Moral Crisis |
“But evil men and seducers shall become worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” 2Tim 3:13
When the Apostle Paul wrote this letter to Timothy, he was not only in jail, but abandoned by most of his friends! (2 Tim. 1:15; 4:16). In that state, and in dire circumstances, he wrote the most detailed account of conditions that will prevail upon the earth during the last daysÉ a moral crisis! (2 Tim. 3:1-9; 4:3-4; 2 Tim. 3). We are clearly living in a time of moral crisis. Moreover, a world of “moral impurity that abounds everywhere.” (3T 564). “Moral” is defined as: habits with respect to right and wrong; righteous; in essence-Godly-pure. Darkness There is an astounding and rapid decline of morality in society. “Thousands of people are suffering moral destitution.” (3SM 216). Furthermore, “the present generation is feeble in moral power.” (4T 30). “Like a funeral pall, moral darkness covers the earth, and a ruined world pleads to Christians to put forth individual efforts.” But, where are they? Even the “religious world is covered with the pall of moral darkness.” (3T 73, 391; 5T 158). Unhealthy I uneasily wonder if this rapid decline in society is the end of the “age of Grace,” and the abrupt rise of evil? In fact, we can see that, “evil men and seducers shall become worse and worse and deceivers leading many astray” – that time is now! Pollsters, Gallup and others, have found an “unhealthy trend, an alarming, moral crisis.” Religious surveys, also, agree that there is a true moral crisis in the world; rising street crime, alcohol and drug abuse, suicides, rage killings, horrid massacres, predators, abortions, homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism, racism, disrespect for parents and authorities, and so on! Dusty One interesting religious survey discovered that 98% of the American homes have one or more Bible. But, few could name the four gospels (Mathew, Mark, Luke, John). Even fewer could name or recite the Ten Commandments. Many of the parents and their children are indeed, spiritual illiterates! There is a story of a seven year old boy who asked his mother, “What’s that large black book on the top of the book shelves that’s covered with dust?” The mother meekly answered, “Oh, that’s the Bible. It’s God’s book.” The little young man answered, “Well, maybe we should give it back to Him, because no one in this house reads it.” This story could be multiplied in many homes, today, even of professed Christians. One reason is that “an atmosphere of lax morality tends to counteract parental influence.” (PP 169). Private Contributions Furthermore, Eastern cults, astrology, magic, bizarre music, sensual pleasures, glittering city lights, Satanic novels, American idols, depraved appetites, flesh foods, debasing theatre going, peculiar fashions, politics, squandering of time, associations with vain, skeptical persons–are all major contributors of moral depravity. Moral Machinery In such a time as this; a time of moral crisis, and wretchedness, where can one begin? If a nation is to survive and have the victory over these disintegrating influences, of self-abuse, and sin, then it can only be gained with moral power guided by moral and spiritual laws. Thereby, the “hearts become acquainted with the moral machinery.” (4T 85). In a time of moral crisis, begin first with yourself, learn to approach the Lord, repent of your sins, then practice righteousness and exercise your faith. “Working out your salvation in trembling and fear.” (Eph 6:5). Next, resist the devil. But, it does not merely stop here. You begin first with yourself, then the family, neighbors, community, and God has the final answerÉ the entire world. If not, the shocking moral crisis will spread in society and collapse will follow. But, “Christians must possess the saving qualities that preserve the world from moral corruption. Union with Christ brings moral and spiritual powers.” (5T 230). “God wants His people to have moral courage, good moral health, moral stamina, and a moral backbone!” (5T 297; 2T 130) I See! The Gospel in Greek is defined as conversion. The Gospel can change people, communities, and nations. (1Cor. 6:9-11). Can you see it in yourself, your family, others, your church? Missionaries are proclaiming the Good News of salvation in Africa to remote savage tribes, even in the far reaches of the South American Amazon forests; reaching out from almost inaccessible villages such as our remnant brethren of Cainaima, Venezuela. Others have gone to Nepal, China, Korea, Ethiopia, Maine, and so on. Soon whole communities will be converted to the truth. Avoid Them The New Testament portrays a devoted people who are Christ-centered, law-abiding, principled, persevering, steadfast. In essence, a transformed people! What marvelous traits to develop and possess. Many professing Christians, however, are slaves of immorality; tainted with corrupt habits, loose morals, love of fashion, intemperance, unhealthy stimulants, beclouded of disease, dissipation, heathen conceptions, etc. It is wrong to associate with such persons. (1 Tim3:5). Paul tells us to avoid divisive persons. “Now I urge you brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them.”