I want to thank God first and also each one of you who made this event not only knowledgeable but practical, also. I thank the Canadian Field Committee members for the financial support and the prayers they offered. What did we do? On two nights, October 16–17, 2013, we presented about vitamins and their importance in the body. What are the vitamins? The different kinds of vitamins. Where do we take vitamins from? The idea is that we should get them naturally, from fruits, vegetables and seeds. The way to combine them and the quantity is important also for their function in the body. Two hours of lectures have been of great benefit to the participants. There were five newly interested people generated by this event.
On Sunday, October 20, 2013, we continued with a cooking class about healthy desserts; various sisters and brothers participated in the presentation. I want once again to thank all of you, both for your prayers and support.
God bless you,
Alina Anca