While most of the world was celebrating a pagan holiday on the 25th of December, the second annual winter conference was held in Toronto, Canada from December 23–25, 2011.  The theme of the conference was “The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.” Psalm 9:9

The aim of the conference was to provide a refuge for God’s people from the pagan festivities that were taking place around them. The reality is that Jesus was not born on December 25. And using the guise of Christianity, Christmas is really a pagan holiday, beginning with the tree (Jeremiah 10:2–4). It seems that almost all races and religions are now celebrating this holiday.

Times of trouble will get worse on this earth and we need to find our refuge in Jesus.  There will be more physical trouble (earthquakes, floods etc.) and spiritual trouble for God’s people, and in these times of trouble the only refuge they will find will be in Jesus. We have many examples from the Bible of people who were faithful in troublous times, such as Job, David, and Moses. Their example is an encouragement for us not to give up when trouble surrounds us.  In the case of Job, even his wife was discouraged and encouraged her husband to curse God and die, however, Job would not.  “Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him,” was Job’s response.

Paul said, “All things work together for good to them that love God.” Romans 8:28.  And “Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” 2 Corinthians 4:17. Today is the day of preparation. We are running with the footmen today, but will someday need to contend with horses (Jeremiah 12:5), and if we do not learn to run well with the footmen, we will fail miserably when contending with horses. Let us make Jesus our refuge so we will not become weary because of the battle that is taking place. Satan is not happy to control only sinners. He wants to control all the religious people as well, therefore he creates counterfeits that closely resemble the real.  There will always be a remnant who recognize the genuine. God’s people have always been few.

The true Christian must learn to walk with God as did Enoch, never looking back. Our only hope is to pray without ceasing and we can have the privilege of God’s continued presence.

In Ancient Israel, God instructed the nation to construct six cities of refuge. These cities were to have roads that were clearly marked, and in good repair. We need to find in Jesus our “city of refuge”. The way to find Jesus is clearly marked out in the Bible.  We need to not only know that a way exists, but we must travel on that way.

All the trouble on earth began from Lucifer when he was still in heaven. He created a rebellion and won supporters to his side, who were eventually expelled from heaven. Although we are buffeted, tempted, and troubled by the enemy, we can thank God for the great sacrifice He made for us so that we can find our way back to Him. Through Christ we can overcome. May God help us all to make Jesus our refuge in these troublous times in which we live.  AMEN