“There were they in great fear where no fear was.” Psalm 53:5

“The Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself.” (FDR) Pres. Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s First Inaugural Address (1933)


1)  The meaning of “Fear”—(Biblical Definition) “Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.” 1 Peter 3:15

“The fear here spoken of does not mean distrust or indecision, but with due caution, guarding every point, lest an unwise word be spoken, or excitement of feeling get the advantage, and thus leave unfavorable impressions upon minds, and balance them in the wrong direction. Godly fear, humility, and meekness are greatly needed by all in order to correctly represent the truth of God.” –Testimonies for the Church, vol. 4, p 258

2)  Standard World English Language Translation – Definition

·         Fear is a distressing emotion aroused by an impending pain, danger, evil, etc., or by the illusion of such.

·         A specific instance of such a feeling.

·         Anxiety, solicitude.

·         Reverential awe, especially toward God.

·         Something of which one is afraid or that causes fright or apprehension.

·         For fear of, in order to avoid or prevent.

·         To be frightened of.

·         Syn. – Apprehension, terror, fright, panic, horror, trepidation. –The Random House College Dictionary, Revised Unabridged Edition, Jess Stein, editor in chief, 1975, page 482–483, Random House, Inc., New York, N.Y.


Satan uses fear to rule men’s consciences (The Great Controversy, p. 591).


“Some are always anticipating evil or magnifying the difficulties that really exist, so that their eyes are blinded to the many blessings which demand their gratitude. The obstacles they encounter, instead of leading them to seek help from God, the only Source of strength, separate them from Him, because they awaken unrest and repining.

“Do we well to be thus unbelieving? Why should we be ungrateful and distrustful? Jesus is our friend; all heaven is interested in our welfare; and, “our anxiety and fear grieve the Holy Spirit of God.

“We should not indulge a solicitude that only frets and wears us, but does not help us to bear trials. No place should be given to that distrust of God which leads us to make a preparation against future want the chief pursuit of life, as though our happiness consist in these earthly things.” –Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 293–294

“It is not the will of God that His people should be weighed down with care. But our Lord does not tell us that there are no dangers in our path.” Some people are always fearing (Steps to Christ, 121–122).

He does not propose to take His people out of the world of sin and evil, but He points us to a never-failing refuge. He invites the weary and care-laden, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Lay off the yoke of anxiety and worldly care that you have placed on your own neck, and “take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” Matthew 11:28–29

“We may find rest and peace in God, casting all our care upon Him; for He careth for us (1 Peter 5:7).” –Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 294


“Faith takes God at His word, not asking to understand the meaning of the trying experiences that come. But, there are many who have little faith. They are always fearing and borrowing trouble. Every day they are surrounded by the tokens of God’s love, every day they enjoy the bounties of His providence; but they overlook these blessings. And the difficulties they encounter, instead of driving them to God, separate them from Him, by arousing unrest and repining.” –

Gospel Workers, p. 261


“How can the value of your houses and lands bear comparison with that of precious souls for whom Christ died? Through your instrumentality these souls may be saved with you in the kingdom of glory, but you cannot take with you there the smallest portion of your earthly treasure. . . . The mandate may go forth from the Lord, and in a few hours a fire which no skill can quench may destroy the accumulations of your entire life and lay them a mass of smoldering ruins. This was the case with [the] Chicago [fire]. God’s word had gone forth to lay that city in ruins. This is not the only city that will realize the visible marks of God’s displeasure.

“He has made a beginning, but not an end. The sword of His wrath is stretched out over the people who by their pride and wickedness have provoked the displeasure of a just God. Storms, earthquakes, whirlwinds, fire, and the sword will spread desolation everywhere, until men’s hearts shall fail them for fear and for looking after those things which shall come upon the earth. [Luke 21:26] You know not how soon your probation may close.” Testimonies for the Church, vol. 4, p. 52. Men soon depart from honor and integrity when they cast off the fear of God (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 557).


“When trials come to us; when we can see before us, not an increase of prosperity, but a pressure necessitating sacrifice on the part of all, how shall we receive Satan’s insinuation that we are to have a very hard time? If we listen to [Satan’s] suggestions, unbelief in God will spring up.

“If we lack faith where we are when difficulties present themselves we would lack faith in any place.

