It is not uncommon to hear preachers begin their sermons with such words as “God is good!” or “God is wonderful!” Then we hear the response “all the time!” or in some churches such is followed by loud AMENS. Well, one characteristic that makes God good and wonderful is that “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets.” (Amos 3:7). For six thousand years of this earth’s existence, God has been doing this for the betterment of His people. In doing so, He has been unfolding the realities that the world would face. Whatever God speaks comes to pass regardless of how long it takes–mind you He does it at His appointed time! In all cases, it has required a decision on the part of the receiver of the message before the reality comes.
Genesis 6: 8-22, presents the days of Noah when God revealed realities to him of “things not seen as yet” (Heb. 11:7). He told him to prepare an ark for He was going to destroy the earth with water. For 120 years the realities of the flood were not seen and Noah was greatly mocked by unbelievers. But Noah was sure of the realities for by faith he saw them, was obedient and was eventually saved. The unbelievers also saw the realities of the flood but quite too late after it had already begun and they all perished.
In the time of Lot, (Gen. 19:1-29) Lot was told of the realities of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and rushed to warn his relatives. But what did they do? They laughed at the realities and Lot went away bitterly. But that morning his relatives saw the realities as told by Lot but it was too late for them to adjust and free themselves!
In the days of Ahab, (1 Kings 22:7-38) the prophet Micaiah told him about the realities of the war but he ignored the warning and perished there. So too was Judah in the times of Jehoiakim the king, warnings had been given about the realities of captivity but were accompanied with no repentance and confession, so the people were taken to captivity by the strong empire of Babylon, led by king Nebuchadnezzar.
Nineveh, in the time of Jonah had been warned of realities to take place just 40 days later. The people, including the king humbled themselves and the anger of God was averted and so they were saved.
God revealed the realities of the Saviour’s birth to the wise men of the East. These wise men passed through Herod’s house and told him about the reality, but Herod was bent upon the destruction of the King of kings and thus died unrepentant. But when the angels told the shepherds of the realities in Bethlehem about the Saviour’s birth, they went to see Him and thus God blessed them!
When He made an appearance at a Synagogue in Nazareth (Luke 4:16-30), Jesus told the congregation of the realities that the prophecy in Isaiah 61 had been fulfilled. But instead of acknowledging Him as the Messiah, the Son of God, and humbly prostrated themselves before Him, they asked “Is not this Joseph’s son?” (v.22) and were filled with wrath and wanted to kill Him. Thus they forever lost their opportunity of being with the only One who could save them from their sins and wretchedness.
Peter the disciple, one who would become the great defender of the truth, when told of the reality that he will reject his Master, instead of humbling himself and praying to overcome by God’s power, he chose to enter into contention with the One who was acquainted with the end of things from the beginning. When he faced the situation he cried bitterly for it with his heart breaking! This saved him; because he did not hesitate to acknowledge his sin! Remember always that “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9.
In Matthew 24, Christ revealed the end time events (realities) which included the destruction of Jerusalem. And according to the instructions given, all Christians heeded them and “not one Christian perished in the destruction of Jerusalem.” GC 30. Alas! Behold, there was a man who spoke of realities to befall Jerusalem day and night but ended up being killed together with the rest of the ungodly!
In Daniel 8:14, realities are revealed relating to the time frame that extends to 1844. Consequently, a little before the end of this period, as early as 1833 a man of God arose by the name of William Miller to tell the people the realities that 1844 would bring. But as seen in his dream recorded in EW 48, many joined the movement out of fear and when the disappointment came, they were all swept away except about fifty people, who remained faithful and continued with the Advent Movement. Many realities were revealed unto them relating to the ministration in the heavenly sanctuary.
In 1904, 1909, and 1913, through the prophet E.G White, God revealed the realities of bloodshed in both WWI and WWII and admonished the church to stand firm in the trials. But in over 14 countries in Europe where this test came so gravely, the church yielded its stand of being non-combatants, and allowed their members to join the army. Thus they lost the identity of the remnant church, “keeping the commandment of God and the faith of Jesus” in 1914. Not long after this (1915, 1920) the General Conference completely sided with those in apostasy, sanctioned and ratified all the acts of violence and the taking of life, and with it, Sabbath violation, under the disguise of what they still call “liberty of conscience”. In this way the church gives license to her members to transgress the laws of God. This is what realities can bring.
At this point, it is worthwhile to pause and look around. Which direction do we take each time we meet similar realities? Do we yield to the powers of darkness? There are certain realities which we cannot afford not to think about without compromising our own salvation. These are:
- The close of probation;
- The National Sunday Law; and the
- Second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in power and great glory.
The first of these is the most solemn in that it will decide one’s eternal destiny. No man knows when the work of ministration will finally end and the door of mercy be forever shut. Finding mercy in reality (a) means happily progressing to reality (b) and thereafter reality (c).
Dear readers, brothers, sisters and all friends you have the knowledge of the realities that will soon overtake the world, some of which are already being fulfilled. On the other hand, the closing of probation is a reality, so what is our spiritual standing? Remember, having the knowledge of realities is important but this knowledge in itself has no saving power. Knowing what realities will be cannot earn us heaven, but how close we are to the Source of life—Jesus Christ—“for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). We need not just to be content with being in the church. Cry aloud unto God for Him to rid you of all the defects of character!
In conclusion, knowing realities is a privilege in order for us to change before they strike. Let us take this present opportunity when these realities have tarried to accommodate us, the wayward children, and get saved. Let us pray to God in humility and with our whole hearts and with fasting, He will transform us. This is the time! AMEN.
Joel Jungubawa Msiska Blantyre, Malawi