“Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, This people say, The time is not come, the time that the LORD’S house should be built.” Haggai 1:2
In the time when Haggai wrote these words the Israelites had just returned from Babylonian captivity and were busily building their own houses and cultivating their own lands. They were very concerned for their own material welfare while the work on the house of the Lord was placed “on the back burner.” It was not a priority for them.
The Lord asks further, “Is it time for you, O ye, to dwell in your ceiled houses, and this house lie waste?” Haggai 1:3
The example is recorded here of the Israelites failure at this time, but history has repeated itself many times in regards to delaying the building of the house of God. “In the hour of their opportunity, the Israelites had not shown themselves willing. Prompt obedience is expected of those whom the Lord chooses and leads. Pleas for delay are a dishonor to God. And yet those who choose to follow their own way, often frame ingenious excuses in self-justification. Thus the Israelites declared that they had begun to rebuild, but that they were broken off in their work because of the hindrances devised by their enemies. These hindrances, they reasoned, were an indication that it was not the proper time to rebuild. They declared that the Lord had interposed difficulties to reprove their hot haste.” –The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 4, p. 1175
And so it is, people still continue to make excuses as to why they cannot help build the church and the cause of God, or live according to the high standard placed before them in the Word of God. Commonly, people make excuses of time and circumstances as to why they cannot help with the church buildng, and personally they use weakness as an excuse for lack of any personal character building happening.
“The Israelites had no real excuse for leaving their work on the temple. The time when the most serious objections were raised, was the time for them to persevere in building. But they were actuated by a selfish dislike to encounter danger by arousing the opposition of their enemies. They did not possess the faith that is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. They hesitated to move forward by faith in the opening providences of God, because they could not see the end from the beginning. When difficulties arose, they were easily turned from the work.” –Ibid, p. 1175
The separation in the Seventh-day Adventist church in World War I arose from this very excuse, “dislike to encounter danger by arousing the opposition of their enemies.” Therefore, they capitulated to the pressure of the government, stepped off the high platform of truth, and joined in the hellish activities of warfare. Meanwhile a faithful few remained on the platform and suffered much persecution, but their love for Jesus and truth was greater than their love for their own lives. They made no excuses for building up the Kingdom of God on this earth. They built against all opposition and left the results to the Lord.
“This history will be repeated. There will be religious failures because men do not have faith. When they look at the things that are seen, impossibilities appear; but God can lead them step by step in the course He desires them to take. His work will advance only as His servants move forward by faith. While they may be called upon to pass through trying times, yet they should ever remember that they are contending with a weakened, beaten foe. God’s people will finally triumph over every power of darkness.” –Ibid, p. 1175
“Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves.” 2 Corinthians 13:5. How is your relationship with the church? Are your duties towards the church “on the back burner” as they were with Ancient Israel? Are you buildling for this world or for eternity?
When there is a call for church missionary work, Bible studies, canvassing, is this a prioirty in your life? Or what about a call to help with church cleaning and maintenance? Or to help the poor and sick and needy? Or are you too busy with your own homes, hobbies and jobs that you do not have time for these endeavours? All that we have will one day be burned up, and of what value will they be then?
Are you building for this earth or are you building for eternity? They are quite the opposite. Finances are a big indicator of what building you are erecting. Jesus says, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Matthew 6:19–21
We are told that “if riches increase, set not your heart upon them.” Psalm 62:10. “The heavenly Guest is standing at your door, while you are piling up obstructions to bar His entrance. Jesus is knocking through the prosperity He gives you. He loads you with blessings to test your fidelity, that they may flow out from you to others. Will you permit your selfishness to triumph? Will you squander God’s talents, and lose your soul through idolatrous love of the blessings He has given?” –The Review and Hearld, November 2, 1886
Ask yourself if your own interests are taking priority over God’s interests in your finances, your time, your energy, and your talents. “Thus saith the Lord of hosts; Consider your ways.” Haggai 1:7. “Viewing the things of time in the light of eternity, we may. . . live for that which is true and noble and enduring.” –Prophets and Kings, p. 548
We are all called to be a part of this building, and assist in the building of it. “And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone; In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord.” Ephesians 2:19–20. “Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee.” Isaiah 60:1–2. God’s purpose for giving strength, time and talents to His children is so they can use these gifts to be a blessing for others, not to enrich themselves and have a comfortable life. In this world, there is no stopping to rest; no time to be “comfortable.” There will not be a time when we can say the building is done, I do not need to build any more.
