The miracle of Zacchaeus is not only one of the most beautiful incidents, but most faith-revival and life-changing incidents.
The life-changing event in Zacchaeus’ life changed many other lives, his strong dedication has dedicated many hearts, his accepting Jesus as his personal Saviour guided many sinners, that is why the name of Zacchaeus is like a great Christian hero.
Zacchaeus had heard of Jesus Christ, of His wonderful miracles, of His healing; naturally he wanted to see Jesus and see His miracles. He often thought about Jesus.
Suddenly, he was so happy to know that Jesus Christ was coming to the part of the city where Zacchaeus had his office of tax collecting. When he heard the great noise of Jesus coming, he got out of his office and started looking for Jesus, but he could not see Jesus as he was too short to see Him, because there were so many tall people before him around Jesus. Now his dedication got stronger and he ran ahead to the way where Jesus had to go. He climbed a tree and sat on the branch and started looking at Jesus; he saw the handsome face, full of love, a merciful face, a glorious face.
As Jesus was coming nearer and nearer, the heartbeat of Zacchaeus was increasing; he thought that this was the greatest moment of his life, that he has seen Jesus face to face; he thought that looking at Jesus was the greatest blessing. He thought that Jesus would pass without noticing him and his desire, as there were so many people around Him. But he did not know that Jesus knew each and every thing, He knew every heart, He knew the thoughts of human minds, He could see the quality of the dedication of every heart.
When Zacchaeus decided to see Jesus, at the same time Jesus also decided to save him and change his life by His divine presence.
When Jesus came right under the tree on which Zacchaeus was waiting anxiously, to the surprise of Zacchaeus, Jesus stopped right on the spot and looked right into the eyes of Zacchaeus, and even more to his surprise, Jesus called his name, “Zacchaeus.”
Zacchaeus was not only happy to listen to his name, but was astonished as well. “Who told Him my name?” he wondered. “Why did He stop right on the spot? It means He knew me, He knew my heart, He knew my thoughts, He knew my wrong doings and sins, He knew my dedication and He knew my commitment as well.” Zacchaeus immediately understood that Jesus was not a mere man, but He that He is God.
Jesus said, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately, I must stay at your house today.”
When Jesus entered into the house of Zacchaeus, the divine power of Jesus started refining his life, the divine righteousness started transforming and cleaning the heart of Zacchaeus; he felt the presence, not only in his house, but also in his heart. As he was in front of the divine mirror, the divine judge of the heavenly courts was before him; he judged himself, and he immediately announced. “Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and, if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.” Because the process of purification had been started in the life of Zacchaeus, Jesus said, “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and save that which was lost.”
In olden times, a king was hunting and got lost in the jungle. He arrived at a small village and came into the house of a widow and asked for water. The old woman served the king happily and proudly, she was honoured by the presence of the king. When the king was about to go back, he said, “I will come again.” Now the old woman cleaned her house every day, she put all things in order, as she knew the king could come at any time.
When Jesus comes to our heart, our heart is filled with hope, faith, love, happiness, satisfaction, contentment, and a strong dedication. Day by day we clean our heart from unnecessary things and sins; then Satan loses his hold.
Hansie Cronje was a player in the world of cricket. When he was the captain, he was blamed for allegations by the Indian police, in 2000, for fixing international matches. He, at first, denied the charges, but his pastor was requested to come and talk to him; he said that now he could not speak a lie before his pastor. As a result he confessed, first to his pastor and then to the South African cricket authorities, that he had not been entirely honest.
He finally admitted that he had received some £100,000 in dirty money and had offered bribes of £15,000 each to two members of his team to underperform in a one-day match against India.
Through his pastor he felt the presence of Jesus Christ and he started speaking the truth. When Jesus comes into our heart we start avoiding sins and start keeping the commandments of the Lord.
Jesus is waiting for our dedication and commitment; He is waiting for our decision. Shall we decide like Zacchaeus? Jesus said, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come and eat with him and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20).
Inayat Daniel, Pakistan