“Beautiful and glorious, lovely, lovely, lovely. Haughtiness must come down, pride must fall. Holy, holy, holy, holy. Who shall be able to stand? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart: to those who take Him for the man of their counsel there is salvation. Who hath directed the mind of the Lord, or being His counselor hath taught Him? In infinite wisdom He hath established the Sabbath in Eden. Behold ye, be careful how ye treat the Sabbath of the Lord your God. It is holy, it is holy to the Lord.
“Everything must be sacrificed this side of the (loosing) four winds. Should anything be considered too dear to sacrifice for God? Behold ye, can ye not see them just ready to let go? Speed thee, hide, beneath the covering. The mind is perplexed. The mind is troubled. Break away.
“That seal must be implanted in a clear mind. It is so engrossed there is no place for the seal. Who hath the image of the lovely Jesus? Holy God have mercy, have mercy upon Thy Zion. Heal them, heal them. Watch them carefully, have everything done this side of the standing up of Michael. Those that now get established get fully established not to falter.” –Manuscript 5, 1849
“We need an experience similar to that which Isaiah had when he saw the cherubim calling ‘Holy, holy, holy.’ ‘In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and His train filled the temple. Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of His glory. And the posts of the door moved at the voice of Him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke.’ Isaiah 6:1-8.
“When he caught sight of the throne of God he said, ‘Woe is me, for I am a man of unclean lips.’ [Verse 5.] Every worker chosen of God will feel thus. But the seraphim touched his lips with the live coal from off the altar and told him that his iniquity was taken away and his sin purged: And then as Isaiah heard the call, Whom shall I send? and who will go for us? he answers, Here am I; send me. [Verses 6-8.] He did not feel fit to be sent till the refining Spirit came upon him.
“We want that the hearts of all in this congregation shall be stirred. Is it not time we should awake out of sleep? How long before you will realize your great need of divine power? Not the ministers only; but there is work for every soul. Lift up Jesus, the Man of Calvary. Lift Him up in prayer, lift Him up in song. We have something to do to let the light flash into our own minds and hearts, and then to let it shine forth to others. . . . Will you not from this very day try to represent Christ to the world? You will have a refuge. You will be sunny Christians. We have been gloomy long enough. Had we not better come out of the cave, stand with God, and we will have Christ with us so that we can talk of redemption as did the disciples when they had been with Jesus and learned of Him. Carry the light of Jesus. Carry it to your neighbors.” –Manuscript 27, 1891
By Ellen G. White