Ready to Believe
“Therefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, Christ Jesus, who was faithful to Him who appointed Him, as Moses also was faithful in all his house.” Hebrews 3:1, 2
What Is Faith?
We see here, that the Son was faithful. Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says: “Be faithful.”(Heb 3:7-15).
There are many examples and definitions of faith in the Holy Scriptures, and of many who, by faith, overcame; Abel, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Rahab, Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, and Samuel, are but a few (Heb 11). In essence, faith “is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”(Heb 11:1). By faith we understand. It is our heavenly hope. Moreover, “without faith it is impossible to please God.”(Heb 11:6). Furthermore, faith is the acceptance of the Truth. It involves a commitment to His will for one’s entire life! It is part of the Christian life from the beginning to the end, as the instrument by which the gift of salvation is received (Eph. 2:8-9).
Road Of Faith
In the New Testament, faith can refer to the teachings of the Bible, the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 3). In modern times, however, faith has been weakened in meaning so that some people use it to mean self-confidence, but in the Bible, true faith is confidence in God or Christ, not in oneself (selfishness).
Faithfulness, too, means dependability, loyalty, and stability, particularly as it describes God in His relationship to human believers. What striking traits! What a Pattern to follow! What a Path! What Light!
Teenager To Apocalyptic Prophet
Daniel is an outstanding example of one who showed his faith by his works. The kingdom of Babylon had fallen to Darius the Mede, who had placed it under the jurisdiction of 120 princes. They in turn were under three presidents, and Daniel was number one. He conducted himself so honorably in his high office that Darius thought to set him over the whole realm. The other presidents and princes were jealous and began to devise means of getting rid of him, probably under constant surveillance.
They may have told their agents… “Watch that man… investigate him thoroughly, and report anything we might use against him.” His enemies even used his regularity at prayer to trap him and turn the king against him. I sometimes wonder if this pattern will repeat itself in the end times.
God First
Hard as they tried they could not find anything. The Bible said, “because he was faithful; nor was there any error or fault found in him.”(Dan 6:4). What a record!
His testimony was loyal and conscientious, always giving God first place. Yet, although he was not perfect, he was willing to repent of his wrongdoing and to follow God’s leadership. He was always known as a man who sought God’s will. David was truly a man after God’s own heart (1Sam 13:14; Acts 13:22).
Faith And Emotions
There are many degrees of faith, also. Gideon said to God, “Let me test, I pray just once more with the fleece.” Saying, further, “If you will save Israel as you said.” (Judg. 6:36, 39). Some look for great manifestations of feelings. We “feel our fleece,” like Gideon, looking for signs. The first one believes when there are favorable emotions. The second one believes when there is the absence of feeling. Feeling is like the East and the West. They cry out to God whether there is any feeling or not… then live out their prayers. The third one believes God and His word when circumstances, emotions, appearances of people, and human reasons are all to the contrary.
Paul wisely used his faith in Acts 27:25, in his appeal to Caesar, and in his voyage to Rome in the tempest, as a prisoner.
His Jewish heritage, however, at all times meant much more to Paul than Roman citizenship.
Clasp Christ’s Hand
I like, however, Sis. White’s description of faith, “Faith is clasping Christ’s hand in every emergency.”(GW) For you students, “faith is the key of knowledge.” It is also a “gift from God which leads to obedience; love follows, relies wholly in Christ, and will be rare in the last days.” Furthermore, faith is not only, “believe, believe.”(2SM 157) (3S94) (6BC1073). For “many will depart from the faith in the last days.” (1Tim 1:4)
Follow The Leader
Keeping the faith, and deepening our faith, requires that one continually copies the pattern of Jesus, and “walk as He walked” (1Joh 2:6). In Christ and Christ alone, faith can heal the sting of sin, and such faith can supply the deficiencies of character.
“Follow me.”(Math 9:9).
But, I Believe But, many people have faith in these troubled days. They believe in a religion, a person or something, anything! Even an atheist believes in himself. It may even be an unquestioning faith, as children usually have in their father or parents, or complete loyalty to an employer, trust, confidence, dependability, and more. Consequently, many have faith, but, not as many believe, or are “Ready To Believe.” In other words, the faith in Christ which saves the soul is not what is represented to be by many… “believe, believe”… is their cry. “Only believe in Christ and you will be saved” They believe it is all you have to do! Or popularly, today, is the cry, “all you need is the love of Jesus.”
Faith And The Law
Yes, while true faith trusts wholly in Christ for salvation, it will lead to perfect conformity to the law of God! (Many, however, have come short of it!) This is a true manifestation of fervent faith and filled with the promise of rest. (Heb 4:6).
