On the day he was to be hanged, he was served a meal of peas, bread, olives and tea. As midnight approached he was led to the gallows. He was pronounced dead at 11:58 p.m., May 31, 1962. His body was cremated and his ashes strewn out at sea. The executioners? Jews. The criminal? Adolph Eichmann—the man who orchestrated Hitler’s systematic murder of millions of Jews—men, women and children. However, was there really justice in hanging someone who killed millions of people? No, not really. Only God can provide that kind of justice. The Bible says He will do just that; “For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.” Ecclesiastes 12:14. Justice will be done, my brothers and sisters, dear friends. Every person will face judgment and answer for the decisions made in this life. As serious as this is, there is no need to be afraid of this event. God’s Word reveals that if you put your trust in Jesus, and only in Jesus’ merits—you and I can look forward to the judgment with confidence. The judgment proves that God has been fair, and that He has done everything He can to save each person. And so, the Bible speaks of the day in court that none can evade or avoid. What does the Bible say about the judgment? When will it happen? Who is in charge? And will you and I be found guilty or innocent before God? Keep reading this message and the next one—Daniel 9—because God’s Word offers answers that are filled with hope!
We continue our study in the book of Daniel by looking at the 8th chapter. You may recall that in chapter 7, we saw that a little-horned power would arise—a religious and political kingdom growing out of the ruins of the Roman Empire. We learned that this power would attempt to substitute tradition for God’s Word, human law for God’s law, and human teachings for divine teachings. At the end of chapter 7, we saw that the news of this power “troubled” Daniel. However, he found encouragement and strength by looking away from what was going on around him and looking to what was happening above him. Sometimes it is good to look away from the trials, the difficulties, and the heartaches of earth and to look by faith to God.
It is interesting to notice that Daniel Chapter 8 does not begin with Babylon as do chapters 2 and 7. In fact, in Daniel chapter 8 the vision begins with Medo-Persia. The reason for this is because Babylon was now history. It was no longer prophecy. It was during the time of the Medo-Persian Empire that Daniel had his vision. The 2300 days, or prophetic years, mentioned in Daniel 8 began during the Medo-Persian Empire.
This vision begins when Medo-Persia was in power, which is symbolized by the ram with two horns. The Bible says that one of the horns was raised up higher than the other because the Medio-Persian kingdom was composed of two kingdoms, one being stronger than the other. The goat, which does battle with the ram, is a symbolic representation of the kingdom of Greece. Here is an introduction of new animals or new symbols. An interpretation is also given so that we can recognize them as a parallel to Daniel 2 and 7. We do not need to guess because the interpretation is very clear. This vision reveals the ram and goat battling together and later in the vision it clearly states, “The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia.” Daniel 8:20. And in verse 21 “And the rough goat is the king of Grecia: and the great horn that is between his eyes is the first king.” According to history, this first king was Alexander the Great.
The book of Daniel here in this chapter is shifting its focus to certain powers and kingdoms that played a very significant role in history, and will continue to do so in the future. The large horn was broken and, “four notable ones, toward the four winds of heaven,” replaced it. (Daniel 8:8) “And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land.” Daniel 8:9. This is the same little horn that was spoken about in Daniel 7. It is recorded here what this little horn will be doing in relation to the sanctuary, God’s people, and to the truth down through the ages until the end of time.
We will now examine the key characteristics and activity of this little horn. “And it waxed great, even to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground, and stamped upon them.” Daniel 8:10. In Daniel 7, recall that this is a persecuting power, using its influence and power against the people of God. Daniel 8:11 proves this point. We read, “Yea, he magnified himself even to the Prince of the host, and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of His sanctuary was cast down.”
We will not go into much detail regarding the meaning of these symbols at this time, as this is not presently our focus. An important point to know is that The Prince of the Host is the Messiah—Jesus Christ our Saviour, and this power (the little horn) is exalting himself above even the Lord Jesus Christ. This undoubtedly is referring to the crucifixion of Christ during the pagan period of the Roman Empire. We will now come to papal Rome. How do we know that? “And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.” Daniel 8:24. We only need to go back to the Dark Ages as per Daniel 7:25. History has proven without a doubt that this power did all of that, including changing the Commandments of God—the truth, and wore out the saints of the most High—50 million Christians perished during the Dark Ages. “And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.” Daniel 8:25. Clearly the Prince of princes in this interpretation is Jesus Christ.
It is interesting to note that we are reading words that were written by Daniel the prophet centuries before the events took place, and also a prophecy that gives such details of events that are to occur at the end of time. As we go back now to verse 12 it says here; “And an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practiced, and prospered.” This attack is being made not only against the Prince of the host, but also against the truth itself. The truth is being cast down and this power is practicing and prospering in place of the truth.