“Our greatest need is faith in God. When we look on the dark side we lose our hold on the Lord God of Israel. As the heart is opened to fears and conjectures, the path of progress is hedged up by unbelief. Let us never feel that God has forsaken His work.” –Testimonies for the Church, vol. 7, p. 211


“Exercise will aid the work of digestion. To walk out after a meal, hold the head erect, put back the shoulders, and exercise moderately, will be a great benefit. The mind will be diverted from self to the beauties of nature. The less the attention is called to the stomach after a meal, the better. If you are in constant fear that your food will hurt you, it most assuredly will. Forget self, and think of something cheerful.” –Testimonies for the Church, vol. 2, p. 530


“The power of the love of riches over the human mind is almost paralyzing. Riches infatuate many, and make them act as though they were beret of reason. The more they have of this world, the more they desire. Their fears of coming to want, increase with their riches. They are close and selfish, fearing that God will not provide for their future needs. . . . As their riches have accumulated, they have put their trust in them and have not had faith in God or His promises.” –Testimonies for the Church, vol. 2, p. 680


There is nothing to fear except as we forget God’s leading (Life Sketches of Ellen G. White, p. 196).


“The true seeker, who is striving to be like Jesus in word, life, and character, will contemplate his Redeemer and, by beholding, become changed into His image, because he longs and prays for the same disposition and mind that was in Christ Jesus. He is not restrained from evil through fear of shame or through fear of loss, for he knows that all he enjoys comes from God, and he would improve his blessings that he may represent Christ.” Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, p. 121. The Fear of God was a shield to Joseph’s heart (The Story of Redemption, p. 103).


“That time will soon come, and we shall have to keep hold of the strong arm of Jehovah; for all these great signs and mighty wonders of the devil are designed to deceive God’s people and overthrow them. Our minds must be stayed upon God, and we must not fear the fear of the wicked, that is, fear what they fear, and reverence what they reverence, but be bold and valiant for the truth. . . .  God’s watchful eye is ever over Israel for good, and He will protect and save His people, if they put their trust in Him. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. Said the angel, ‘Remember, thou art on the enchanted ground.’” –Early Writings, p. 60


”A message for you, and not for you only, but also for other faithful souls who are troubled by doubts and fears regarding their acceptance by the Lord Jesus Christ. His word to you is, ‘Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art Mine.’ You desire to please the Lord, and you can do this by believing His promises. . . . He bids you, ‘Be still, and know that I am God.’ [Psalm 46:10]. You have had a time of unrest; but Jesus says to you, ‘Come unto Me, . . . and I will give you rest.’ [Mathew 11:28]. . . . Put away your distrust of our heavenly Father. Instead of talking of your doubts, break away from them in the strength of Jesus, and let light shine into your soul by letting your voice express confidence and trust in God. . . . Do not talk of your inefficiency and your defects. When despair would seem to be sweeping over your soul, look to Jesus, saying, He lives to make intercession for me. Forget the things that are behind, and believe the promise, ‘I will come to you,’ and ‘abide with you. . . .’ Is Jesus true? Does He mean what he says? Answer decidedly, Yes, every word.” Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, p. 516–517. Do not fluctuate between hope and fear (Messages to Young People, p. 110).


“The remedy [God] proposes for the wealthy is a transfer of their affections from earthly riches to the eternal inheritance. By investing their means in the cause of God to aid in the salvation of souls, and by blessing the needy with their means, they become rich in good works, and are ‘laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.’ This will prove a safe investment.” –Testimonies for the Church, vol. 2, p. 681


“Daniel [was] a worthy example of Christian fearlessness.” –Prophets and Kings, p. 542


“From His servants today God requires fearlessness in preaching the word and in carrying out its precepts. The minister of Christ is not to present to the people only those truths that are the most pleasing, while he withholds others that might cause them pain. He should watch with deep solicitude the development of character. If he sees that any of his flock are cherishing sin he must as a faithful shepherd give them from God’s word the instruction that is applicable to their case. Should he permit them in their self-confidence to go on unwarned, he would be held responsible for their souls. . . . He only who is a faithful teacher of the truth will at the close of his work be able to say with Paul, ‘I am pure from the blood of all men.’” –The Acts of the Apostles, p. 393–394


“So men have argued, till policy has taken the place of faithfulness. Sin is allowed to go unrebuked. When will be heard once more in the church the voice of faithful rebuke, ‘Thou art the man’? If these words were not so rare, we should see more of the power of God. . . . As divinely appointed messengers, ministers are in a position of awful responsibility. In Christ’s stead they are to labor as stewards of the mysteries of heaven, encouraging the obedient and warning the disobedient. Gospel Workers, p. 150. “The shadow of a terrible fear crept over [John the Baptist].” The Desire of Ages, p. 216. The shepherd does not depend on fear to direct his sheep (The Desire of Ages, p. 480).

