For lack of good eyesight, many accidents are taking place on our highways every day. If we could see the danger a little earlier, we could avoid the accident. Also, on the highway to heaven, many accidents are taking place. People see the danger too late. Millions of Christians are resting in their graves unsaved. They were on the way to heaven rejoicing in the blessed hope, but now they are eternally lost. Somewhere in the darkness they lost their way. Somewhere they did not see the danger until it was way too late. Because dangers are surrounding us all the time, what do we need? Is it not better eyesight? We must see the dangers before they overtake us.
Yet, what is often the condition of professing Christians? Jesus called the Jewish leaders and the Pharisees blind. “Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.” Matthew 15:14
Today, the world is boasting of great knowledge, and great advancements in science; even knowledge of the Bible has increased. The knowledge of salvation, however, has not increased. Over two billion professing Christians in our world today expect to be saved and to have eternal life, but almost all will be disappointed in the end when they realize their lost condition.
Satan’s spirit is controlling mankind. He has blinded the men and women who are seeking peace and happiness, but what do they find? Only confusion, restlessness, fighting, and wars. Satan has blinded also the children and young people to think that there is happiness in sin. Teenagers are turning to smoking, drinking, drugs, and defiance of authorities, hoping to find peace and happiness. Are they finding it? NO! The Bible tells us that the wages of sin is death. Isaiah writes in Isaiah 57:20–21, “But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt. There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.”
Many are deceived into seeking contentment and happiness through financial security, or entertainment. They do not find either, because it is not possible. People get married and form families hoping to find happiness and joy in life, but many times are disappointed, especially if both husband and wife do not fear God and serve Him. Many marriages and families without God end up in misery with fighting, depression, and often in separation and divorce. This is all blindness. Many men and women do not know the way of God, which alone can lead to peace and happiness.
Satan had it all. He was happy, full of joy, peace, and had eternal youth. He had the highest position in the universe after God the Father and Christ, but he stepped off from the way of God and lost it all. He became the most unhappy, miserable being. Anyone who follows his way of thinking will be blinded by him to seek happiness in disobedience to God. The result is only misery, confusion, and disappointment.
My friend, is it your desire to go to heaven? Is it your desire to have eternal life? Do you really want to be saved? Do you want to have happiness and peace in your soul? There is only one way to gain these and that is to follow the plan of God. The Bible will show you the way of life, the wonderful plan that God has made for us to have continual peace and happiness.
One great deceptions of Satan is to influence people to delay obedience to God. “Not now. Later I will obey and serve God.” The Bible tells us, “To day if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts.” Hebrews 4:7
Delayed obedience can lead to sin against the Holy Spirit. Although God is merciful and understanding of human weakness, to continually sin with knowledge by delay will grieve the Holy Spirit. “For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins.” Hebrews 10:26. “Grieve not the Holy Spirit by delay.” –Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8, p. 56
Paul gave a study about salvation to the Governor, Felix, who trembled while he listened. He did not, however, continue these studies and said, “When I have a convenient season, I will call for thee.” By delaying any further study, he sinned against the Holy Spirit. “A ray of light from heaven had been permitted to shine upon Felix, when Paul reasoned with him concerning righteousness, temperance, and a judgment to come. That was his heaven-sent opportunity to see and to forsake his sins. But he said to the messenger of God, ‘Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee.’ He had slighted his last offer of mercy. Never was he to receive another call from God.” –The Acts of the Apostles, p. 427
Many delay their obedience to God. They say, “Later, not now, I will accept the salvation that God is offering.” I talked to a young man in South America whose parents were members in our church. He said, “I would like to be a member in the church, but the requirements are too difficult.” For this reason, Satan has established churches with easier requirements. They say you do not have to obey all that the Bible says and you will still be saved because God will forgive. These churches are growing in number, and have more members than the church of God. If a church makes even one small change from the Biblical requirements, that change makes it a fallen church where the blind leaders are leading the blind members.
Jesus had clear eyesight when He chose His disciples. Instead of choosing scribes and Pharisees, He chose poor, uneducated fishermen, to be the foundation of the new Christian church. In Mary Magdalene, who was possessed by evil spirits, He saw a most loyal follower. In Paul, others saw a persecutor of God’s church, but Jesus saw in him His greatest advocate. Others saw in the criminal nailed to the cross an evil person, but Jesus saw in him a saint, fit for His own company. This kind of eyesight we also need; the greatest criminal can be changed to a holy person. Our enemies can become our best friends.
It is possible also that one who has been a faithful child of God can become His enemy. This happened to Judas. He was a disciple of Jesus and later became His traitor.
Nero was very compassionate in his first years of reign. When he had to sign a death sentence, he said, “I wish I could not read nor write.” Afterwards he changed, and he destroyed thousands of Christians, including his own mother.
We need to look at our own life with a vision. Try to see the end from the beginning. One sin leads to another sin. Small unfaithfulness leads to greater unfaithfulness. Conversely, one small obedience leads to greater obedience, and holiness leads to Godlikeness. Brick by brick great buildings are erected. In the same way, by resisting temptation, and faithfulness in small things a Christian character is built–brick by brick.
It is wonderful when a person, especially a young person, turns to God, and says to Him, “I love You! I will serve You to the end.” Then a marvelous change will take place. As a caterpillar changes into a butterfly, so man can be changed from the evil selfish image of Satan into the lovely image of Christ. His heart can be changed from a hard stone to a heart of flesh. He becomes pliable, easily entreated, and forgiving. He will even be able to love his enemies, and do good to them that hate him.
Is this an image that you admire? Is Christ your hero, when He prayed for His murderers, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do”? Is this the character you want to learn? When we all change to His image and learn to love and forgive, then there will be no separation; we will love each other’s company.
This is the way of God which leads to peace and happiness. There is no other way. There are many religions in the world, but only one religion will teach how to restore the image of God in us. Every word you speak will bring you closer to God, or a step further away from Him. Every action you do will bring you closer to the reflecting the image of God, or further away from it; . Every thought in your mind will lead you closer to perfection, or further away from it.
If you follow the word of God carefully, you will avoid the dangers that would make you lose your peace and happiness, and ruin your life. With confidence you will tell others, this is the way of God, this is the way to peace and happiness. This is the way that leads us to our celestial home. Your face will be shining with peace and happiness. Your look will be beyond the external and you will see the end, the wonderful reward of the righteous. Amen.
Timo Martin