“I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour.” 1 Corinthians 3:6–8

On March 4, 2015, I left the land of wood, water and sunshine to visit Haiti for the second time.

At the airport in Miami, I was met by sisters Lucy and Morris and in the evening had a prayer meeting with the church; then on March 5, 2015, I was on my way to Haiti for two months.

In Haiti I was met by Brother Simon Beaubrun and together we traveled to Saint Marc.

We took an eight hour drive in the dust on the following day to Bombardopolis, where we had our first set of meetings. Over 50 people attended these meetings. The people in this village are requesting that the missionaries return and set up a place of worship.

For the next two weeks in Saint Marc, March 9–19, we laboured hard and long in studying, training and preparing people for baptism and church offices.

In preparing for baptism we went to the seaside to find a site for baptism. We found a lovely place at a private beach, but were told that we had to pay 100 HTG or US$2.13 for each person. The brethren decided that they would not pay to be baptized, so the next day we went looking and found another place, only to be told that we could not baptize there either. But this did not discourage us because we knew what was happening: Satan was working but God was preparing another way. We found a place near to the church and held the baptism there.

Sabbath, March 21, 2015 was indeed a day of rest and gladness, joy and light, a day most beautiful and bright, when heaven celebrates with earth; because 16 precious souls made a covenant with God in baptism in the murky waters of Saint Marc. After this historic, heartwarming event we walked to the church to welcome these loved ones to the church of God. This group of believers started studying and worshiping together two years ago under a mango tree. The Lord has blessed them with a place of worship. Praise the Lord!

Sunday, March 22, 2015, we were at the church again, only this time we were there for the organization of the local church. The spirit of love and unity permeated the meeting and everything was done in peace and order. The following day we were on the road to Port Au Prince. In the capital city we have a band of young people. It is gratifying to see young people accept this message. The studies and the training were supposed to be for one week, but we had to continue for another week.

Sabbath, April 4, 2015 was a day to be remembered in the annals of the Church of God in Haiti.

Fifteen dear souls were baptized. Eight were from Port au Prince, six were from Fond Michel #1 and #2 and one was from Saint Marc. After this memorable event by the riverside we returned to the church to welcome these wonderful souls into God’s Church. We had the dedication of children and the Lord’s Supper. The little church in Fond Michel #1 was full to capacity and overflowing. The mothers and fathers brought their children, up to the age of nine, to be dedicated to the Lord.

One might wonder, after baptizing 31 people, organizing one church, giving the Lord’s Supper, that our work in Haiti was done and it was time for me to return to Jamaica, but my work had just began. Three more churches were organized; officers were trained on how to do their duties, we started to build the church in Fond Michel #1, attended a wedding in Gonaives, and held communion service in Saint Marc.

Haiti is ready for the Third Angel’s Message. We have over 60 members, four organized churches and two Sabbath Schools. Many other places are calling. They need workers, books, and tracts in French and Creole, and other things. Please pray for the brethren there, that they will continue in the Faith and that the message of the Second Coming of Our Lord will extend to the entire world.  God bless you.

George Gowie, Jamaica


Leaders of the church in Fond Michel #1

Leaders of the church in Fond Michel #1


Dedication of children in the church at Fond Michel #1


Children at Fond Michel #2

Children at Fond Michel #2

Members of the church in Fond Michel #1

Members of the church in Fond Michel #1

Baptism of persons from Port au Prince and Fond Michel

Baptism of persons from Port au Prince and Fond Michel

Newly Baptized members at St. Marc

Newly Baptized members at St. Marc

Leaders of the church in Haiti

Leaders of the church in Haiti