“Worldly policy is to have no weight with them. Never are they to swerve from the path in which Jesus had bidden them walk. . . . They are not to speak their own words, but the words that One greater than the potentates of earth has bidden them speak. Their message is to be, ‘Thus saith the Lord.’ [Jeremiah 26:2]

“God calls for men who, like Nathan, Elijah, and John, will bear His message with fearlessness, regardless of consequences; who will speak the truth, though to do this calls for the sacrifice of all they have.” Gospel Workers, p. 150. Paul had no fear in the storm at sea (The Acts of Apostles, p. 442).


There is far more to fear from within than from without (Selected Messages, Book 1, p. 122).

The greatest threat to humanity right now is not natural disasters, natural catastrophes, Global warning, plagues, and wars, but what concerned scientist’s findings and data support and reveal is that the “state of fear is the greatest threat facing humans today!”

Fears can and do affect you physically and mentally; affecting our physical and mental well-being over a life-time; and worse than any victim of nuclear fall-out! In the findings of the World Health Organization of the physical and mental ramifications of Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, Nagasaki, and Hiroshima, it was not cancer but the insidious effects of fear of cancer that killed!

The nuclear radiation did not kill but the fear of it did! Fear, again, posed a bigger physical threat to the victims of nuclear fallout than the radiation itself. Many that died for fear of cancer avoided treatment that, if sought, would have had moderately good chances of recovery. The same applies to HIV, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, etc.

When one is affected or faced with fear, the body goes into a “fight or flight” response, which helps you to survive when you are threatened; a natural defense against predators, and life-and-death encounters. There is an increased flow of adrenaline; a powerful drug, potent hormone, a poison which causes undesirable side-effects, which in turn can influence the mind and body adversely.

Common symptoms are: increased metabolic rate, elevated blood sugar levels, blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, sweating, digestive problems (diarrhea). Further symptoms of the fear response can be undue weakness, and irritable-bowel symptoms, fatigue, loss of appetite, dizziness, and insomnia.

The University of Michigan, and the University of Wisconsin conducted studies concluding that disturbing images, under the right circumstances, can “turn your brain into jelly.” Voluntarily watching scary, chilling movies (T.V., theatre, C.D.’s, iPods, etc.) could have long-term effects on the psychological and physical well-being such as insomnia, etc., which can last up to a year or longer. Long term effects of exposure when viewing blood, gore, trauma, violence, and wounds, can be: more frequent “colds,” infections, aches, pains, sexual disorders, fatigue, loss of appetite, and debilitating phobias with side effects of nausea, headaches, and tremors.

Living with fear, furthermore, results in reduced physical functioning, and the organ systems consequently stop functioning at their peak performance. This leads to a lower quality of life, as one gets sick more often because of compromised systems. Fear can keep people “trapped” and prevents them from reaching the heights of someone with one-half of the potential! One thereby “manufactures a prison!”

Fear often leads to the “fear of rejection”—loneliness, hopelessness, and depression. This, in turn, can lead to more fear and elevated rates of suicidal thinking. Fear, moreover, is contagious and, unfortunately, transfers itself to the one we love the most!  So, you see, the most compelling arguments for the dangers of fear is that it not only destroys your physical and mental well-being and of those around you, but can stalk people from generation to generation—unless they learn to conquer it! Returning war veterans, in fact, are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder at increasingly alarming rates.

Anxiety attacks, in turn, are the most acute physical manifestation of fear and which increases the risk of heart attack and death—still the number one killer in America. The frequent bouts of fear and anxiety, in fact, can and do increase this risk of heart attack. Anti-anxiety medications may cause physical dependence. Many, however, find relief from effects of fear with prayer and meditation.

Most humans, furthermore, are afraid of death, so it is not uncommon. Most fear death to a degree, and we generally avoid admitting it because it is not to the extent of hampering our normal lives. However, when this fear increases abnormally in an individual, it is known as (from GR: thanatophobia, or necrophobia)—the fear of death—resulting in anxiety, and loss of control—two of the main symptoms. It is a series of complex processes.  In terminal illnesses, what terminates the patient is the fear of death! Cancer is one such disease which pushes the person into the girth of darkness and depression. Many cancer patients get shattered and devastated when they know their illness. Many fight back but chemotherapy often takes away their confidence.

Fear of death, furthermore, is influenced by culture, beliefs, and judicious social factors. The types of death fears are:

1) fear of pain and suffering; 2) fear of the unknown; 3) fear of non-existence; 4)fear of eternal punishment;  4) fear of loss of control; 5) fear of what becomes of loved ones;  6) fear of death can interfere with daily life; 7) fear of death consumes one’s thoughts and decisions.

