Two Baptism Services, a Conference and a Wedding

After the Sydney Conference in December 2001, the first event on the Perth Calendar was a visit from Br Jerry Eaton in March 2002. This was for the planned wedding and baptism of Camron and Michelle, an Easter conference and the baptism of Derek, Raewyn and Bih. For several weeks leading up to the wedding, Camron and Michelle, with the help of the church folk, were busy with the wedding details.

We had met Br Marcus at the Sydney conference so he took the opportunity to come with Br Jerry to visit Perth for the first time.
On Thursday 21 March some of us had just been into the registry office to witness Camron and Michelle sign the marriage documents. We then rushed to the Airport where we met Marcus and also found Jerry.

Sunday the 24th March dawned beautiful and sunny and we met at the Caversham District Hall for the baptismal service and profession of faith. From the hall we made our way down to the edge of the Swan River at Guilford where we stood on the sandy bank under the shade of a tall gum tree and witnessed Camron and Michelle make a public stand for Christ. Br. Jerry f1Ist took Michelle and then Camrbn down into the water. Their baptism was witnessed by some ducks floating on the water which gloriously reflected the clear blue sky.

After a quick picnic lunch we drove out into the country to the top of a hill with 360 grad views where we made ready Camron and Michelle’s house for the wedding ceremony and meal. The ceremony was conducted outside in the clear country air. As Camron and Michelle’s family members and most of their friends were non-church members, the wedding proved to be a real witness, not only in the service itself but in their careful choice of wedding garments that represented the righteousness of Christ and also in the abundant vegan meal that was prepared.

With the delights of Camron and Michelle’s baptism and wedding firmly in our memories we focused on the following weekend, which was the church conference and another baptism. For this weekend we traveled south to another country property also situated up on a hil with beautiful views of rolling hills dotted with trees and cattle. Our place of meeting for the conference was under a huge oak tree, planted by the Lord many many years ago. We placed the chairs in a semi circle with a beautifully painted backdrop of Christ and His Righteousness behind the lectern. The Lord blessed us abundantly as the weather was perfect for sitting out under the oak tree and the breeze kept us refreshed and alert.
The theme of our conference was “The Gateway to Heaven,” The Scripture theme was taken from Matthew 7:;13 “Enter ye in at the strait gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat; Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” The main titles for each day were “The Meaning of Babylon”, “The True Gateway”, “The 3 Veils of the Sanctuary”, “The Church the Gateway”, “The New & Living Way” “Preparation for the Society of Heaven” and “The Society of Heaven”.

Br John had prepared the last closing meeting for Monday but very early in the morning before daybreak the Lord woke Br. John and gave him a completely different message. This message brought the weekend to a climax; bringing all that we had heard and learned during the weekend together with great power and clarity. It was truly a very inspirational weekend and strengthened us all in the faith and to go forward as an army with banners.

Quite a number of Derek, Raewyn and Bill’s friends from the independent groups in the South-West joined with us for a number of meetings and they were blessed by the experience.

On Sunday morning we made our way over to Glen Mervyn Dam where we witnessed the baptism of Derek, Raewyn and Bill. Raewyn and Derek’s son and daughter-in-law, their two nephews and a friend traveled down fromPe11heaiiy in the morning especially to witness the baptism.

In the afternoon we celebrated the Lord’s Supper and Communion Service. It was a beautiful and meaningful service and joy to share this experience of being one body in Christ with our newly baptized members. Our company has now grown to 15 members – one short of having our membership doubled since we began herein the West a year ago.

Due to the stand of Derek, Raewyn and Bill we now have a Branch Sabbath School in the Brookhampton area of the South West. To date and to the glory of God we now have here in the West a Perth group made up of 10 -members and 17 regular non-members. Since Camron and Michelle have moved down to the Brookhampton district we also have a Branch Sabbath School of 5 members.

In remembering the experiences I thought it was quite significant that both locations were situated high on a hill- we were lights on a hilltop. It was our experience on both weekends that we had been lifted up by the Lord. The LORD Himself was also lifted up by the preaching and study of His word, and His name was praised by the five that publicly made their stand on the Lord’s side.

I praise God for the way He has been leading us all here in the West into the truth of His church, and by faith I know that this is only a small foretaste of what the Lord will do for us not only here in Western Australia but thought the rest of the world.