True Beauty
People love to see the beautiful things that artists have created. They love to see the flower gardens, trees and all the beauty of the nature. They admire the colourful sunset and the starry sky. Lakes and rivers have an attraction to the people. Often they travel long distances to the beauty of the mighty Sequoia trees in California, to Niagara Falls or the Grand Canyon. People spend millions of dollars in cosmetics to make themselves more attractive. Meanwhile the true beauty is not sought after, if not completely ignored, which is a Christlike character.
“Not all the beauty of art can bear comparison with the beauty of temper and character to be revealed in those who are Christ’s representatives. It is the atmosphere of grace which surrounds the soul of the believer, the Holy Spirit working upon mind and heart, that makes him a savor of life unto life, and enables God to bless His work.” COL 298.
Who can see beauty in the words of John the Baptist, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” John 3:30. People admire the proud rulers, and the talented artists but who thinks that a humble, nondescript person can have some greatness or beauty.
People think highly of the justice system in the country. They are glad when a criminal is caught and punished according to his crime. But who can see beauty in the words of Jesus, “Neither do I condemn thee.” John 8:11. Few people see beauty in forgiveness. They rather rejoice in revenge and in getting even. To love their enemies is a completely strange idea to most of the people. That is why we have so much terrorism and wars. The court system is way behind in the great number of cases where people accuse one another of their wrong doings. Can we see beauty in Joseph in how he forgave his brothers and helped them after they had hated him so much?
Some of the most beautiful stories are of people who sacrificed their goods and even their lives for others. We have heard stories where a person has offered his life for his friend who was sentenced to death. Jesus said, “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13.
“Covetousness, selfishness, love of money, and love of the world, are all through the ranks of Sabbath keepers. These evils are destroying the spirit of sacrifice among God’s people. Those that have this covetousness in their hearts are not aware of it. It has gained upon them imperceptibly, and unless it is rooted out, their destruction will be as sure as was Achan’s. Many have taken the sacrifice from God’s altar. They love the world, love its gain and increase, and, unless there is an entire change in them, they will perish with the world. God has lent them means; it is not their own, but God has made them His stewards. And because of this, they call it their own and hoard it up. But, oh, how quick, when the prospering hand of God is removed from them, it is all snatched away in a moment. There must be a sacrificing for God, a denying of self for the truth’s sake.” Test. Vol. 1, p. 140.
Those who are not faithful to God in tithes and offerings are committing the same sin as Achan in the time of Joshua. They are taking to themselves the forbidden thing and they will perish as surely as did Achan.
The widows two mites that she sacrificed to God is a rebuke to selfish, covetous people who have no spirit of sacrifice. Only few people see the beauty in it and even fewer people are willing to practice it.
Who can see beauty in the words of Jesus, when he said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:34.
“Amid the agonizing sufferings of the Son of God, blind and deluded men alone remain unfeeling. The chief priests and elders revile God’s dear Son while in His expiring agonies. Yet inanimate nature groans in sympathy with her bleeding, dying Author. The earth trembles. The sun refuses to behold the scene. The heavens gather blackness. Angels have witnessed the scene of suffering until they can look no longer, and hide their faces from the horrid sight. Christ is dying! He is in despair! His Father’s approving smile is removed, and angels are not permitted to lighten the gloom of the terrible hour. They can only behold in amazement their loved Commander, the Majesty of heaven, suffering the penalty of man’s transgression of the Father’s law.” Test. Vol. 2, p. 209.
When Apostle Paul understood the mission of Christ, he saw the beauty of it and now his only glory was Christ and Him crucified. The millions of martyrs who had seen the beauty of Christ’s sufferings and cruel death, decided to follow His example.
In the view of the beauty of Christ’s sacrifice, the beauty what man has created disappears. The beautiful creations of man then appear as vanity and loses their attraction.
“God, who created everything lovely and beautiful that the eye rests upon, is a lover of the beautiful. He shows you how He estimates true beauty. The ornament of a meek and quiet spirit is in His sight of great price. Shall we not seek earnestly to gain that which God estimates as more valuable than costly dress or pearls or gold? The inward adorning, the grace of meekness, a spirit in harmony with the heavenly angels, will not lessen true dignity of character or make us less lovely here in the world.” Test. Vol. 3, p. 376.
When a child who is playing with a toy sees another toy more attractive, will drop the first one and reach for the more beautiful one. We also when we see the true beauty in the life of Christ and in His faithful followers we will turn our eyes away from the trivial things of this world to the true beauty. In the practical way we will love Bible reading more than watching vanity in the television. We will spend our money as a sacrifice for the saving of the perishing souls rather than in the vanity and in needless ornaments.
This is the same with our time. To get involved in active missionary work has a greater beauty than in wasting time in idleness.
May the Lord help us to have an eye for the true beauty, and turn away from the glitter and tinsel of the things of this world.
Timo Martin, Canada