Health Alert: Sars
1. Vitamins
A (Anti-infective and anti-viral vitamin) Beta-Carotene (Pro-vitamin A or Preformed Vitamin A)
Sources (food) Red, yellow, orange groups of fruits and vegetables; carrots, spinach, squash, sweet potatoes, mangoes,
apricots, cantaloupes, pink or ruby red grapefruit. Legumes, grains, and seeds, are significant sources of beta-carotenes. Palm oil. Other vegetables: parsley, dandelion leaves, beet greens, mustard greens, turnip greens, Swiss chard, kale, watercress.
Nutritional supplements – Vitamin A: 25,000-50,000 I.U. daily. During pregnancy substitute beta-carotene 100,000-200,000 I.U. daily. Vitamin A is more effective if taken with Vitamin E.
C (Ascorbic acid)
Increases interferon, an anti-viral infection chemical, and other immune-enhancing effects.
Bioflavonoids (Flavonoids)
Provide colours of fruits and flowers primarily provide remarkable protection against disease. Powerful antioxidant.
Sources (food)_Citrus fruits, berries, onions, parsley, legumes, red grapes, red grape juice, currants. Flavonoids found in white layers under skins of citrus. Peel with sharp knife. Eat the seeds, also (grapes, and citrus, orange, grapefruit, lemons, etc). Other sources: green peppers, cabbage, green vegetables, red peppers (sweet—1 _ more Vit. C than green). Rose hips, and Acerola berries best sources. Buckwheat, apricots, cauliflower. Most blue and purple fruits.
Nutritional supplements—Vitamin C 1000-2000 mg daily. Bioflavonoids 500-1000 mg daily.
E (d-alpha-tocopherol)
Immune enhancing especially helpful in elderly. Sources (food) Whole wheat and germ oil (unrefined), natural brown rice, whole grain cereals, nuts (raw), seeds (raw), grains, whole grain oatmeal, peanuts, olive oil, soybean oil, green leafy vegetables, egg yolk.
Nutritional supplements – Vitamin E 400-800 IU daily. The effectiveness of Vitamin E is enhanced if taken with mineral, selenium, increasing antibody production.
B6 (Pyridoxine)
Deficiency results in depressed immune function.
Sources (food) Bananas (5 times richer than any other fruit), walnuts, molasses, green vegetables, carrots, avocados, soybeans (tofu, etc.), peanuts, egg yolk, Brewers yeast.
Nutritional supplements—1.5-1.8 mg daily. Daily quota obtained by 3 tablespoons a day of Brewer’s yeast or nutritional yeast.
Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)
The “red vitamin”. Folic acid deficiency is most common deficiency in the USA. Folic acid is a member of the B vitamin family.
Sources (food) Folic acid: All fruits and vegetables. Vitamin B12: Can be synthesized by intestinal bacteria. Brewer’s yeast, oatmeal, whole wheat bread, miso (soybean paste), soybeans, kelp, peanuts, concord grapes, green beans, seaweeds, tempeh, bee pollen, bananas, eggs, sunflower seeds, milk, wheat germ.
Nutritional supplements – Folic Acid 400-800 mcg daily. Vitamin B12 6-100 mcg daily.
Other B Vitamins
B1(Thiamine); B2(Riboflavin); B5(Pantothenic Acid)
Sources (food) Brewer’s yeast contains all of the B complex vitamins. Whole grain cereals, all seeds, all nuts, lentils, peas, soybeans, leafy green vegetables, milk, wheat germ, rice bran, egg yolks, royal jelly (richest source for pantothenic
acid (B5).
Nutritional supplements – Vitamin B1 1-10 mg; Vitamin B2 1.7-10 mg; Vitamin B5 5-10 mg daily.
2. Minerals
Deficiency is common causing immune dysfunction.
Sources (food) Apricot, beans, cherries, figs, dark grapes, soy beans, spinach, black currants, prunes, molasses.
Nutritional supplements – Iron 10-15 mg daily.
Deficiency results in reduced immune system reactions. It works well with Vitamin A.
Sources (food) Wheat bran, wheat germ, nuts, green leafy vegetables, Brewer’s yeast, milk, eggs, onions, pumpkin seeds, sprouted seeds.
Nutritional supplements – Zinc:15-30 mg daily. Warning! Excess can depress immune system.
Affects all the components of the immune system. Deficiency depresses it.
Sources (food) Brewer’s yeast, brown rice, garlic, Brazil nuts.
