What we are going to do about it?
To our gracious brethren in the Reform family, I make a special appeal.
You who are workers or wives of workers, who are church officers, you mothers, I appeal to you most earnestly to be the example God would have you to be to the
younger members in the church. A tremendous responsibility and a glorious opportunity are yours. Be an encouragement! Don’t be a stumbling block – I appeal to you!
Fathers, church leaders – go on your knees, seek help from above to be loyal to God, You, too, have a tremendous responsibility. Give your support both by precept and example to pastors and educators struggling with this problem. Do not weaken their influence or make their task difficult, if not impossible, by undermining their stand for principle!
Young people, you are God’s ambassadors in a foreign court. He is interested in how you represent Him. What appears on the outside may well be an index of what is on the inside.
The Lord, through His appointed messenger says, “We must arise at once and close the door against the allurements of fashion. Unless we do this, our churches will become demoralized.” 4T p. 648
I also want women to be modest and sensible about their clothes and to dress properly.
I am not really writing to tell you of any new command, brothers of mine. It is just the old, original command. You may think that the original message is old, and yet, as I give it to you again I know that it is always new and always true.” 1 John 2:7,8 Jeremiah 6:16.
“Obedience to fashion is pervading our Seventh-day Adventist churches and is doing more than any other power to separate our people from God.”
Brothers and sisters, the hour is too late for us to let anything separate us from God.
London, Ontario, CANADA