God is the Creator of the universe; He is the giver of life. Without Him no life would exist. He not only gives life but He sustains it. By Him every living thing moves and has its being. The world is full of the wonders of God’s creative knowledge. God knew that without light life would cease to exist, so a loving Creator created the sun which plays a very important role in the life of all living creatures. Water is also vital as it is the beverage that God made to quench the thirst of man and beast and to aid in sustaining plant life. The water on planet earth was placed at strategic points. Some above, some below. After the flood, the waters above fall as rain to water the earth. But the Creator also provided dry land; the land the Lord created had varied plants, fruit trees of all kinds. Herb trees and flowering trees that are like the decorations of the earth. These all serve their purpose in providing food for the living creatures that God made.
The earth was not to be laid bare as it was to be covered with grass. This would serve to keep the soil intact. Along with the sunlight, God also made the moon and the stars; these lesser lights would shine at night when the sun sets after each day. So we have day and night. And they would also serve for seasons, according to God’s plan. Living creatures were also placed in the waters. Great whales and fishes of all description in abundance on the earth. The Creator also made beasts of all kinds in abundance. Birds to fly in the air were also created by a loving Creator. But the crown of creation was human beings, whom a loving Creator made in His own image after His likeness. This created being was endowed with intellect, reasoning, a will and a conscience. All these attributes place man above all created beings on planet earth. All this goes to show that a loving and wise Creator is not selfish, because He shared His attributes with His created being. This unselfishness is called love. God is love and all true love is of God. It is also His character. All things were made by God and without Him there was nothing made. All that is made by God is unique in its own way. God owns all. Yet in His love, He chose to share it with us all. Let us thank Him for His love. Amen.
Marline Campell,