Beginning in the month of March 2011, problems arose in the University of Malawi, starting at one of the constituent colleges. Lecturers began a sit-in, demanding that the Inspector General of Police, who came to interrogate their colleague over an alleged political example he gave in class, must apologize to the lecturer for traumatizing him and his family.  They requested that they be given the assurance that such an incident would not happen again to them. Little did I know that this strike would spill over to our college as well. Our lecturers at The Polytechnic also joined by laying down their tools in what they described as acting in the spirit of solidarity with their colleagues at Chancellor College. It was total confusion; days passed with no classes whatsoever. Then I remembered the following testimony:

“We are living in the time of the end. The fast-fulfilling signs of the times declare that the coming of Christ is near at hand. The days in which we live are solemn and important. The Spirit of God is gradually but surely being withdrawn from the earth. Plagues and judgments are already falling upon the despisers of the grace of God. The calamities by land and sea, the unsettled state of society, the alarms of war, are portentous. They forecast approaching events of the greatest magnitude.

“The agencies of evil are combining their forces and consolidating. They are strengthening for the last great crisis. Great changes are soon to take place in our world, and the final movements will be rapid ones.

“The condition of things in the world shows that troublous times are right upon us. The daily papers are full of indications of a terrible conflict in the near future. Bold robberies are of frequent occurrence. Strikes are common.” –Testimonies for the Church, vol.9, p.11 (emphasis mine)

Not quite long after our college joined, as the sit-in was coming to its third week, we were sent packing. The two colleges were closed indefinitely and everyone was required to leave by 12 noon Friday, April 1st, 2011. (This situation continues to exist up until now). This was a big blow for me as I was expected to complete fourth year (my last one) by September 23rd; thus several plans were frustrated. However, I quickly realized that it might be providence. These things were happening close to me as a wakeup call. As in the testimony quoted above, time is far spent and signs of the times are quickly fulfilling throughout the world. It may not be long now before Christ’s kingdom of glory begins. I prayed to God, asking whether I should unite with Brother Raphael Tembo for intense missionary work during this unexpected holiday. Brother Raphael works as a Bible Worker and is also the current leader of the Northern field. I called him and he was so glad that together we would be working for God in His vineyard. Amidst resource constraints we happily stayed together, always believing in the great treasure God has kept for us in heaven where we will live better lives.

On the day I arrived in Mzuzu from Blantyre, we immediately began discussing issues of missionary work. Brother Tembo told me of the joy of missionary work there and the numerous contacts he had made, but more on this later. A beginning point for me was to learn more about how to witness to the Bible Believer’s Church.  Brother Raphael has their books that expose their falsehood. Among the most difficult people to understand the truth are those from this faith because of how they have complicated their doctrine and twisted the plain statements of the Bible. Since these people are all over the world, you frequently meet them.  In this article I wish to share with you on how you can witness to these people more effectively. One thing I think that perhaps this group is a ploy of Satan to create this religion as a counterfeit to the Adventist Message, as in most cases they understand some doctrinal points the Adventist way. (see beliefs number (d) first part and (e) below)

First of all, let us understand some of their beliefs.  They believe that:

(a) In heaven there is Jesus only and that there is no Father (major doctrine).

(b) The serpent in Eden that beguiled man was not the snake we know today; it no longer exists but that it was a certain creature in human form, such that Eve did not eat the actual fruit.                   (c) That God created two kinds of people – What they call the ‘spirit man’ without the body – they say; and the ‘physical man,’ with the body.

(d) They are the 7th church of Rev. 3: 14-21, The Laodicean church, beginning in 1906.

(e) God’s church needs to have a prophet to deliver the message for that time.