In a “healthy fear” of death, one naturally becomes more careful, takes precautions, and reminds us to make the most of our precious time.

So, at this point faith needs to be restored in God and the Holy Spirit. Healing prayers are, however, not to impose or promote any disrespect for medical treatment, but are additional attempts to cure the illness. The prayer can be concluded as the state of mind is hopeful, positive, and peaceful.

Have a positive attitude, therefore, that can fight against all the mental, physical, and emotional problems. With such an attitude we too can push to work harder, distracting self from the illness, and leave a lasting legacy.  George Bernard Shaw said, “I want to be thoroughly used up when I die for the harder I work the more I live!”

Moreover, most people agree that fear is the “fear of the unknown.” But, a person can find comfort in religion and develop a strong belief in the afterlife. Studies show that deeply religious people fear death the least. Studies also show that the fear of dying seems to lessen as we age and start to accept the facts of life.

But, praying in the name of God, you push away negative thoughts and concentrate on positive thoughts, and ask God for what you want (i.e., healing for self or others, resolution of problems, etc.). Remember God most when there is a sickness or any terminal illness. Pray and leave everything to God. Some Bible verses for healing are: Acts 3:16; James 3:14–15; Mark 11:24; Luke 9:11; Psalm 103:1–3.


World Health Organization; Chernobyl: The True Scale of the Accident: The Chernobyl Nuclear Forum. September 2005.

Health Doxology; Stigma, Risk, and Health Policy; Public Attitudes Toward HIV and the Social Construction of Illness: George M. Herek, PhD., et al: 2003.

The Washington Post: Fear Is Potent Risk of Japanese Nuclear Crisis; Rob Stein, March 14, 2001.

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Fear, Anger, and Risk, Jennifer S. Lerner, et al: July 2001.

Time Magazine, Between Anxiety and Heart Attack, Laura Blue, January 2005.

Ask Man, Health and Sports. Stress vs. Fear—The Long Term Effects of Fears and Phobias, Editorial Feature, 2011.

Buzzle, Healing Prayers,  All Phobias and Meaning, Greeta Dhamle, June 16, 2010.

Angela Morrow, R.N., Fear of Death and Dying, August 26, 2009.



Avoid the manifestation of fear in the sick room (The Ministry of Healing, p. 219).

Rebuke cherishing of fear (Evangelism, p. 180).

Faith grows strong in conflict with fear (Testimonies for the Church, vol. 4, p. 117).

Dismiss your fear (Steps to Christ, p. 72).

Lack of faith and trust brings on distressing fear (Testimonies for the Church, vol. 2, p. 140).

Do not cherish fear (Evangelism, p. 180).

Guard against tendency to lose godly fear (Prophets and Kings, p. 48).

Godly fear is needed to rightly represent the truth (Testimonies for the Church, vol. 4, p. 259).

Fear grows by indulgence (Testimonies for the Church, vol. 4, p. 558).

There is guilt in fear (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 330).

Keep your fear before God (Temperance, p. 104).

There is no need of fear in God’s service on land or sea (My Life Today, p. 55; The Desire of Ages, p. 336).

You have the privilege of telling God all of your fears (Selected Messages, Book 2, p. 238).

The Roman Church has profited by fears and vices of its adherents (The Story of Redemption, p. 333–334).

Satan leads men to serve God from fear (The Great Controversy, p. 569).

Satan uses fear to rule man’s consciences (The Great Controversy, p. 591).

The sense of God’s presence can banish fear (Sons and Daughters of God, p. 197).

Slavish fear is excited in the aged (Testimony Treasures, Vol. 1, p. 173).

Millions of human beings are in the bondage of Satan (The Desire of Ages, p. 478).

The Syrian Army was routed by fear in Elisha’s time (Patriarchs and Kings, p. 258).

Perplexities increase as a result of taking counsel with fear (Steps to Christ, p. 96).

Many persons distrust God and have a thousand fears in regard to the future (Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 2, p. 656).

Unbelief will be revealed by fear in the time of danger (The Desire of Ages, p. 336).

Unbelieving fear will be swept away before living faith (Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, p. 226).

There is no need to fear the power of men or enmity of Satan (The Desire of Ages, p. 356).

When God makes men fear, they cannot hide the intensity of their terror (Prophets and Kings, p. 524).

“The biggest obstacle to life is fear.” Teresa de Calcutta

“Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear Him. For He knoweth our frame; He remembereth that we are dust.” Psalm 103:13–14

“But the FEARFUL [cowardly], and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolators, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” Revelation 21:8.  AMEN. <><

John Theodorou