Mark 2:11
What must a Christian do to be accepted by God today? Well, without faith God cannot be very happy with us. I believe we all agree on this and the importance of, first, having abiding faith. Not just an abiding faith, but a faith that is radiant, joyful, and “rising”! Again, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him; for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.”(Heb 11:6). This is real faith!
God offers to the lost, salvation; and for the faithful service of the saved, He offers rewards. “If any man’s work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward.” (1 Cor 3:14). We must remember that salvation is invariably spoken of as a free gift (John 4:10), whereas rewards are earned by works (Math 10:42). Furthermore, a distinction is made that salvation is a present possession (Luke 7:50), whereas rewards are a future attainment, to be given in Heaven (2 Tim 4:8).
But, faith, now, simply is to ask, believe, and hope for something you can’t see. “The substance of things hoped for.” (Heb 11:1). But, what are man’s thoughts? Many! Faith with works, however, are the basis of life, strength, hope, and sustaining inspiration to continue serving the Lord, to lead lost souls to Jesus. It’s the comforting, soul-searching foundation for directing our steps and conduct.
It’s men like Job and the Apostle Paul that bring us to the basis of things, not the average Christian among us, along with other giants of faith who are souls that have been hard hit, and have gone to the basis of things in life, and whose experiences have been preserved for us by God, that we may know where we stand. It is our Lord Himself, and men like Job in the O.T., and Paul in the N.T. who give us the indication of where we are to look for the foundation of our faith when it is being violently, and rudely shaken!
But, what is the fundamental foundation we understand and is one of our founding pillars of faith? Yes, the sanctuary. The sanctuary that was made on earth. A copy of the Heavenly, sanctuary whereby our prayers and faith carry us before the Throne of Grace, before God, Himself, where our intercessor, Jesus Christ, is interceding in our behalf in Heaven today.
Based on this, then what is our mission, our goal, our divine and joyful duty? To place the sanctuary in the enemy camp! Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, came to earth to take it up to Heaven. We’re merely strangers, pilgrims, sojourners. Place it in every soul, as they accept Jesus Christ, and that come to the sanctuary. From faith we can do that which God asks us to do. Faith, too, has to be placed in the camp of the enemy. This is a practical, working faith, when Jesus asked the paralytic man at the pool of Bethesda, “rise, take up thy bed, and walk” (John 5:8). Let’s say, you are, for example, subject to a gnawing temptation. So, ask for help, that it may be God’s will that you can overcome this obstacle in your life, and salvation. “Rise up and take thy bed and walk”!
Today all are sick, all are suffering, in a universe that we awaken to that is no longer one of order, but a great big howling confusion. Distresses are reaped, and it takes time to get adjusted to the surrounding stupendous, and withering changes. The seven plagues will fall upon mankind soon, as prophecies are rapidly being fulfilled. The first plague, interestingly, will be grievous, painful, body ulcers affecting primarily the skin. With the coming of the mark of the beast, we will see it all around us. A mourning, grieving, sickness!
Furthermore, we see the destructive signs in nature; the trees, the ocean, seas, rivers, the air, the earth, and the trees; inundating the earth with a ferocity of immeasurable magnitudes. A recent International Conference consisting of 2300 scientists, representing 43 separate countries, declared grimly, that two-thirds of the World was seriously polluted and dangerously imbalanced ecologically. Moreover, although there may be much prayer in the churches of the world, many false Christ’s and prophets will appear. Many will appear with pierced hands, as Jesus! Some even have the power to heal. But, we know this bestial power comes from Satan. This is happening today! Many are going on pilgrimages, in the Middle East, and other parts of the world, including the U.S.A. These signs, and more, should all shatteringly awaken us! “Woe unto the inhabitants of the earth and the sea……”(Rev. 12:12).
Satan has very little time, too. The end is truly rapidly coming, we can all agree worldwide, as believers. We can travel to any city or countryside, mountain, island, pasture, or forest and we will see acres of dying trees, darkened, ruffled skies, and remnants of beautiful acts of creation. What a startling difference between the works of man and the works of God!
In Greece one sees on almost every corner, and curve, and on any roadway, mini-chapels with glowing wicks of light bathed in olive oil, and fresh or dried flowers in memorial to a dying or dead spirit. Wickedness exists in every corner of life, and will worsen! (Dan 12:10; Eph 6:12; 1 John 5:19). It has reached the edge of a dangerous precipice for man in his heavenly journey. Yes, sadly, it will even pervade the very refuges of our churches, and infect our very brethren and families. What a petty, but bitter difference. But, we will live and pass through that difference. Many of us, however, are like that. Many of us, moreover, do not know where we want to live; restlessness, loneliness, and confusion. Many of us furthermore are sick, and afflicted with anxiety. If your life is going awry, and not towards the final heavenly goal, then read, (John 5:8), ‘Jesus said unto him, Rise, take up your bed and walk.” This is an order! From Jesus Christ, Himself.
