A Helpless Baby

“…And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary, his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him; and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.”

Jesus Christ… “a helpless baby”, cradled in a manger, a cattle feeder, was born more than 1000 years after David’s birth. He was dedicated at the temple in Jerusalem 40 days after birth, and His name was inscribed on the roll of the first-born. (DA 43-52).

Jesus Christ is of royal descent, as King and is first named “son of David” in the kingly line, true heir to David’s throne. He was then named “son of Abraham”, the seed through whom the whole earth will be blessed. The Lord was first to present Himself as King, after that as Saviour. (John 1:11,12).

Jesus was born legal King of the Jews through Joseph, also, His conception by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the virgin Mary shows Him also to be the Son of God, the Eternal Word, who was with God and was God, (John 1:1-2), yet became man (John 1:14) fulfilling (Isa, 7:14). Jesus, therefore, being conceived by the Holy Spirit, hence had a sinless human nature joined to Deity; thus Jesus is able to “save his people from their sins.” (Mat. 1:21). All of this, following the birth of … “a helpless baby”, born in Bethlehem of the land of Judea. In the animal kingdom, following birth, a calf, lamb, or goat rises up and walks on all fours, feeds or nurses readily without any assistance or care. A baby infant might require 1-2 years before walking or talking, and requires constant care… truly “helpless”. The parents of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, however, provided divine care for Jesus, the “helpless baby”; raising Him and training Him with love “true to God and principle, and true to God under all circumstances, unselfishly and truthfully, yielding themselves to God.” (Ed. 283; CT 150; CT 148; FE 420).

The three “wise men,” seekers of light, jour neyed to Judea from Mesopotamia. “Wise men” is from the Greek, “magoi”, a Persian word for men expert in the study of the stars. Also, such were the philosophers, astronomers, and astrologers of the ancient eastern nations of that time. They were actually a learned class, and believing Gentiles, said to have come from Persia.

They traveled by night and rested by day. There were no roads, or streets or lights, as today but were led by a star. Some astrologers of today say that it was merely a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in 6 B.C., others, an exploding star-nova. This is not true; but it was a totally supernatural phenomenon! This star was a group of angels leading the wise men to the infant, Jesus. Furthermore, it’s interesting to learn that these angels bypassed Jerusalem, the center at that time of religious culture and beliefs; a mecca of the Pharisees, Sanhedrin, Sad-ducees, and various Jewish followers and believers.

It’s, perhaps, even more astounding that these angels of divine origin, first revealed the momentous event of the birth of Jesus to some shepherds in the open terrain and fields. This also lends much doubt to the actual date of the nativity, since the shepherds in Palestine customarily do not remain in the open with their flocks, except from spring to autumn. The legendary or traditional date of December 25 cannot be traced back farther than the 4th century; a date such as December 25, therefore, was merely a date settled upon by the Western Church. The Eastern, or Orthodox Church celebrates January 6, another fallacy. In addition, it’s interesting to note that the shepherds of that time were bitterly despised by the Pharisees, and shunned. They were considered to be at the same lowly level as the vilest sinners; thieves, criminals, beggars, prostitutes, and were forbidden from entering the Temple; an ironic circumstance, “since they were a company that were prepared to receive the heavenly message.” (GC314).

When the wise men entered the house, they saw the young, infant child with Mary, His mother, and fell down then and worshipped Him; Mary, too knelt and worshipped at the side of Jesus… the “helpless Baby”… and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto Him gifts: gold, and frankincense, and myrrh, (v. 11). Gold is a present for a King, incense a gift for a priest, and myrrh for someone who is suffering.


Gold was widely recognized as a gift usually reserved for a King’s deity. Jesus Christ from His birth was rightly a King, although not born in a stately palace of a King. If someone were to ask, “If you are a King, where were you born?” This is a natural question to ask. If someone were to ask Jesus the same question, what would be His response? A stable. If born in a magnificent palace, one would naturally be considered a King with all its pomp and ceremony. The world would have immediately accepted Jesus if He was born in such surroundings. Jesus’ attendants and believers, however, at His birth were Mary and Joseph, some shepherds leaning on their staffs, a donkey, cow and a horse… “born in a wretched hovel prepared for cattle.” (GC313).

Jesus Christ could not manifest himself as King with gold on the exterior. He did not come as a worldly King as many expected, His kingdom was in His heart, and as such the wise men bestowed the gift of gold upon Him as the true King, and rightfully reign as King.

What did the local citizenry say? “His citizens hated Him, and sent a message after Him saying, we will not have this man reign over us.” (Lk. 19:14). We are also given a glimpse here of the hatred and hated Herod the Great, an aged failing tyrant, notoriously jealous and unprincipled, a stark contrast to the true “King of the Jews.” He was a wicked wretch, insanely insecure, who even murdered some of his own family, the murderer of the innocent children of Bethlehem and as the would-be murderer of the Messiah.

