This morning as I was working on the things my heart sensed was right to do, I came across a man, Oh, so serene. Lovingly, caringly He said to me, come; enter thou my rest dear one; whereas I see you are working very hard, but come, come into my rest.
Oh my Friend, said I, I cannot stop as I so want to do my part.
Graciously yet imploringly persisted He: Come, come into my rest and stop your works of righteousness
Then He opened to me a plan already seemingly in place, assuring me that it is for all nation, kindred, tongue and people. For proof He showed me the scar in his hand and side and told me that it was truly His labor of love.
What! I exclaimed, Friend, I pressed, I came to realize, though I was never ever told that we will need a sacrifice, but now I must just stop? Must I just render mere devotedness and go in without this sacrifice?
Yes, He earnestly replied; just enter now my rest and that is all you do, as no one else can do that work but me, and it is now complete.
This time He showed me his wounded feet and tenderly declared: Son, I had trodden it all alone.
Wearily yet trustingly in faith and love I cried: Oh My Savior and my God I believe, I now enter your rest.
Rose Powell