idea that before their own eyes prophecies foretold centuries before were being fulfilled? Did they realize that at that moment heaven was opening up to hold all of humanity?
If they had known, everything would have been done with much solemnity, with tears in their eyes, with a contrite heart, with horror of their sins that required the death of their Creator, of God Himself; but they did not know what they were doing and that is why they laughed, mocked, insulted Him thus signing their own condemnation,
Do we know what we are doing every time we sin? Are we aware that we crucify Jesus anew? Do we follow our own emotions, our thoughts, our feelings, do we walk on our own ways with a joyful heart?
Are we, maybe, from those about whom the Lord has to say over and over again: “Father, forgive them, they do not know what they do”? or does our heart bleed every time we transgress, we give in to our weaknesses, because we see Him with his body bruised due to the evil treatment He received them those cruel men, we see the thorns on his forehead and the blood mixed with tears rolling down His cheeks, His swollen lips, his naked back stuck to the rough wood, and we know, deep in our heart, that neither the Jews, nor the Roman soldiers crucified Him, but we, you and I, our sins, our vanity, our selfishness, our greediness, our pride took to the cross the humble and generous Son of God whose love is unlimited?
May the Lord make us aware of our acts and may He make us hate sin with all our heart so that the precious blood of Jesus may have a healing effect upon us.