God’s Appointed Way
Who is wiser, man or God? Who can make a better plan for salvation than what God has made? Who can write a better book than the word of God. Isaiah writes, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isa. 55: 8,9.
Yet, since the beginning man has placed himself above God. SinceAdam and Eve’s time, man has doubted God’s wisdom, and gone directly opposite to His laws and instructions. God set apart the seventh day and sanctified it, but man has decided to change the Sabbath to the first day of the week, and almost the whole world follows man’s commandments, rather than God’s commandments.
God said, “that the wages of sin is death,” but man has changed it, and instead says that “the wages of sin is eternal life in hell fire.” Practically all that God has spoken man has decided to change. Therefore we have so many different churches, and all of them teach different doctrines, and different way to practice religion. None of these churches teach salvation according to God’s appointed way. There is only one church that teaches the truth as God has given it. Therefore only a small remnant will be saved out of millions of professed Christians.
How many Christians would see the wisdom of God in His commanding Abraham to sacrifice his son. It does not seem logical to human wisdom. How many Christians would see the wisdom of God if He would tell them, “Go and sell all that you have and give to the poor.” Many Christians think that ten percent of their income is too much to give. Very few professed Christians have read the Bible through, simply because they do not think it is important to know what God has spoken.
God has appointed church meetings for our instruction and fellowship; but many do not see the importance of them. Often members stay home from prayer meetings, because they think that they know enough. Also, they may be busy with homework or they are tired from the day’s work. They do not realize that these meetings are God’s mediums for our salvation. Many will be lost because they neglected them.
The first one who started to doubt God’s wisdom was Lucifer in heaven. Then next a multitude of angels joined with him, thinking that they are wiser than God. With this same deception he has created many different churches who all believe that they are right and everyone else is wrong, and God’s appointed way is ignored. Now as we come closer to our own church family, there are many who do not think that the standard need to be so high to reach salvation and eternal life.
Sister White tried to arouse the people to see their danger. Therefore she wrote over 100,000 pages of testimonies, books and private letters. But what value do these books have if we do not read them nor practice their instructions?
These books are God’s medium also which will help us into salvation. If we ignore them and do not read them, it is a neglect that may cost our eternal life. “I have tried in the fear of God to set before His people their danger and their sins, and have endeavoured, to the best of my feeble powers, to arouse them. I have stated startling things, which, if they had believed, would have caused them distress and terror, and led them to zeal in repenting of their sins and iniquities. I have stated before them that, from what was shown me, but a small number of those now professing to believe the truth would eventually be saved – not because they could not be saved, but because they would not be saved in God’s own appointed way.
The way marked out by our divine Lord is too narrow and the gate too strait to admit them while grasping the world or while cherishing selfishness or sin of any kind. There is no room for these things; and yet there are but few who will consent to part with them, that they may pass the narrow way and enter the strait gate.” Test. Vol. 2, p. 445, 446.
“One of the greatest reasons for the declension of the church at —— is their measuring themselves by themselves and comparing themselves among themselves. There are but few who have the living principle in the soul and who serve God with an eye single to His glory. Many at ——- will not consent to be saved in God’s appointed way. They will not take the trouble to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling. The latter they do no experience; and, rather than be at the trouble of obtaining an experience through individual effort, they will run the risk of leaning upon others and trusting in their experience. They cannot consent to watch and pray, to live for God and Him only. It is more pleasant to live in obedience to self.” Test. Vol. 2, p. 397.
“God loves both of you and wants to save you with an abundant salvation. But it must not be in your way, but in God’s own appointed way. You must comply with the conditions laid down in the Scriptures of truth, and God will as surely fulfill on His part as His throne is sure. Because the admonitions that God sends to His people are humiliating to human nature, you must not, my brother, rise up against these reproofs and warnings. You need to die daily, to experience a daily crucifixion to self.” Test. Vol. 3, p. 323, 324.
“No matter who you are or what your life has been, you can be saved only in God’s appointed way. You must repent; you must fall helpless on the Rock, Christ Jesus. You must feel your need of a physician and of the only remedy for sin, the blood of Christ. This remedy can be secured only by repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ… The blood of Christ will avail for none but those who feel their need of its cleansing power.” Maranatha, chapter 65.
The testimonies are clear and point out our danger of going out of God’s appointed way.
As we are nearing the end, Satan’s deceptions will increase and more people will fall to sleep like the foolish virgins while being in an unsaved condition. When the Lord brings upon them trials and tests they complain and murmur like did Old Israel in the wilderness. They do not realize that these trials and fiery tests are God’s appointed way to save them.
Because they complain and are dissatisfied in the way that God is leading them, He will leave them alone as He did Old Israel, that only two adults reached the Promised Land.
Paul writes, “Do all things without murmurings and disputings.” Phil. 2:14.
He also adds, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.” Rom. 8:28. If we let God be our leader He will bring us daily into circumstances which will help us in our sanctification. It will not be an easy road, but it will lead us to perfection and to heaven. To learn humility and patience is not easy to endure, but there is no easier way to do it, except the way of God. Joseph was sold as a slave and spent many years in prison. This was God’s appointed way for him. Moses spent 40 years caring for sheep. This also was God’s appointed way for him.
God will not give us even one drop of pain and sorrow needlessly. It is all well calculated in His wisdom in order to save us. When fiery trials come on your way, when your best friends turn against you, when death seems more desirable than live, then remember to give thanks to the Lord for your trials. These offences must come upon us, not to destroy us but to purify us, and make us ready for heaven. Then, behold the Lamb of God suffering without one word of murmur, or complaint. Also remember that the end will be glorious; the image of Jesus in us.
We sing in a gospel hymn, “The way of the cross leads home.”
Then carry your cross cheerfully without complaint and this cross will save you, and eventually it will become your joy and glory. May the Lord help each one to accept God’s appointed way for us.
Timo Martin, Canada