Nutritional supplements – Selenium 100-200 mcg daily.
3. Botanical Medicines (Herbs)
Shown to have antibacterial, antiviral, and immunostimulating effects.
Herbs that Heal and Affect Immunity by Boosting It
They can be prepared and administered in several ways: Dried root, fluid extract, solid (powdered), tincture, freeze dried, or juice; capsule, tablet, or tea. Consult with health care practitioner for proper administration and use.
Echinacea, Astrgalus, Goldenseal, Mathake, Mushrooms (Reishi, Shiitake, Maitake), Seaweeds (brown algae, blue-green algae, micro algae) Willow, Pau D’Arco, Oak Bark, Citrus (various species, grapefruit seed extract, etc), Garlic-Allium, Licorice, Milk Thistle, Ginkgo Biloba, Aloe Vera, Tumeric, Kelp
4. General Considerations, Facts and Precautions (SARS)
Symptoms – in the first stage there is a high fever (38C or more), with chills, headache, muscle cramps and aches. Then a dry cough develops after a few days. There is difficulty in breathing. Severe diarrhea can develop. It can resemble or mimic flu symptoms, with a flu-like virus. X-rays give the appearance of pneumonia. As there is still no cure, doctors are treating the symptoms only.
How it can spread Droplets become air-borne when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Most common route is by direct contact, but no one knows for sure, yet. Concern is that the virus can be transmitted by touching objects; door knobs, lift buttons, bus buttons, table tops, railings, computers, telephones, shaking hands, or transmitted by food or animals. Living in close quarters, faulty plumbing, etc. The virus can remain on a surface for 24 hours or more.
5. What Precautions to Take
Wearing a mask is only necessary in regions where there are many cases; Beijing, Hong Kong, Singapore, and perhaps Toronto, although Toronto has been considered peaked and under control.
It’s a personal choice. Masks and gloves and gowns are for doctors and nurses caring for SARS patients. Exposure
to animals is a high risk, like poultry, and domestic animals like dogs, and particularly cats. They can be virus carriers which can be transmitting to man. If possible avoid public toilets. Leaky plumbing can allow waste matter to become air-borne and passed on this way. If entering a public toilet, wash your hands BEFORE relieving yourself.
Do NOT TOUCH the chain, flush button, faucets, or door knobs going in or out of the room, or as you leave. Use a clean paper towel or hygienic paper or alcohol wipe to touch faucets, knobs, and door handles. Wash again BEFORE you leave. Use the first toilet as you enter, NOT the middle or far one, as they are more heavily infected. DO NOT use the hot-air dryer, as they are incubators for virus and bacteria. 60% of those that visit public toilets do not wash their hands! Use the “Oriental” method instead of sitting on seats. Avoid shaking of hands if possible. This is the most common way of transferring viruses. Bow the “Oriental” way. Try avoiding restaurants; food handlers, and those handling animals or their by-products are the most heavily infected and carriers. Try avoiding crowded places. If possible, the Holy Supper (Communion) is another topic. Again it’s a matter of choice; one cup or multiple cups. Remember! Your immune system is your internal power and defense against any disease or any foreign invaders or toxins or viruses. It protects the body by controlling and eliminating disease.
6. How to Support the Immune System
Emotional states, attitudes, and moods can affect the immune system particularly stress. Have a positive outlook, hope, faith. Negative, anxious, fretful lifestyles depress the immune system. Have regular meals. Have the proper body weight. Obesity is associated with a depressed immune system. Nutrient deficiency is most common cause of depressed immune system; especially protein deficiency. Get adequate rest and sleep (8 hours sleep). Drink 1 liter of water daily, if possible. Eating simple sugars depresses the immune system. Stay away from sugar. Fasting, short-term, can improve the immune system. A diet of high fat, cholesterol, free fatty acids, triglycerides, and bile acids inhibit various immune functions. Exercise is a life giving necessity; daily exercise, walking, jogging, etc., improves the immune system. Faith promotes good health. Breast feeding is a superior way to strength and builds a good immune system for life.
God’s original plan for man’s diet is “every herb bearing seed”. (Gen. 1:29). Also, every “herb of the field”. (Gen. 3:18). This means grains, fruits, nuts and vegetables… but “for sure a vegetarian diet should be adopted.” (CD 81).
NOTE: This program is only a general guide on boosting the immune system, and should only be followed after consulting with your health-care professional, or physician. It’s a guideline for any epidemic or plague as well. Use it wisely.
John Theodourou DDS, MS