Hamilton Church cooking class
The Hamilton church had their second autumn cooking class on Sunday, November 19th, 2006, due to the enthusiastic response by the audience from the first class. The people at the October gathering were pleased with the information on health and the recipes they received and were eager for more knowledge on healthy living.
After Brother Evald Pedersen welcomed everyone to the cooking class, Brother Park gave the opening prayer, followed by his testimony on recovering from prostate cancer by using a raw food diet and juicing. He stated that 90% of his diet is now raw in nature. Brother Parks concluded his testimony by stating he was inspired by a doctor in New York, who had overcome her cancer by prayer and a raw food diet. He also praised the health reform message.
Brother Jerry Eaton gave a demonstration on massage therapy for bad backs. He manipulated the subject?s shoulders and back muscles, illustrating how to stimulate and warm up the muscles. Jerry stated that a good chiropractor will warm the muscles before working on the sore area.
Brother Evald Pedersen, then gave his demonstration on juicing. He used carrots, celery stalks and a few pieces of beet, to make the juice. Most of the juice was made before the class started, and this was distributed in plastic glasses to the visitors. Everyone enjoyed the juice immensely.
Sister Gloria Ferguson showed the audience how to make Soya milk. She had three different flavours of Soya milk. She told the people how to add the flavours to the milk to get the different tastes. As Gloria was clearing her utilities from the presentation, Brother Jerry took the opportunity to tell the people of the practices relating to milk being extracted from cows. He mentioned that the milk in the stores contain pus and blood from the cows because the machines used to pump the milk from the cow?s udders are not monitored correctly and the machines continue to pump beyond the time the cows have no more milk in their udders. One young visitor after hearing this stated that she will never drink milk again.
Sister Franziska Pedersen did a tofu cheesecake and oat crackers. She mentioned going to the grocery store and reading the label on the cracker box, and noticed how many more of the ingredients have chemical names rather than the food contents. She convinced the audience that it was easier and healthier to make your own.
Sister Fanny Ramirez did a cashew millet roast, which was tasty and easy to make.
The different dishes served were homemade whole wheat bread, chickpea/potato dish, cashew pimento cheese, cashew millet roast, tomato vegetable soup, lettuce tofu salad, Soya milk, corn bread and a garden salad with vinaigrette.
Everyone was pleased with the cooking class, the information received, recipes etc., the books and literature and the overall presentations. One woman stated that she was amazed that we could cook so many delicious tasting dishes without using meat.
We were truly blessed.
On behalf of the Hamilton Church,
Maurine Gerald