What happens next is extremely important for us to know. We read, “Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, how long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot? And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” Daniel 8:13–14. This is a conversation between two angels and the subject here is the little horn power and the kinds of things he does against the people of God and Jesus Christ (Hebrews 8:10).
We need to understand the content of the question in verse 13. Regarding the length of time the little horn’s power will be permitted to continue its work of persecuting God’s people, defaming the character of God, casting the truth or the new covenant to the ground and defiling the sanctuary and the ministry of Jesus Christ. How long, the angel is asking, will this terrible state of affairs be allowed to continue? Then in verse 14 another angel answers this question. The answer is given with this period of time—2300 days or literal prophetic years, according to the correct interpretation in Bible prophecy. In prophetic symbolism a day represents a year (Ezekiel 4:6; Numbers 14:34). “I have appointed thee each day for a year.” Both in the Old Testament and confirmed in the New Testament by Jesus—a day in Bible prophecy stands for a literal year.
The starting date of this prophecy was the command allowing the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their city (Daniel 9:25), which was issued in the year 457 BC. Continuing 2300 years from 457 BC brings us to the year 1844, the start of the cleansing of the Sanctuary in Heaven. According to the Bible, we are now living in heaven’s judgment hour! And the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary, brothers and sisters, dear friends, is the removal of the record of our sins from the books of heaven (Daniel 7:10) While sinners are forgiven when they repent of their sins, even the very record of their sins is blotted out in God’s judgment.
Daniel chapter 8 is pointing our attention to the heavenly Sanctuary, and the Sanctuary reveals not only Jesus’ death in our behalf, but also His life in our behalf. The Day of Atonement, or the cleansing of the sanctuary, occurred once a year in Ancient Israel. In Leviticus chapters 16 and 23 God gave instruction regarding The Day of Atonement and how to prepare for it. God is preparing us. Notice three things here: there is a time period—2300 days; there is a place—the sanctuary; and, there is an event—the cleansing of the sanctuary. We have seen these so far in Daniel 8:14.
As in all earthly tribunals, prior to the sentencing, each case has to be thoroughly investigated and the verdict handed out. The question is, when does God announce the verdict and hand out the sentences? The verdict is announced shortly before Jesus’ return; the innocent receive the reward of eternal life at His coming, during the 1000 years, the sentencing of the guilty will be determined. Prior to this coming, each individual who ever named the name of Christ will have his/her day in court, and it will be determined where he or she will spend eternity. Says John the Revelator: “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.” Revelation 22:11. In keeping with earthly tribunals, we have a judge, according to John 5:22. Jesus, God’s son will be the judge. “For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.” This means that the investigative phase of the judgement concludes before He comes.
Every fair judgment has three phases to determine the guiltor innocence of the accused, and then to determine a sentence, if found guilty. These three phases are: 1. Investigation—The court was seated and the books were opened (Daniel 7:10). 2. Verdict—“He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.” “And, behold, I come quickly; and My reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” Revelation 22:11–12. Once the verdict is read out, the righteous will obtain the reward of eternal life. The wicked will be condemned to punishment in the lake of fire. 3. Sentencing—The standard in the judgment is the law of God. Witnesses are called and records are consulted as all the evidence is presented. In the heavenly courtroom, the record books contain a detailed impartial account of the exact events of our life, and after all the facts have been considered the Judge announces the verdict. The sentencing of the wicked takes place during the 1,000 years, when the saints will judge the world, and the length of time of each person’s punishment will be decided.
The good news is that the judgment-hour message is another way for God to tell us that Jesus is coming back soon. We need to be ready because “We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 5:10. Today the judgment-hour message is a calling to decide for Him. When we confess our sins two things take place, namely: “He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins”, and secondly, “to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9. Jesus forgives us “according to the riches of His grace.” Ephesians 1:7. His grace enables us to be cleansed of sin through the same power, and our names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. The Bible goes on to say that at the end of time, those whose names are found written in this book will be saved (Daniel 12:1).
In closing, let us remember that the investigative judgment, presently taking place in the court of heaven, is good news! If you have accepted Jesus as your Saviour and Lord, you can rest assured that your name is written in God’s Book of Life. If you have not done so yet, are you willing to commit your life to Jesus today? Are you willing to follow Jesus wherever He leads, and allow the Bible to be the basis for your faith in Him? Jesus is both our Advocate and Friend; now is the time to accept Him as your personal Saviour. Jesus pledges to live the lives of all who surrender themselves unreservedly to Him. When your life is given to Christ, you have the assurance that His power fills you, directs you, and keeps you. No one is left to fight the power of evil on his or her own. Jesus living His life in you enables you to live a life of faith and victory. “Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?” Romans 6:16. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, you can live a life of surrender today! Will you serve Jesus for the rest of your lives? May your answer be, “yes, Lord, I want to serve You.” Amen!
Nicholas Anca