(Rom. 16:17). But, first, “examine yourselves to see if you are in the faith.” (1Cor. 13:5). Well Done! We who know the Saviour can, however, assure others Ð that Jesus Christ brings forgiveness, deliverance, peace, wisdom, to a sinner. Salvation not only reforms, but transforms. The Apostle Paul ran an exciting, challenging race every day. What kind of race are you running? What is your goal? Forget whatÕs behind. Look ahead. Let neither success nor failure hinder your growth. Be consistent. Press forward until you hear the Master’s voice. “The light of truth calls for men of sterling moral worth.” (4T 488). We need Joseph’s, and David’s with moral affections. Well, where are they? Assuredly, “God has His moral heroes.”(5T 527). Even so, press on until you hear, “well done good and faithful servant.”(Matt. 25:23). Am I Doing My Best? A young High School student was surprised to win his first cross-country race, outrunning the champion! When asked later what he was thinking during the race he answered, “Am I doing my best?” This question motivated him to try harder, and not be discouraged because of a runner in front of him. He was determined to pass him, somehow! He set another goal, allowing nothing to distract him, such as, “what are others doing, thinking, or saying?” But, he developed an unexpected reserve power, and was victorious. The same determination as the young man is needed by believers. Victory is not easy. Those that are half-hearted need a commitment, a goal to service, to God. Whenever you are in a race of life, or trial, ask yourself, “Am I doing my best?” It helps us press forward. The mark is the high calling of God in Jesus Christ. Give your all to Jesus Christ. How? Remember, He gave His all for you. From Doubt To Faith The prophet Habakkuk (3:1-6; 14-19) had an inner struggle; a moral crisis. He saw evil out of control, too, in his land. He learned what the wicked Babylonians planned, to soon take many of his country men captives. There was mourning, confusion, sorrow. He couldn’t understand why the Lord allowed such circumstances to happen. Habakkuk didn’t turn away in rebellion, or unbelief. Instead, he prayed and waited for word from God. A beautiful response came. Confidence in the Lord! Wait and rejoice in Him, even if the fig tree would bear no fruit, the fields no food, the rivers no water. Well, how can we have faith like that? Turn to God. Listen. Read His word. Just like Habakkuk did. As the hymn declares, “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way, to be happy in Jesus;” no matter what trials, hardships, or perils come in a moral crisis. Remember, faith shines brightest in the dark! Claim The Promise But, in time of a real moral crisis, where is the safety? What do we turn to? Whom do we turn to? How safe are we really? You Are Safe In Jesus! “For you are dead, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.”(Col. 3:3).Every believer must honestly admit that he or she slips again, and again, and walks a narrow Christian path, in a perilous world, in a world of moral crisis. Admittedly, no one is perfect, and every day we must claim the promise. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9). Just reading this is comforting, to know Jesus Christ; that we’re safe in Christ, and that we have the confidence that He will bring us to our destination. Heaven-Reaching Mountain Two experienced German mountain climbers were to scale Mt. Matterhorn (Switzerland). They hired three guides. They began scaling and trudging up the steepest, most slippery ice-filled path. They were securely roped together. The guides were positioned in front and rear of the climbers. Suddenly the last man lost his footing, but was held up temporarily by the last four. Each had a firm toe-hold cut into the ice. The next man, however, slipped, and pulled down the other two above him. Only one was able to stand firm – the first guide! He drove a steel spike deep into the ice. Because the spike held the ground firmly, the men below him gained a firm footing and were all saved. Safe And Sure We can say, too, “I’m like one of those men that slipped, but thanks be to God, I’m bound in a living partnership to Christ. Because He stands, say then, “I’ll never perish.!” Rejoice! You’re safe in Him. The blood of Christ makes us safe; The Law and the Word of God makes us sure! We then grow in holiness, grace, love, and moral worth; a moral renovation! Is there a Moral Crisis in your life? Press on, all the way to the Gate! Amen. John Theodorou , U.S.A. |
Moral Crisismichael2010-10-28T00:54:56-04:00