We are not only called to be labourers with God in His church, but also in our individual character building. If we are building good characters, we will automatically be building the church for eternity. The strength of the church is not in numbers, but in quality members.
“For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.” 1 Corinthians 3:9. Here Paul tells us that “ye are God’s building.” Individually we are called to aim at the high standard of perfection. Many delay this building. They leave their character building “on the back burner.” They do not take seriously the fact that their “body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own.” 1 Corinthians 6:9. Nothing you have is of your own. It all belongs to God, including you.
In order to shine, and be able to successfully assist in the building of the church, the members must individually be polished by the Lord. He wants polished stones in His building. “Christians are Christ’s jewels. They are to shine brightly for Him, shedding forth the light of His loveliness. Their luster depends on the polishing they receive. They may choose to be polished or to remain unpolished. But every one who is pronounced worthy of a place in the Lord’s temple must submit to the polishing process. Without the polishing that the Lord gives they can reflect no more light than a common pebble.” –The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 4, p. 1177
“The divine Worker spends little time on worthless material. Only the precious jewels does He polish after the similitude of a palace, cutting away all the rough edges. This process is severe and trying; it hurts human pride. Christ cuts deep into the experience that man in his self-
sufficiency has regarded as complete, and takes away self-uplifting from the character. He cuts away the surplus surface, and putting the stone to the polishing wheel, presses it close, that all roughness may be worn away. Then, holding the jewel up to the light, the Master sees in it a reflection of Himself, and He pronounces it worthy of a place in His casket.” –Ibid, p. 1177
“Blessed be the experience, however severe, that gives new value to the stone, and causes it to shine with living brightness.” –The Review and Herald, December 19, 1907
In the Christian churches today there are a variety of individual standards that Christians aim for. Many make their own standard of character development, and some are not very high. Even in God’s church, there are some who are aiming at a lower standard. Or some are just content to remain on the standard they are on, not wanting to build higher. They are content with their characters as they are and do not want to build any more. They will be sadly disappointed in the end.
It is time now to reach for the high standard of perfection. Jesus says, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” Matthew 5:48. It is time now to work with the Lord to build your character for eternity. It is not easy work. It will take much, “blood, sweat and tears” to prepare you to be a living stone in God’s building. You just need to allow the Master Polisher to do His work. Let Him direct in the buildling process.
“Each day God works with His building, stroke upon stroke, to perfect the structure, that it may become a holy temple for Him. Man is to co-operate with God. Each worker is to become just what God designs him to be, building his life with pure, noble deeds, that in the end his character may be a symmetrical structure, a fair temple, honored by God and man. There is to be no flaw in the building, for it is the Lord’s. Every stone must be perfectly laid, that it may endure the pressure placed upon it. One stone laid wrong will affect the whole building. To you and to every other worker God gives the warning: ‘Take heed how you build, that your building may stand the test of storm and tempest, because it is founded on the eternal Rock. Place the stone on the sure foundation, that you may make ready for the day of test and trial, when all will be seen just as they are.’” –Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8, p. 173
“Man is called upon to strain every muscle and to exercise every faculty in the struggle for immortality, but it is God who supplies the efficiency. God has made amazing sacrifices for human beings. He has expended mighty energy to reclaim man from transgression and sin to loyalty and obedience, but He does nothing without the cooperation of humanity. . . . It is by unceasing endeavor that we maintain the victory over the temptations of Satan.
