New Year’s Meeting

The Toronto Church came together on the last day of the year to make plans for the upcoming New Year.
Brother Timo Martin spoke about the peace that is missing in our world. Therefore our need is for peacemakers. We need peace and unity in our churches because Satan is constantly trying to bring discord between the members. Also he presented a challenge to live a perfect day as the first day of the year, and if we liked it let us then live another perfect day. Let us live each day thinking that it may be the last day of our life.

Reyna Conde had prepared a program with the young people about the different customs in various countries to receive a new year. Beginning with ancient Babylonians and then about Jewish customs in the ancient times and today. Kenny Urizar spoke about the Chinese customs which is very much different from other countries, which goes back to 3000 years B.C.

Abel Conde spoke about Vietnamese customs and Raquel Conde about the Islamic way to receive the New Year.
They all had also some similarities in cleaning their house and giving gifts. We were also delighted with special music and songs.

Also part of the meeting was a late wedding party for Oscar and Magnolia Oviedo. To finish we held hands and closed with prayer.