Ezekeil’s Bread

Nutritionists have discovered that bread made from a variety of grains delivers more food value and higher quality protein than breads made from a single grain. They call this the principle of augmentation, according to Reuben Hubbard and Don Hawley, nutritionists and authors of Health Secrets of the Bible. (Loma Linda University school of Health, 1979)

They say the prophet Ezekiel seems to have known this fact thousands of years ago. “Take thou also until thee wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentils, and millet and fitches (rye) and put them into one vessel, and make bread thereof.” Ezekiel 4:9

Ezekiel’s Bread Recipe:
4 packets yeast
1 cup warm water
8 cups wheat flour
4 cups barley flour
2 cups soy flour
!/2 cup millet flour
1 cup lentils, cooked and mashed
!/2 – 1/3 cup honey
4 cups water
4-5 tbs olive oil
1 Tbs Salt

Dissolve the yeast in 1 cup warm water and 1 tbs of honey. Set aside for 10 minutes. Combine the next five ingredients. Blend lentils, oil, remaining honey and small amount of water in blender. Place into large mixing bowl with remaining water. Stir in two cups of (mixed) flour. Add yeast mixture. Then stir in remaining salt and flour. Place on floured breadboard and knead until smooth. Put in oiled bowl. Let rise until double in bulk. Knead again, cut dough and shape into loaves. Place in greased pans. Let rise. Bake at 375 degrees for 45 minutes to one hour. Yields 4 loaves.

This bread will supply protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, vitamins A and C, thiamin, riboflavm and niacin. Plus, it tastes great!

You may substitute lentil sprouts (raw) You may substitute molasses (unsulphured) for honey

For added body and increased nutritional values:
Add – 1 Tbs. Raw sunflower seeds
1 Tbs. Raw millet seeds
1 Tbs. Whole flax seeds
1 Tbs. Sesame seeds – raw (brown)
1 Tbs. Kelp, Kombou – dried seaweed, or other
Use whole wheat flour (stone-ground) or whole rye flour (stone ground) or corn.
Use all or any combinations, to suit your tastes and availability Use spring or clean well water, not tap water, if possible
Use sea salt if available

Dr. John Theodorou