Faith And Works
Moreover, faith is manifested by works. The Apostle John, that sage of Patmos Island in Greece said, “He that saith I know Him and keepeth not His commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him.”(1 John 2:4) The Centurion had a remarkable faith in the miraculous healing of his servant by Jesus. Here is a supposed heathen, but made more worthy in sight of heaven than any of Christ’s fellow countrymen.
Interestingly, Jesus and the Jewish leaders were often in disagreement, but that they should both agree to the worthiness of the gentile in some way or manner, however, were not for the same reasons. How? Well, the Jewish elders manifested it by works, and Jesus Christ, by faith. In reality, faith and works combined are esteemed by God and man alike. In essence, however, faith is rare today. To explain further, a teacher, for example gives out high and low grades. Or, a pastor is highly favored by the congregation.
The Centurion was faithful, but not like the nobleman a year earlier in Capernaum, who expected signs and wonders to strengthen his confidence in the power of Jesus. Such is the belief of many today, who look for evidences of His existence and power, and are dismayed because their prayers are not answered.
Hebrew Of The Hebrews
The Apostle Paul’s journey to Rome as a prisoner was filled with trials and triumphs. His pattern is the story of human life… full of lights, darkness, and shades of gray, and narrow perilous places. All of this is mixed, however, with God’s providences, and interposition of help… here a little, there a little, today, often at the least expected times.
On the other hand, there is a common idea that the pathway of faith is strewn with flowers, even among the early believers. Many, then and now, believe when God comes into our life, that on a grand scale dramatically lifts us right out of our difficulties. The fact is, sadly for many, is that it’s the contrary!
The story of the Bible, in fact, is one of trials and triumphs, alternating one after another. This pattern exists all the way from Abel on down to the last martyr. Let us return again to the Apostle Paul, who made an indelible mark in Greece particularly, being the earliest and most influential interpreter of Christ’s message and teaching, not only as an apostle of Christ, but correspondent with several early Christian churches. What a miraculous change from one who Paul himself related, how he “persecuted the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it” (Gal 1:13). Here is an example, a legacy of faith, more than anyone else… how much one can suffer… “not crushed or broken in spirit.”
Basket Escape
Because of his testifying in Damascus, hunted down by persecutors, he had to flee for his life, fly for his life, run for his life! No heavenly chariot came thundering down with legions of angels and bolts of flame to take him out of reach of his enemies…but, by a simple woven basket, through a window in a basket let down over the walls of Damascus and escaped from their hands. This was an old clothes basket, like one in which dirty laundry is meant for, or one in which produce or fish is carried in. The servant of God was carefully and tenderly dropped from the window and ran from his bitter enemies.
Bold Risks
What more? He was imprisoned in a lonely dungeon, in which he told of “watchings, fastings, desertion of friends, brutal shameful beatings.”(2Cor 6:5) All this and more, even after God promised deliverance! More trials… of days on stormy seas, on a ship carrying wheat with two-hundred-seventy-six souls. It was a large ship, upwards of 1000 tons, plying its way between Egypt and Italy, not just an ordinary fishing vessel.
Paul was in three ship-wrecks! Amazing! (2 Cor 11:25) The last voyage he was in left the Greek Island of Crete, whereupon he warned them not to leave. Ignored, he was furthermore, closely guarded over by treacherous and cruel seamen.
No Deliverance
Where was the deliverance promised Paul? No heavenly galley ship came sailing from the skies with billowing sails to take off the prisoner. No angel walked the turbulent waters to quiet the raging sea and the gales.
No supernatural sign, in fact, appeared! Paul was forced, compelled to grab a wooden plank from the wrecked ship, and cling to it to save his life, gasping, drowning in the murky sea.
Perfect Faith
How is your faith? Jesus asks in Mark 4: 40, “how is it you have no faith?” And in Luke 8:25, Jesus asks again, “where is your faith?” Well, here is God’s pattern for our own lives; a gospel help for people who have to live every day in the world surrounded by 1000’s of practical conditions. This is the pattern for us: God’s promises and providences don’t lift us out of the plane of common sense and trials. Ah! But through these things, these trials, our faith is perfected!
Wounding And Bruising
We must have tribulations to enter the Kingdom of God. The best things of life come from wounding and bruising. Wheat is crushed before made into bread. Corn, it says in Isaiah 28:28, “bread corn is bruised.” Many of us cannot be used to become food for the world’s hungry until we are broken in Jesus Christ’s hands, first. The sweetest things in this world today have come to us through tears and pain. Isn’t that so? Incense needs fire before the aromas are freed. A sharp plow needs to break up the soil before seed can be sown. A broken heart, too, moreover, pleases God. Yes, the sweetest joys of life are the fruits of sorrow.
