The eight-month General Conference Missionary Training seminar has come to a close with graduation ceremonies being held in Toronto, Canada.  The afternoon of Sabbath May 26th was devoted to the youth sharing their experiences following their practical work.

Brother Watts opened the meeting with Isaiah 6:8. “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.” We have had some youth answer the call and the following are examples from their experiences.

Sister Nidia: (Montreal). After mission school, Nidia didn’t think she could learn so much in so short at time; but here she was, one month later, stating she had learned a lot. Montreal was the hardest area for  a practical; she felt like she was being kicked out of the nest and having to fly on her own. She was with new missionaries and Johanna was very pregnant. Her French language also was very basic. Thankfully Miguel, who had picked up the French language, went canvassing with her. He did all the French speaking and said, “Practice until you learn.” She did. . . and finally she did get better and was able to go alone.

Although she sold no books, she made five positive contacts.  Most studies are with Seventh-Day Adventist’s.  On occasion she was discourged before going canvassing and told God she didn’t want to do it,  but each time she came back she was much happier. Before this she had never been present at a Bible Study and one day Renzo told her she was going to do the study.  She asked, “How do I do it?” He told her to just pick a topic and talk about it. She ended up giving several Bible studies.

Another big part was speaking. There are really only 2 members in Montreal—Renzo and Johanna. So they wanted to use her; one Sabbath she gave the sermon, the afternoon meeting and Sabbath closing. . . and had to do translating also. Overall she realized she had been too reliant on family and friends when times got tough. She had to learn to rely on God for everything in Montreal.  Although it was really hard, she was blessed to go there.

Adrian: (Calgary). Adrain stated that he had many experiences in Calgary; they really squeezed everything  out of him. He got so tired that he got tired of being tired. He had learned to witness wherever he was and shared an experince on the airplane where he witnessed to a young woman about faith. He encouraged her to read her Bible and she shared her email address for follow up. Prior to mission school, there were many things that would make him proud, but he sees that all flesh is as grass and that we should give all glory to God. You really have to rely on the Lord for everything in the mission field. He then shared his experiences, his visitations, canvassing,  and Bible studies. Adrian was also able to ecourage the youth in the church in Calgary. He was asked to preach two sermons and open the Sabbath on two occasions.

Brenda.:(Cedartown). Brenda did her practical at the General Conference headquarters in Cedartown, USA. She shared an experience prior to the end of the mission school about a contact that was made of a person that she was giving piano lessons to. Now one sister is still working with this lady and she is taking cooking classes about three times per week.   A lot of what Brenda did was working to get everything ready for South Africa. She helped Brother Hunger, Sister Orce and others. She helped send books to the mission school students in Vancouver who had run out of them. Although she wasn’t going door to door, she was doing other things such as teaching in the children’s Sabbath school. She was asked if she could be the regular earliteen Sabbath School teacher, and fortunately the subject matter was basically what she had just learned in mission school.   She also taught in Cedar Christian school when a teacher was sick. Brenda really enjoyed working with the youth people and children. Now she is going back to Cedartown to be with Karola while everyone else is in South Africa.

Danny: (Vancouver). He stated that his experience in Vancouver was amazing. Initially he didn’t want to go to Vancouver, but rather he wanted to stay in Toronto and start his career. Before Mission school he had just graduated from University and it was a hard decision to decide whether to go to mission school or Vancouver.  He went to interviews but prayed that no job would come of it and since nothing happened, he went to mission school.  In Vancouver, they canvassed for three hours every day. The first day was tough—going out and talking to people for three hours,  when talking to people is not his forté. The first day all the doors closed and Danny had the wind taken out of sails. He thought—four more weeks? He told Brother Oscar that he was not sure he could do it. That night he prayed and after that every day he had some positive experiences. Most people were not interested in religion and so Danny started to canvass with the health message. The first day he did that, a man started talking to him about religion.

For the first time in his life, Danny got the chance to preach. It was nerve wracking, but it was a blessed experience. He was very involved in the church in Vancouver. In the end Danny, enjoyed the experiences and developed good habits by having constant communion with the Lord. He is thankful for the time he spent in Vancouver.

Richard: (Edmonton). Richard shared many experiences which he had made in Edmonton, which began on his plane flight where he had a religious conversation with a Christian lady who sat next to him.  In Edmonton, he went canvassing four to five hours per day. Although it was cold initially, he went forward by faith with Brother Clyve Russell. From his experience Richard states that nine out of ten people are interested in health and that is the approach he used. They went all over Edmonton, even in apartment buildings, where they were told in the end they could not be there without permission.

