Dear brothers and sisters, from April 6–15 2012, the church in London held an Evangelistic Outreach, preaching Jesus to the people.
I know that evangelism is the dynamic heartbeat of the New Testament Church and should be a motivation for us to do the same as the disciples did when they were filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit. In Gospel Workers, page 352, it says “The work of God in this earth can never be finished until the men and women comprising our church membership rally to the work and unite their efforts with those of ministers and church officers” We are called to the same work, and we should be motivated by love in doing that. I would like to suggest to you in the future to express unity by coming out as much as possible to the meetings. Jesus wants you to be blessed by the message delivered in these meetings.
I personally am thankful to the Lord Jesus and our mighty God, the Father, for the people that came and responded to the invitation of the Holy Spirit. We found new, interested souls with this event; I am in touch with them, giving Bible studies and leading them to the foot of the cross, with God’s help.
I encourage you to do the same in your local church. Have at least two evangelistic meetings a year, to bring in prayer to God your plan that it may be approved by heaven; then follow it, because Jesus is going to bless your efforts as you do that. Church members should be the first to attend. Invite your family, your neighbours, friends, workmates, etc.
“Our work has been marked out for us by our Heavenly Father. We are to take our Bibles, and go forth to warn the world. We are to be God’s helping hands in saving souls—channels through which His love is day by day to flow to the perishing.” –Testimonies for the Church, vol. 9, p. 150
So, our heavenly Father invites us to do missionary work from house-to-house; this includes canvassing work, Bible studies, prayer cells with family members or friends, etc. Let us try everything God placed before us and let His Holy Spirit bring fruits through us.
I pray that each one of you may do the work God entrusted us with and I hope in the future there will be more unity among us when God calls you to preach, or to come and listen to the message God has for you.
This is my wish and prayer.
In Christ,
Nicholas Anca