The “bed” mentioned here is merely a cloth roll or blanket; common in ancient Israel, and some parts of the world, even today. It was the Sabbath, and Jesus Christ was passing through this small village, and reached the point of a fountain of water (a healing spa). When the angel entered this water, it struck it, and it rippled. Subsequently, all who entered it were presumably healed. Around the fountain there were many ornate columns. Many sick were gathered around the fountain and in the water. There are still many remnants of such fountains in the East. One still exists in ancient Corinth, a natural spring of great antiquity which has been so heavily remodeled that it now appears to be an artificial fountain. It is called the Fountain of Peirene. The water is stored in four long reservoirs fed by a transverse supply tunnel.
Jesus was present at such a fountain and saw them all. Jesus didn’t desire that anyone suffer, especially on the Sabbath. But, on this day only. Why this day? And this one man? Others were waiting, also. This man, however, aged 38 patiently waited. Was he losing hope? But, he couldn’t take it any longer. “When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he had been thus now a long time, he saith unto him, ‘Wilt thou be made well ‘?” (John 5:6)
Four precious words reached his ears: “Want to be healed”? One could have said, “Of course; I’ve been waiting 38 yrs!” He could have answered, – yes, no, why ask me, or are you serious? Or, if I am here why can’t you see I want to be healed?” He could have lost all hope. Others were before him, waiting, sick and maimed, too. God’s grace and love appeared, however, Jesus said, “Arise and walk”. The paralytic man was obedient. He arose, without saying a word. When Jesus said these words, the man arose, and was happy, and had hope that he could arise. He felt this divine power surging through his thin, shivering legs. He knew it was a power from Jesus, and he arose contentedly, took his bed, walked, and left. Why did he have this victory over this crippling condition? Faith!
Today we are gathered around the same pool. But, someone is not in the pool! Do any of you want to enter and be healed? You say, “I’m sick, paralytic, maimed, blind, deaf, or dying. But, I have a traumatic sickness.” What? Don’t we all know it yet? It’s sin! What separates us from Jesus? What puts a wall between us and Jesus Christ? What is it that closes the ears of God to our prayers? We have a sickness to be healed.
Let us listen and do as the Apostle Paul did. He had an experience with Jesus. Inside, Paul had two characters. One was flesh. The other was spirit. Paul knew a battle existed between these two. “What a miserable man I am,”… he said. “Free me. I am caught in sin”, he said. We, too, have the same experience as Paul did. But, don’t wait until one says, “Arise and walk”.
When did Jesus Christ die? In the beginning Jesus Christ died as soon as Adam and Eve sinned. Do you want to be saved? Do you want to be healed from sin? Well, if you want to be healed, you must know what you want to be healed from. First, what is in your heart? Jealousy, hatred, anger, war. If all these are in your heart, it’s simply called, ego! There’s no room for Jesus to enter your heart. All these terrible traits are not to the glory of God but… mine!!
Brethren, are you living for Jesus Christ or… self? Think about this for a moment. Ask yourself, seriously, analyze your heart, then say, “Jesus, heal me; I can’t change my heart; transform my thoughts. Make me a new person.” That’s a prayer for all of us. Jesus Christ came to heal all of us. Do you believe that? That He wants to heal you? That He came for your own, individual therapy?
Arise, therefore! If you arise, then meditate on these three things:
1. Arise – What does this mean? It means you need faith to get up! Faith that Jesus gives. So, arise. It’s a divine order. Faith in us, actually energizes us If you are obedient you will arise, if you have Jesus Christ in your heart.
2. Take Your Bed – What does this mean? It means, where are you going? It means both faith and by obedience I will go thereby.
3. Walk – What does this mean? It means… work. Do something. Do a good work. Synonymous with work, I have faith in God, and I obey. I do what He says!
Who is the Father of Faith? Abraham. He did it! (Heb 11:8). The faith of Abraham. Do you have the faith of Abraham? Brethren, do you have faith? Examine yourselves. See if you have faith, and that you can do that which Abraham did. He not only arose, but left all of his family, his land, wealth, animals, servants, and lived in a solitary tent. That’s faith! We have to, in our faith, set up a tent in an area which is not troubled.
Let Jesus Christ live in our hearts. Nothing can stop us. When we feel weak, read, (Phil 4:13) “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” You can do all with Jesus Christ.
ARISE!!! Amen.