“No one is borne upward without stern, persevering effort in his own behalf. All must engage in the warfare for themselves. Individually we are responsible for the issue of the struggle.” –In Heavenly Places, p. 159
Many years ago I knew a young man who loved eating his dairy products. He stated very firmly he will never give up eating cheese until the General Conference says he must. And I have heard others say similar things regarding other health damaging foods such as chocolate. What is God’s standard? This man was not aiming for God’s standard. He was looking to make his own standard and not building for eternity. He was building for this earth, not willing to change his own perverted appetite for an appetite God approves of. Has God bestowed knowledge only to the few men who are in leadership at the General Conference level? Or does He impart knowledge also to the faithful members who are seeking for a higher standard? Can He not impart to the individual members as to what is healthful to the body and what is not? Does the General Conference need to mandate every unhealthful ingredient as prohibitory? This would make a long list. Would it not be enough for each member to follow the principles of health as the Lord reveals to us and abstain from all unhealthy foods and ingredients, following the general principles laid out by the General Conference? We would be considered a cult if we blindly followed only the General Conference “rules” on diet, without recognizing the health damaging properties in various foods. I have been asked, “Are you a vegetarian only because your church says you must be?” I say, “no I am a vegetarian because it is more healthy and I am glad I have found a church that upholds healthy living.”
It is a sin to indulge in any foods that are damaging to the health. It is time now, as we live on the verge of eternity to adopt the best diet possible; one that will be eaten in heaven. Or do we say like the Israelites “the time is not come.” Haggai 1:2. “No man or woman has any right to form habits which lessen the healthful action of one organ of mind or body. He who perverts his powers is defiling the temple of the Holy Spirit.” –Temperence, p. 142
Remember Daniel’s experience (Daniel chapter 1). How important was a proper diet for him? Yet today many Christians do not believe that diet needs to be too strictly heeded. When will we reach the standard of the heavenly diet? Now or when Jesus comes?
“There are many among professed Christians today who would decide that Daniel was too particular, and would pronounce him narrow and bigoted. They consider the matter of eating and drinking as of too little consequence to require such a decided stand—one involving the probable sacrifice of every earthly advantage. But those who reason thus will find in the day of judgment that they turned from God’s express requirements and set up their own opinion as a standard of right and wrong. They will find that what seemed to them unimportant was not so regarded of God. His requirements should be sacredly obeyed. Those who accept and obey one of His precepts because it is convenient to do so, while they reject another because its observance would require a sacrifice, lower the standard of right and by their example lead others to lightly regard the holy law of God. ‘Thus saith the Lord’ is to be our rule in all things.” –The Sanctified Life, p. 19–20
God has given us a high standard to reach in all areas of life, from Sabbath keeping, to dress reform, diet, time management, finances. Why? Does He like to see us struggle and suffer? No, He wants perfect loving, unselfish people in heaven and all His requirements are for the perfecting of our character and happiness. We are not only building for eternity, we are building for happiness.
You are God’s building. You are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Is your temple a place where they delight to dwell? A place that is clean and pure?
“God forbid that we should neglect to learn the trade of character building. The course to be pursued in this work is not according to the ideas of the world; the fashioning is not similar to the fashioning of the world. Those who enter the work of God without hiding self in Christ will soon disconnect themselves from the Master’s building.
“In your work of character building be sure that Christ is your director. It makes a great difference whether you are laborers together with God or whether you are laborers together against God; whether it is your highest ambition to magnify God or to magnify yourself and your plans. Christ declares, ‘Without me ye can do nothing’—nothing that will be approved by God. Study your motives carefully, and make sure that you are not working in your own wisdom, apart from Christ.
“With pure, noble, upright deeds every man is to build. The result of his work will be a symmetrical structure, a fair temple honored by God and men.” –The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 6, p. 1087
“Man cannot be towed to heaven; he cannot go as a passive passenger. He must himself use the oars, and work as a laborer together with God.” –Our High Calling, p. 310
Every day our building is to grow and improve. “God desires all who believe in Him to feel the necessity of improvement. Every intrusted faculty is to be improved. Not one is to be neglected. As God’s husbandry and building, man is under His supervision in every sense of the word; and the better he becomes acquainted with his Maker, the more sacred will his life become in his estimation.
“God asks His children to live a pure, holy life. He has given His Son that we may reach this standard. He has made every provision necessary to enable man to live, not for animal satisfaction, like the beasts that perish, but for God and heaven.” –Temperance, p. 143
Are you building for eternity in all areas of your life? Are you building at all? As we individually build with Christ in our character, the building of His church will become a glorious church. “That He might present it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.” Epeshians 5:27. It is my prayer that we can all say that, “by the grace of God I am what I am: and His grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain.” 1 Corinthians 15:10. Amen.
Wendy Eaton