Part I

Based on “The Book of Ruth”

Ruth – a descendent of righteous Lot – Abraham’s nephew,
Was not like all the others in her land, who touched idols with their hand,
Kissed, fell down to them in adoration, brought sacrifices with devotion,
Cried and prayed to them with labour, cut their skin to gain their favour.
Yet even worse, they sacrificed their children in a frenzy rite,
Oh, it was a dreadful, cruel, bloody, awful sight…
To appease their angry, cruel god, who could not see, nor hear, nor move nor leave his given spot.
This for Ruth has been appalling, loathsome to her gentle soul,
she shrank from such worship, nor
Bowed down like a blinded, ill-directed fool.
Though she also had some idols as the custom was, but neither took
her heart nor spirit this as serious.
The God she dreamed of would be gracious, merciful and loving,
Kind, compassionate, forgiving.
This desire Providence did notice, and when the time was due,
God the strings together drew,
A foreign family to meet her, to get acquainted with the living God –
Creator, Yahweh,
God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Ruth’s ancestor Lot.


Naomi with her two sons and Elimelech her husband came to Moab
because of famine in their land. From Bethlehem in Judah, a long way
they came, to find and make a home.
Then when they settled and all seemed well, one day Naomi’s husband
suddenly fell ill, and passed away.
Grief-stricken, bereaved of the family’s security,
Naomi with her sons went out to search for opportunity,
To support their welfare, for Naomi, this was hard to bear.
This was the moment then for God to intervene.
Soon Mahlon the older son found labour, by a nearby neighbour,
Who also had a daughter, she and Mahlon fell in love,
in time they were united with the blessing from above.
Chilion, the younger found a maiden fine, she was healthy, strong,
helped him and his mother all along. She also found great favor with Naomi,  and soon were given into holy matrimony.


Years did pass, then like a sudden thunder, the family was struck asunder –
By the tragedy of death – both sons, Mahlon, Chilion – in a matter of few years,
Were taken from their wives, in passing watered by rivers
of their spouse’s tears.
Naomi’s life was shattered, her mind perturbed, benumbed and in despair,
For the worst of all – there was no heir.
In her sorrow deep she thought, she has been dealt very hard by God.
She saw only one solution, in her distress, confusion,
to leave, go back home,
to her own land she was coming from.
Naomi, Orpah, Ruth, all three with their possessions
on three donkeys left the place
That seemed be cursed, indeed for Naomi it was the worst.
On the way she bade her adopted daughters now to leave,
Returning to their families, and that God may give
them comfort in their grief,
grant them many sons to bare with new husbands true with care.
Both, Ruth and Orpah would not go,
Kept on moving while the tears did flow,
But Naomi urged them not to follow
She has nothing left to give, it is better her to leave.
Then Orpah kissed her weeping, turning back with tearful waving.
But Ruth would not be persuaded, pleading cleaving to Naomi,
She then said: “Wither you go, I will go,
Wither you live, I will live, your people shall be my people,
Your God be my God, where you die,
I will die till death shall part us, you and me.
You are my mother, and I love you dearly,
I will care for you in all your need, truly help with everything indeed.”
“O, Ruth, my dearest daughter, you are m0st precious,
May God to you be gracious, bless you with much happiness,
For you are a comfort in my loneliness.
Let us go now, come, you are most welcome to my now empty home.”


(How they journeyed and entered Bethlehem, is told in
“Naomi’s Sorrow” in the December issue of the Messenger)


After resting from the strenuous journey, Ruth brought order
To the home so dusty from the many years of absence,
With joy and vigor, diligence,
Till all was neat and homely, pleasing to Naomi.
As Naomi’s neighbours, friends, beheld Ruth’s loving dealing,
Gentle care, they took of her great liking,
Regarded highly this dear Moabitess, also for her love for God,
Embracing her new faith with joyfulness.
With the barley harvest on the way, Ruth said to Naomi then one day,
She would go to glean some barley in the field
Trusting God to grant her a good yield.
“Go my daughter, dearest, and bring a blessing from the harvest.”
Then Providence was watching Ruth now where to glean,
The hand of God did lead her glean to the field of
Naomi’s kinsman,
The mighty Boaz, a godly, wealthy man.

End of Part I

Edda Tedford, Canada