“My son, take these cheeses to the captain of their thousand
To the camp now from my hand,
And ten loaves, parched corn, go, look for your brothers how they fare,
And tell them of their father’s care.
Early then next morning, David left the sheep into the keeper’s hand,
And off he went with the presents on his errand, as his father did command,
To the three sons of Jesse, Soldiers in the army of King Saul,
Search and greeting them to find all well and whole.
The Philistines had invaded Judah, gathering for battle
Upon a mountain,
Saul and his army stood across on a mountain,
And there was a valley in between, where they would gather
To war against each other.
The Philistine army had a champion – Goliath of Gath –
A giant of great strength and height,
He daily challenged Israel to give a man with him to fight,
To the intent, that who gets killed, the nation of the loser –
The servant to the winner shall be ever.
But no one dared with Goliath to compete,
Fighting his mighty stature – would only bring defeat –
Saul and all Israel greatly were dismayed,
Brought low in spirit, were very much afraid.
As usual both armies gathered for battle in array,
Army against army once more for another day.
David nearing, heard the shout for battle,
Leaving with a keeper his supply,
Runs hither to seek his brothers in the army
To greet and chat with them, when oh –
Goliath came out, disputing for a man again to fight with him.
By him Israel’s armies daily have been mocked, derided,
But no solution was in sight, for there was no equal
In this combat to face this giant Goliath!
Then David’s zeal for God and Israel arose now on the spot,
Against this uncircumcised Philistine, because
He dared to mock, disdain the army of the living God!
And he inquired of the men what should be done for him,
who would kill that Philistine.
But Eliab his older brother did rebuke him sharply, accusing him of pride,
Curiosity and naughtiness,
And David answered: “Is there not a cause?”
Soldiers told King Saul of David’s bold intention,
But when he saw him, he did mention, he would not be strong enough,
For he is just a youth.
Then David spoke of killing once a lion and a bear,
And God delivered him, so God would also save him
From this giant, who mocks the armies of the living God!
Saul armed him with his armour, helmet, sword,
But David did feel awkward, very heavy in this gear.
He took it off, just took his staff,
Out of the nearby brook, five smooth stones he took,
In his shepherd bag them put,
His sling then in the hand to meet that giant now he went.
As Goliath sees the youth approaching him – thinking –
“Is this boy mad?”
He shouts ill-tempered, angrily: “Am I a dog to come to me with staves?”
And cursed him by his gods, “Come on, that vultures, beasts shall have a feast,
To eat your flesh today, for you are very foolish, this I say.”
“You come to me with sword and shield and spear,
To make me fear, but I come in the name of the God of Israel,
The LORD of hosts, whose armies you defied,
I will smite you by His might, take off your head,
Instead me – you will be dead!
For the battle is the LORD’s, and all
Will know without fail – there is a God in Israel.”
And David hasted toward Goliath of Gath,
Took one stone, slung it swiftly, and with one strong swoop
Smote the giant in his forehead, and Goliath sank down dead.
Then David ran and took the sword of Goliath,
Cut off his head, and all the Philistines now fled. . . .
Then the men of Israel and Judah pursued the Philistines
And fought them in the valley all the way along
Till they came to the gates Ekron. . .
Thus God through one courageous, God-fearing boy gave Israel great victory!
To be continued. . . .
Edda Tedford, Canada