I want to thank God that I had the opportunity to have Brother Joel Barnedo from United States here in Calgary doing missionary work with me. We did work such as canvassing from door-to-door, giving Bible studies, making visits and counselling. There is an old saying that says, “A that Friend in need is a Friend indeed.” Friends hold a special place in our heart as they are the ones who always stand by us whenever we need them. Therefore, I would like to write a few words in appreciation of our brother in the Lord who has helped me and showed me how to improve my personal approach when doing canvassing work or giving Bible studies. I personally, and on behalf of the Canadian Field, express our gratitude towards him for the sacrifice he has done in accepting our invitation to come and help. I believe that both Brother Joel and I have learned something new on this occasion. As we went out every day we witnessed about the love and mercy of God towards the people.
The Bible tells us that God is love and each of us knows that; but what about the people around us? Do they know that God is love? Do they know that Jesus is going to come very soon? Are they aware of what God is expecting from His children in order to be saved? There is an amazing story in the Bible regarding missionary work. It is the story of the Ethiopian reading the Scriptures of the Old Testament. He was reading from Isaiah 53 and could not understand what it was all about. Then the Lord sent Philip to explain the Scriptures to this sincere soul who was looking for salvation. The question Philip asked was; “do you understand what you are reading?” The answer came; “how can I, unless someone guides me?” (Acts 8:26–39)
My dear brothers and sisters, dear friends, God is waiting for us to go to the lost sheep in the streets or houses of the city or village we are living in. Jesus wants us to give Bible studies because there are many people just like the Ethiopian who do not understand when they read the Bible. I want to encourage you to consider it a great blessing and opportunity through which the Lord can make you a channel of light, and a blessing for others. I have experienced with Brother Joel the joy of salvation when you impart God’s word and you help others to come to Jesus. We visited Hospitals. We also have been in the street handing out leaflets and giving out spiritual literature to people. We have been blessed with this work. Calgary is a multicultural city, with people from many countries like Philippines, China, Asia and so forth. Brother Joel, by the mercy of God, could interact with people from his country (Philippines). We have made a few Bible study contacts and I hope by God’s help that I will continue my friendship with them bring these souls to Jesus. We spent a beautiful Sabbath with our dear Church members; Brother Oscar and his family came from Vancouver, brother Matungo and his family as well as a very nice number of visitors that we visited during the week. All of them came to have fellowship with the Lord and with us. A Bible study was requested in the afternoon, in which Br. Joel had an opportunity to share with us the periods of nutrition in the Bible. There were questions and answers as well. We concluded with Lord’s Supper. We were all blessed as we partook in this event.
In closing this message, I want to say that the ministry of Brother Barnedo while in Calgary made a great difference for me! I cannot even begin to imagine the sacrifices he has made as a pastor as he shared many of his experiences with us. His ministry has had an impact that will only be fully seen in Heaven. From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank the Brother for visiting us and helping the missionary work.
I would like to give a special thank you also to Brother Barnedo for his prayers and countless experiences, Bible studies and encouragement. I thank the Lord for the passion I see expressed in his life for Jesus, for His care and gentle guidance. Your example in being sensitive to the Lord’s leading has been a blessing. Thank you for the example that you set by the grace of God. May God richly bless you and all the ministers and leaders who are making great sacrifices to help and encourage the missionary work in different parts of the world.
With brotherly love –
Nicholas Anca & Family