Test Your Faith
Human nature needs suffering to fit it to be a blessing to the world. The Apostle Peter in 1 Peter 1:7 says that the “genuineness of our faith is tested in fire”. Have you tested yours? Take care of your faith. Why? How?
The Apostle James says we can profit from our trials by “asking for faith, with no doubting.” In Ephesians 6:6 we read, “taking the shield of faith with you which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.”
Faith And Blessings
Faith is the only way you can receive a blessing. Prayer cannot bring down answers from heaven except earnest prayer from one who believes and is Ready To Believe. Jesus tells us clearly in Math 19: 26… “with God all things are possible.”
Many boast of being a practical people; they want a surer thing than just faith. Remember the noble man of Capernaum, asking for signs and wonders to believe? The Apostle Paul again said in Romans 4: 16, “the promise was by faith that it might be sure.” In fact, Rev 14:12 bears this out even further, “here is the patience of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.”
Try Harder
We need to try harder to increase our faith. The Apostles even asked the Lord, “increase our faith.”(Luke 17:5). In counseling the rich young ruler, Jesus said, “You still lack one thing, sell all that you have and distribute to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; and come follow me.”(Luke 18:22). David, again, was in constant faith, steadfast in spirit, and steadfast in obedience. Not only must we pass through trials and difficulties, but reading the Scriptures, and Testimonies, and acquainting ourselves with God as He has revealed Himself in His Word.
Church Faith
What can we do as a church in faith?
Simply, “Remember all the things the Lord has done.” (Acts 14:27). Moreover, review all that God has done for your church… it’s an open door! We can rejoice! The Apostle Paul rejoiced in faith in three things:
1. “I have kept the faith” (2 Tim 4:7). True, but he lost his head. They cut that off, but it didn’t touch his faith.
2. “I have fought the good fight.”(1 Tim 6: 12). He never quit.
3. “I have finished the race.”(2 Tim 4:7).
Furthermore, he won the race! He gained the prize in admiration of the earth and heaven. Yet, why do we not act as if it paid to lose all to win Christ? Why are we not loyal to the truth as he was? Ah!
We haven’t his arithmetic. He counted differently from us. We count the things gained that he counted loss. We must have his faith and keep it if we would wear the same crown of victory.
We all know the scripture of Psalm 23, “The Lord is my Shepherd.” Not was, not may be, nor will be, but always, daily, hourly, at home, or in China, in prosperity, and poverty, in peace and war. Whatever our faith says… God is. He will be. “He turned the sea into dry land: They went through the river on foot. There we will rejoice in Him.”(Psalm 66:6).
Dark Nights Ahead
Finally, “It is evening and Aaron lit the sanctuary lamps.” It’s in the night of trouble that the brightest lamps of the believer are often kindled. It was at Jabbock, that Jacob, when the sun went down and when our sun goes down, that our Angel comes and we wrestle with Him. It was in the loneliness and exile that the Apostle John had the glorious vision of His redeemer on the Island of Patmos, in Greece. There are many of Patmos, still, in this troubled world. Be watchful for them.
He Lives
We have a living God Father and God Son in Jesus Christ. “Daniel, servant of the living God.” (Dan 6:20). God graciously gives His power and love towards those who love and serve Him. It’s unchanging!
He will never fail you in the greatest of difficulties, in the heaviest trials.
Luther once found himself in a moment of great peril and fear. He needed strength.
He was quietly sitting in an abstract mood tracing on the table with his finger, the words… He Lives… He Lives!
You are experiencing the Truth by faith, not by an intellectual experience. His Word is the revealed will of God. It speaks of His unselfish character and love. If you claim and receive what you ask for in His name, it will bring down the mighty power of God’s will into your life.
Good News
The suffering world is craving for this Good News! But, that we first live this, and when we speak, they, the world, will recognize it. We will no longer be a “wavering man.”(Heb. 10:23). This requires that we are “tempered”. (EGW calls it “balanced”).
This means, furthermore, that we “behold Him (Jesus).” (John 1:36) When we “behold” we “change” into His image which is an “affectionate, selfless, servant.” All of this miraculous change, from a “hothead,” angry, selfish one, to a peaceful, meek, gentle, calm being, child and servant of God. “Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand.” (Phil 4:5).
This is faith…. that we are always Ready
To Believe and that He Lives!
John Theodorou, USA