On Sabbath, Brother Russell and Richard spent the day sharing their experiences and studying the lessons since we do not have a meeting place in Edmonton yet. They stayed in the house of a relative of Brother Clyve’s who travels a lot for his work.  Richard shared the experience of how he witnessed on Sabbath to this man’s young daughter. Richard also gave several Bible studies in Edmonton.

Richard then went on to Calgary for a week where he made a positive experience with the health seminar. Brother Elder told him that they would look at him as a health expert and would ask him lots of questions. He prayed to the Lord that he would be able to answer the questions.  Richard thanked the Lord for all of his experiences.

Leo: (Toronto).  Leo and Emelina did their practical with Brother Jerry Eaton. In their canvassing work, they made a range of experiences. Leo learned that health is a good way to start to lower the walls. Also, when speaking to a person, not to stand too far away, but close enough to connect. One gentleman asked us who we were, in a defensive way, and slammed the door.  But it was ok. With Jerry there, it helped us and was a good experience. . .  this way we learn how to cope in these situations and not to take it personally. In London, the people were very friendly. Emelina and Leo presented the afternoon meeting and the Sabbath School. He shared the experience they made with making a courtesy visit to a church on Sunday. They learned how to work in this situation and to create an interest in people. Jerry shared with Leo some practical tips to improve his work. He had been speaking in a monotone voice. He needed more enthusiasm. Jerry said he was improving. We all have to learn to be a minute-man. Overall, Leo stated he learned a lot from his practical work.

Mark Anthony: (USA).  He shared his experiences of how the Lord provided means for him to travel to visit his relatives in Ohio, then to Chicago, and finally to Canada. He had no job and no money for travel up until the day of his departure, but he went by faith and the Lord provided. He wanted to begin his practical with his family and then move on.

At the last moment someone gave him gas money and he went. He shared with us his experiences in Ohio and Chicago and how the health message was a blessing for those whom he met.

The Lord provided for Mark all along the way and he decided that he wil just keep on planning. When people ask him how he will get to his destination, he said he didn’t know but God will provide and God has provided. Praise the Lord.

Eric: (Vancouver). Eric stated that he was happy to be back in Toronto. He and Danny went to Vancouver. He also had wanted to stay in Toronto, but while in Cedartown he was asked to go to South Africa to translate for the Korean delegates during the GC session,  so he realized that this summer was for the Lord, so he went to Vancouver. The first few days of canvassing he could not sell a single book. Then he paired up with Brother Oscar Oveido and together with him they made some interesting experinces.

Eric learned  three major things in mission school.  1) Only the Holy Spirit knows the truth. We should not judge people by their external appearance. Some people look holy and kind but don’t accept the truth. Only God can read the heart. 2) He was discouraged and disapponted many times, but through these times he learned  to trust God and let Him lead.  We may be disappointed by our fellow brothers but we need to forgive and unite. 3) We need to call sin by its right name. We cannot tolerate sin, but meet it in the spirit of Christ. We should care about our brother’s and sister’s salvation. Eric said he learned he needed to be humble.  Please pray for the mission school students.

Emelina: (Toronto). She shared that itwas nice to have someone we know to teach us the “ropes” of canvassing. One of the things that God prompted her to do was to take these experiences to her workplace. Emelina went to her boss and a co-worker and shared with them all her mission school experiences. She is hoping to connect with an old school mate who is a Christian and with whom she shared a lot with spiritually. She hopes they can have Bible studies.The whole Mission School experience from beginning to end taught Emelina a lot. When you get discouraged, you can turn to God and see that He is leading. One of the things she is thankful for is that God has shown her the purpose He has for her life. Although they finished the misson school, they still need to continue to learn from the elders in the church.

Brother Watts concluded by stating that the purpose of the mission school was to teach the students  practical missionary work, how to study for themselves and also how to deal with difficult situations. He has seen the children mature into adults, and he prayed that all of them will be faithful to Jesus Christ.

Let us all go to work for the Lord. Let us put our shoulder to the work and work for the unity of the church. Let us build up each other and help bear each other’s burdens.  We must help others.  With these words, Brother Watts thanked the Lord for the privilege of being here and the opporutnity to conduct this mission school for the honour and glory of God.