The Condition of the church

“How sad, how deeply regrettable, it is that this message of righteousness in Christ, should, at the time of its coming, have met with opposition on the part of earnest, well- meaning men in the cause of God! The message has never been received, nor proclaimed, nor given free course as it should have been in order to convey to the church the measureless blessings that were wrapped within it. The seriousness of exerting such an influence is indicated through the reproofs that were given. These words of reproof and admonition should receive thoughtful consideration at that time.” COR 47

“Brethren, your own lamps will surely flicker and grow dim until they go out in darkness until you make decided effort to REFORM. Remember therefore from whence thou are fallen, and repent, and do the first works.  The opportunity now presented may be short. If this season of grace and repentance passes unimproved, the warning is given: I WILL COME UNTO YOU QUICKLY, AND WILL REMOVE YOUR CANDLESTICK OUT OF HIS PLACE. These words are uttered by the lips of the long-suffering One. They are a solemn warning to churches and individuals that the Watcher who never slumbers is measuring their course of action.

“It is only by reason of His marvelous patience that they are not cut down as cumberers of the ground.  But His Spirit will not always strive. His patience will wait but little longer.” 5T 611-612

“But there are those who see no necessity for a special work at this time.  While God is working to arouse the people, they seek to turn aside the message of warning, reproof, and entreaty. Their influence tends to quiet the fears of the people, and to prevent them from awakening to the solemnity of this time.  Those who are doing this, are giving the trumpet an uncertain sound. They ought to be awake to the situation, but they have become ensnared by the enemy.”  COR 48

“The message to the Laodicean church is applicable to our condition. How plainly is pictured the position of those who think they have all the Truth, who take pride in their knowledge of the word of God, WHILE ITS SANCTIFYING POWER has not been felt in their lives. The fervor of the love of God is wanting in their hearts, but it is this very fervor of love that makes God’s people the light of the world.” COR 45

The Call

“It is not yet too late to redeem the neglects of the past. Let there be a revival of the first love, the first ardor.” 5T 612

“God has raised up men to meet the necessity of this time who will CRY ALOUD AND SPARE NOT, who will lift up their voices like a trumpet, and show My people their  transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins. Their work is not only to proclaim the law, but to preach the truth for this time,-THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.”  COR 47-48


The Condition of the Church

“If our brethren were all laborers together with God, they would not doubt but that the message He has sent us during these last two years is from heaven. Our young men look to our older brethren, and as they see that they do not accept the message, but treat it as though it were of no consequence, it influences those who are ignorant of the Scriptures to reject the light. But there is no excuse for anyone’s refusing the light for it has been plainly revealed.” COR 51

“There is sadness in heaven over the spiritual blindness of many of our brethren.” COR 52

“The Lord has seen our backslidings, and He has a controversy with His people…

“The displeasure of the Lord is against His people. In their present condition it is impossible for them to represent the character of Christ…

“And when The True Witness has sent them counsel, reproof, and warnings, because He loves them, they have refused to receive the message, they have refused to come to the light, lest their deeds should be reproved…

“The time will come when it must be said of the impenitent, Ephraim is joined to his idols, let him alone…

“Will the church see where she has fallen?” Review & Herald, Dec. 23, 1890 (Extra)

The Call

“For nearly two years, we have been urging the people to come up and accept the light and the truth concerning the righteousness of Christ, and they do not know whether to come and take hold of this precious truth or not. They are bound about with their own ideas. They do not let the Saviour in.”  COR 51

“We inquire, Is it not time that fresh light should come to the people of God to awaken them to greater earnestness and zeal?” COR 49

“We entreat of you who oppose the light of truth, to stand out of the way of God’s people. Let Heaven-sent light shine forth upon them in clear and steady rays.” COR 52


The Condition of the Church

“Let us not form unholy bonds of union with the friends of the whole world; for God has pronounced His curse upon all such unions. Let the people of God take their stand firmly for the truth and for righteousness. Already we see the terrible consequences of uniting believers with unbelievers. The result is, the unbelievers are given the confidence that belongs to those only who love and revere God.

“Already has the power of darkness placed its mold and superscription upon the work that should stand forth, untainted, unpolluted , from Satan’s cunning devices. We lift our voice of warning upon the social attractions by worldly bids and worldly baits. Keep clear. Touch not the unclean thing. Let not the world’s direction and propositions be given to Gods people to control them.” TM 227

The Call

“Here are given the characteristics of those who shall be reformers, who will bear the banner of the third angel’s message, those who avow themselves God’s commandment-keeping people, and who honor God, and are earnestly engaged, in the sight of all the universe, in building up the old waste places. Who is it that calls them, The repairers of the breach, The restorers of paths to dwell in?- IT IS GOD. Their names are registered in heaven as reformers, restorers, as raising the foundations of many generations.” RH OCT. 13,1891


The Condition of the church

“The atmosphere of the church is so frigid, its spirit is of such an order, that men and women can not sustain or endure the example of primitive and heaven-born piety. The warmth  of their love is frozen up, and unless they are watered over by the baptism of the Holy Spirit, their candle stick will be removed out of its place, except they repent and do their first works.” TM 167-168

The Call

“O that the Lord would awaken those who are in responsible positions, lest they undertake to do work, relying upon their own smartness. The work that comes forth from their hands will lack the mold and superscription of Christ.” TM 168

“The time of test is just upon us, for the loud cry of the third angel has already begun in the revelation of the righteousness of Christ, the sin-pardoning Redeemer. This is the beginning of the light of the angel whose glory shall fill the whole earth.” COR 56


The Condition of the church

“It is a solemn statement that I make to the church, that not one in twenty whose names are registered upon the church books are prepared to close their earthly history, and would be as verily without God and without hope in the world as the common sinner. They are professedly serving God, but they are more earnestly serving mammon. This half and half work is a constant denying of Christ, rather than a confessing of Christ. So many have brought into the church their own unsubdued spirit, unrefined, their spiritual taste is perverted by their own immoral debasing corruptions, symbolizing the world in spirit, in heart, in purpose, confirming themselves in lustful practices, and are full of deception through and through in their professed Christian life. Living as sinners, claiming to be Christians!

“Those who claim to be Christians and will confess Christ should come out from among them and touch not the unclean thing, and be separate…. I lay down my pen  and lift up my soul in prayer, that the Lord would breathe upon His backslidden people, who are as dry bones, that they may live.” ChS 41

The Call

“Scores of men have preached the word when they themselves had not faith in it, and did not obey its teachings. They were unconverted, unsanctified, unholy. But if we would stand the test, piety must be brought into the life. What we want is inspiration from the cross of Calvary. Then God will open eyes to see that we are not to expect to do any work for the Master successfully, unless we connect with Christ. If we are indeed laborers together with God we shall not have a dead, scientific religion, but our hearts will be infused with a living power, even the Spirit of Jesus.” COR  77

BRETHREN, a lot of events followed 1888, and I encourage you to study God’s Word daily. I recommend to you, our church,  the 20 lessons of the REFORMATION STUDY COURSE.

Would heresies come in amongst the Seventh-day Adventist church since 1888?

Are there heresies in our IMS Seventh Day Adventist Church Reform Movement, since 1914 up until now, in the year 2009?

  1. God will arouse His people; if other means fail, HERESIES will come in among them, which will sift them, separating the chaff from the wheat. 5T 707
  2. Certain it is that there has been among us a departure from the living God and a turning to men, putting human in place of divine wisdom. Ibid 707

How true is the solemn statement, MY PEOPLE KNOW NOT THE JUDGMENT OF THE LORD.

John Warncken, Australia