Brother Schmidt was born on  March 15, 1926 in Dobring/Siebenbuergen, Romania and was the youngest of five children. As a 17-year old during the war, he had to leave his parent’s home.  Because of this, he was able to see them again only after 24 years.  During these years, he spent many days and months in England and Germany.  But God, in His great mercy, protected and took care of him.  He learned about the Christian faith and was instructed in the Bible from his grandmother and his mother.

In 1949-1950, Brother Schmidt was introduced to the Advent message, accepted it whole heartedly and, being fully convicted and with great joy, he was baptized.  It was on a Friday in October 1950 at a Conference held by the International Missionary Society, Seventh Day Adventist Church, Reform Movement in Esslingen, South Germany, that this solemn act was performed.  Since that time, he preached and proclaimed this wonderful message until his last breath.

In September 1949, Simon Schmidt met Lore and on December 20, 1951 they were married.  For several years the happy couple lived in Germany, and then the call came that they should move to Denmark to preach this glorious Gospel to the people there.  While living in Denmark, they also took missionary trips to Sweden, Norway, Finland and Latvia. They worked in the Scandinavian countries for a total of 8 ½ years.

Then the next call came, to go and work in Africa.  Both Brother and Sister Schmidt, one heart and one soul, were convicted and obeyed the call.  So, South Africa became their home for 11 years.  However, their work was not only in South Africa, but in many other countries, all the way up to the Equator.  Brother Schmidt had the privilege of baptizing many souls there and be a help to the church and to the Lord.  Both Brother and Sister Schmidt worked outdoors, in the deep jungle, under great dangers from wild beasts and diseases.

In the summer of 1972, Br. Schmidt was elected secretary of the General Conference, and moved back to Germany.  From here he travelled to the Balkans, Australia, the Philippines and many other Asian countries preaching the Gospel of the soon coming of Jesus to many. It will be wonderful, one day, to see people in the new earth, who were converted to the Lord through his self-sacrificing work.

After he retired in 1987, it was a joy for the late Brother Schmidt to visit the churches and the members at large and serve them with the Word of God.

On December 20, 2011, Simon and Lore Schmidt who grew old together had the privilege to celebrate their Diamond Wedding Anniversary together with a small group in their church.

Recently,  Brother Schmidt suddenly had a heart attack and, although he was in the care of a physician, he fell asleep at approximately 3:30 a.m. on October 13, 2014 at peace with God and with his fellow men, and in the hope of eternal life.

We carried him to his grave in the wonderful hope of seeing him again in the home above, with our Heavenly Father and Saviour, whom he loved and had the privilege to witness of Him to so many.