If Jesus Christ was born a King, the world would then say in the majority, “We, the inhabitants of this earth want a real King, not gold… but power… action… not this humble King. He’s too meek and gentle, and He asks too much. He asks us to be humble, also, meek and kind. We don’t want this! A King gives us power!

The disciples, too, waited for something greater! They continually were fighting amongst themselves, saying, “I’ll be the highest in the Kingdom. I’ll sit on the right side and my brother will sit on the left side.” They were looking for a King which gives power… worldly power… force! Many called Jesus Christ merely a man. “He’ll reign over us?”

What pride rules in our fragile lives? What rules our living hearts? Many say, “I don’t want it!” If we don’t accept this gold gift, you are not a King and a Priest. We have to accept this gold… it is pure faith. It is faith and character “tried in the fire of affliction.” (Rev. 3:18). “… buy of me this gold tried in the fire that you may be rich; and white raiment” Jesus Christ has this gold… pure faith. When Jesus comes, our King, we have to be like Him… this King.


A gift for a priest who represents the blood of atonement; and one’s merits, an intercession. In Old Testament times when a sinner approaches God he has to offer incense, and has no right to take it in his own hand… matters of his life… but gives the incense to the priest, the intercessor, who then takes it into the Temple and puts it into a prayer-offering after praying for the sinner, like so, “Lord, he confesses his sins, and presents his prayer to you. Accept this prayer and forgive him (or her).” “.. .Lord, teach us to pray.” (Lk. 11:1). Jesus was found praying and the disciples asked Him, “Lord, teach us to pray”… “He had offered up prayers with strong crying and tears…” (Heb. 5:7). Here Jesus is crying out in prayer to His Father. He cried loud, with tears! He asked something!

If we want to be a King, like Jesus, not only gold is needed but incense is needed. When we pray for someone, not only tell the story to God of the circumstances, but do as Jesus did. When Jesus prayed for Mary Magdalene, He cried out to the Father, “Send the devil out from her.” He prayed thusly so that God could hear His prayer. Do not pray mechanically, repetitively, gloomily. We need to pray to God for help and He will help. Ask! Say, “Lord, you promised to help,” but ask earnestly, humbly, and obediently in the name of Jesus… and with the blood of Jesus. This is the incense we have to present to God. We have to pray like Jesus… pure incense. Many pray to icons, an image only. Others don’t pray like most Christians or to icons but turn to a wall, elevate their hands, and pray to God, (i.e. Rabbi). When praying, really search you heart and say what is in your heart, softly and tenderly. Let your prayers rise freely as incense to the heavens above. Then… patiently wait… “From the golden altar, the fragrance of incense, His life, diffused for miles around the sanctuary.” (PP 348).


Myrrh is compared to “sincere and uncorrupted faith (CT 60) but also symbolizes suffering. It was used, too, as an embalming agent for the dead and for Jesus, hinting of His mission to die. In Psalm 45:8, it reads, “your robes are all fragrant with myrrh.” Myrrh came as a preparation of powder, and was put into water to then drink. In the Old Testament, myrrh was thusly given to the priest for suffering, symbolically, a bitter drink. “I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries will not be able to contradict.” (Lk. 22:15). Jesus said, “…before I suffer they will reject Me; kill Me. I have to suffer.” The disciples were ready to be kings and accept also that Jesus prayed for them. But, when Jesus had to suffer… the disciples left Him alone… abandoned Him. Peter, in talking with Jesus, was answered by Jesus, “If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to you, Follow me.” (Lk. 21:22). This is the essence of the three gifts offered to Jesus… “A Helpless Baby”… Follow Me.

We have to accept this gold, incense and myrrh! It’s interesting, that when one is happy, full of gold, there are many friends about. When we pray for others, they accept us. When we have to suffer, they don’t recognize us… we’re often alone., but, not lonely! “…for thy are by my side, thy rod and staff comfort me.” (Ps. 23)

If someone murmurs… there’s dissention… don’t leave! You have to go the way of Jesus Christ for this gold, incense and myrrh. The wise men brought these precious gifts. Why? Because they were seeking the Light and found it 2000 years ago. Today, the Lord Jesus is offering us these same gifts. There will be suffering; too, it’s known, but, “ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into His glory? (Lk. 24:26)

Jesus Christ says, “…follow me as Kings and Priests.” Are you willing?
Our Lord Jesus Himself taught that we must all become babes… weak… Helpless Babies. Paul said to the Corinthians, “You see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called.” (1 Cor. 1:26).

Spiritually we never grow old. The Ancient of Days represents the eternal childhood. “I am the First and the Last.” (Rev. 1:17). God Almighty became the weakest thing in His own creation… a “Helpless Baby.”

The mature saint is just like a “Helpless Baby” that needs to be nourished according to the dictates of the Spirit of God, so that we grow “into the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” (Eph. 4:13).

So, go on living the life that God would have you live and you will grow younger, but only when we learn the absolute necessity of being born from above. Then, let God have His way.
Have we allowed our personal human lives to become “Bethlehem” for the Son of God?

John Theodorou