Outpouring of the Spirit
“If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living waters.”
“We are going to learn an important lesson from rivers.” (Ed 116-117). As a matter of fact, “God’s thoughts are expressed by rivers.” (Ed 120) So, it’s “important for us, therefore, to understand the significance of rivers, but for persons who can fully appreciate it.” (Ed 120) Also, for those who can relate to it, and experience its hidden uplifting power.
Well, at long last we have come to Jesus, and drank from the living stream. Our thirst was nicely quenched and lo, we were made alive in Him. That’s all!?
First came, “if any man thirst, come unto me and drink.” (v.38) The church, consequently, was advanced. But, what next? “He that believeth in me out of his belly (heart) flows rivers of living water.”(v. 38). “For the righteous God tests the hearts and minds.” (Ps. 7:9) Sad, however, only here or there some have reached that point.
?That is, they have reached the point where their thirst was quenched, they believe, and Jesus is in them. But, there’s no health, or vigour. There’s no energy or zeal. They merely live and survive, but do not flourish. There is just no energy and little life to act on others. There is no energy or zeal “streaming out like rivers.” Let us, go therefore, and get all that God will give us.
Not just a “sip” that saves, but a baptism which buries the flesh, and raises us to the likeness and perfection of Jesus. Do “rivers of living water” flow out of you?
Notice, first, that it’s an inward work. Rivers flow out of the midst of man. Out of his belly-heart-soul-inner life! No, not talent, ability, show, glitter, glare. It’s an inward work! Many, unfortunately, neglect this and don’t seem to understand it. So, in order to be useful to others, begin with yourself. Out of your soul blessings come. But, it cannot come out if it’s not in you. In fact, it cannot be in you unless God and the Holy Spirit puts it there! This takes obedience and prayer.
Secondly, or next, it’s a life giving work. Out of the heart of man, the heart or the center of his life flows rivers of living water. This means to communicate to others when speaking, praying, acting. “Out of his belly-heart shall flow rivers of living water.” This is an exercise unto Godliness. Out of man comes grace, godliness… light, for others to see. They see an affectionate, selfless, servant.
Next, we see an abundance. We can see here, too, not a river only, but rivers of water. Have you ever seen a stream, a bubbling stream? Water runs down mountains and hills, and end in the sea; but, all flowing down in one direction. So, first we start with a small stream, which ultimately swells into a grand flowing river. Imagine, for a moment, many rivers, “each one dependent on thousands of rivulets and rills.” (SD 253) Oh, if we Christians could
be “fountains of living water.”
Next, we see that this flow of “waters” is spontaneous. There are no machines, or hydraulics. It quietly flows from man. It’s much like the morning sun. As it majestically rises there is no noise, or crying out, “look, the sun is rising.” No! The sun shines brilliantly. The real Christian floods the world with blessings, and he is unconscious of it. “He prospers, like the tree planted by the river that bears fruit in its season!” (Ps 1:3) Fruit is the result of a vigorous, healthy life. He eats, sleeps, drinks, breathes, eternal life. Do you feel this way?
Next, we see further, that this flow of “waters” is perpetual. Not like a sudden storm, when the springs burst forth, and flow in torrents. Or, like a tsunami which rises quickly and unexpectedly, in a ferocious wall of raging destruction. No, it’s not like this, but this steady flow of “waters” are gushing out, summer, fall winter, spring… day, and night. Wherever man is, there shall be a blessing when he breathes (benedictions), thinks (generous things, planning), acts (as the hand of God–a working man).
I hope I hear sighs, and hope and hear, ?“Oh, if only I could do that!” I pray we all get it, here and now. Because Jesus Christ is glorified, therefore, the Holy Spirit is poured out this way. We have more of His Spirit now in the Kingdom of Heaven here, now as sons on Earth, than with all the holy
men before the Lord rose to Heaven. Jesus Christ is glorified above in Heaven. And God wants Him glorified in the Church below, by baptism of the Holy Spirit to each and every one of us, here, again, and now.
All of these operations of the Holy Spirit are easily obtained by the Lord’s children. Did you say you haven’t received them? They can be had! At once! Now! How? First, by believing in Jesus Christ. “This spoke He of the Spirit which they that believe on Him should receive.” (v. 39)
Can you see now that it’s faith that gives us the first drink and causes us to live? Moreover, there is the more abundant blessing of being ourselves made fountains from which rivers flow. This comes in the same way. How? Believe, again, that Christ’s blessing is obtained; not by the works of the Law only, not by fasting, not by striving, not by effort, but belief in the Lord Jesus Christ for… this is faith!
He’s prepared, ready, waiting to give it to you… “who ask”… and “believe on His name.” He will not, of course, make all of you preachers. If He did, who would be the hearers? If all were preachers, other works of the church would be neglected.
But, He will give you this favour: that “out of you there shall be a stream, a divine influence all around you to bless your children, your employees, students,
friends, the street you live on, the entire community.
As God gives you opportunities, these rivers of living water will flow in this channel and pour out from you at all times, if you believe in Jesus for the full blessing and can by faith receive it!
Ah! But, there is another thing to be done as well and that is to pray. “Every one that asketh receiveth, and he that seeketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened.”(Mat 7:8) “If a son asks for bread do you give a stone, or a fish, a serpent, or an egg, a scorpion?” “If ye then being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask?” (Mat 7:11)
See? It’s a distinct promise to the children of God. But, He says, “How much more” shall He give the Holy Spirit to them that ask?” He makes a stronger case, here, than an ordinary parent. Let us ask at once, with all our hearts. Pray this: “Blessed Spirit (He is a person), visit me, lead me to Jesus.” Ask
God to make you all that the Spirit of God can make you; not only a satisfied believer who has drunk for himself but a useful believer who overflows the neighborhood with blessings.
What a divine blessing if you all went back to your churches after reading this, overflowing, for there are many churches in need of “flooding”! They are as dry as a barn floor… dry, dry, dry! Not only this, but little “dew” falls on them.
What a wonderful thing a flood can be. It’s not bad at all. I arrived in Korea at Inchon Harbor many years ago. It has the highest tides in the world… 33 feet. When the tide flows out the barges and ships lie helpless in the mud. Nothing can move them! All the King’s horses and all the King’s men cannot budge them. What shall be done, then? Wait for the tide to come in!
Oh! We need a flood of grace. That the Lord would send all our churches a great spring tide! Those that are one-half dead would generate profound energy, and would communicate rivers of life. I know that in this particular dock, many ships are lying flat that I would like to float again. Many are very capable if the flood came. They would become active, generous, abounding in every good work, and, springs would abundantly flow in our churches.
May the Lord fill you and send you home today carrying a flood of grace with you. Now, this sounds strange, a man carrying home a flood in him.
Yes, I hope it will be so, and “out of you shall flow rivers of living water.” So, may God give you this for Jesus’ sake.
John Theodorou, USA