To help them without difficulties arising, never argue with them for any length of time on any of the first three points. If possible, listen in silence.  You will speak to them later on these matters. Then if they have not tackled point (d) and (e), draw their attention to them. Establish whether they are still the Laodicean Church or not. Establish also that a true prophet of God speaks the word of God and never lies, all his predictions must come true or otherwise he/she is from the devil. (Deuteronomy 18: 21, 22; Jeremiah 28:9).  Let them agree on these matters squarely; and no doubt they will as they have much trust in their prophet. Meanwhile, you should have their book on the predictions of their prophet William Marrion Branham that he wrote. It talks about the seven churches of Revelation. Translated from the Chichewa Language its title may appear thus: “An Explanation of the Era of the Seven Churches.”  Then read with them about the explanation of the 7th church. The following prediction is made and it is false.  Let us read with them:

“The Laodecian era began in maybe 1906. But, how long will it last? As the servant of God who has had many visions, of which none has failed, allow me to state plainly (I do not say it but I want to predict emphatically) that this era shall end in 1977…

“Considering the seven visions here brought to view, with how change of things has swept the world the last 50 years, I DECLARE IN ADVANCE (I do not say it but emphasize) that all these visions will be fulfilled by 1977. Though many can think that it would be careless speaking [on this matter] taking into account the truth that Jesus said ‘no man knows the day and hour,’ I still cling onto considering that after 30 years, because Jesus DID NOT SAY there would be no person who would know the year, month or week during which His coming would be fulfilled. Therefore, I repeat, I believe with earnestness of heart and cling as a special student of the Word coupled with the anointing of the Spirit that 1977 is the year whereby all worldly business will cease and the beginning of the 1000 years.”  William Marrion Branham –(Kufotokoza kwa Mibadwo Isanu ndi Iwiri ya Mpingo) “An Explanation of the Era of the Seven Churches,” pp.345, 347

Now you can plainly see that these are false prophecies. Are not the words of Christ fulfilled in Matthew 24: 5,11, 23, and other texts, etc? To those who understand, they will heed this warning. Is that Church not completely torn off in a suicidal way? Do we not have to thank God for such a revelation?

When we scheduled a meeting with their top pastor they later on resented us, for they knew their falsehood would be laid bare and they would thus be faced with a decision to make. Enough with this, as space is limited.

I will give a brief account of the other work in Mzuzu: Somewhere it has been spoken of numerous contacts being made. With Brother Tembo I have learned that we never leave home for missionary work and then move door to door just for the first time. With the Watchtower doing the same work, it is boring for many people. Once people see you in jackets and a neck tie they just say, “You are from The Jehovah’s Witness, and we belong to our church;” others allow a discussion with them just to be polite. Thus, door-to-door missionary work seems no longer to be promising, in our country.  So, we do not use it. We just go out, trusting in God’s guidance and wherever people are, we go there and start a discussion out of the blue and they think we are just merely making conversation. We show them no Bible at all unless the discussion becomes deeper and they start asking more questions.  Then we take our Bibles out of our bags.  Once a person shows an interest we lay hold on them and start visiting him or her at home. However, such methods need a lot of courage and tact in devising what story or question would be posed to arouse the interest and attention of the people.

I remember one time while on a bicycle, when I started with a bold heart, witnessing to the one that offered me transport. My colleague, Brother Raphael did likewise on the other bicycle at the same time. Overall, there are many souls that are receiving lessons, and sometimes we fail to meet appointments because of limited time. Some come to attend church services on Sabbath. One person has made a decision for God and comes to Brother Tembo’s house to learn more with us. I encourage you to try this method of labour also! There is a lot that Providence has done to guide us in this work, but space cannot allow everything to be put down. All we hope is that this will encourage you as well.

So, brethren and sisters, let us pray for the work here and all over the world, so as to hasten our Lord’s return.  The signs of the times are fast fulfilling, and we ought to be awake.

“When sinners are led to give themselves to the Saviour, angels bear the tidings heavenward, and there is great rejoicing among the heavenly host. ‘Joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.’ Luke 15:7. A report is borne to heaven of every successful effort on our part to dispel the darkness and to spread abroad the knowledge of Christ. As the deed is recounted before the Father, joy thrills through all the heavenly host.  –Acts of the Apostles, p. 153. See also the reward in Daniel 12:3. So, what then? Yes, there is joy in saving souls. AMEN

Joel Jungubawa Msiska

Mzuzu, Malawi