“To Bro. and sister White I would say, I have deeply wronged you, and caused you much anguish of heart and mind. I have listened to reports against you, and although while at Battle Creek enjoying your hospitalities, I had a good opportunity to talk with you about said reports, I waited until I came home, then began to spread them, thus alienating the minds of the brethren away from you. I did not stop to investigate them and while you were far away I was trying to injure you. Oh, why did I do so! You had never harmed me in any way. Oh! I feel sad when I think how I have been working for the enemy. Can such wounds be healed! Such stains be washed out!” H.W. Brikerhoff

Many similar confessions were done to Sis. White. This kind of evil speaking is being done also today. Those who are led by the Holy Spirit are always hated by those WID are controlled by Satan’s spirit, even in the church of God. Yet only few do confess their evil speaking, most of the people who are guilty of it will go to their graves with the burden of unconfessed sins of evil speaking.